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Posts posted by BornaSkinsFan83

  1. My list of people it makes me almost giddy just imagining them incarcerated. In no particular order


    1. The president

    2. Uday

    3. Qusay

    4. Kush

    5. Miller

    6. Roger Stone (though I can so def see Mr. He "was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men” (exact quote) getting down in the showers and having the time of his life.) 

    7. Bannon (eh i don't think it'd phase him too much. Looks like he already lives like an animal) 

    8. Hannity

    9. Kelly-Anne

    10. Seduklow


    Feel like I'm missing someone but for now that's my top 10.


    Btw, if anyone here has Photoshop and the requisite skills, I swear to god I'll send you $40 if you put Trump's face on this photo for me... 




    Please I'm almost begging at this point. My normal photoshop guy is a butthurt ex-Republican and thus being a **** on the issue. $40? Anyone? Can't look like **** though. Oh and change Phil Spector's name too obv

  2. I went to the last alt right rally in DC. Civil War? Lol. Ok. Not sure they can throw their keyboards hard enough to do enough damage. And if the militias get involved I just hope they remember to bring their own dildos this time. 


    Don't let these assholes scare you. Keyboard warriors and balding, middle-aged dad bods who watched too much Military Channel. **** 'em all. 

    • Like 1
  3. I've posted this link elsewhere over the years but I'll post it here now since Skins games seem to be the one big obstacle




    Reddit is...weird (just combining all the adjectives I could use) but that subreddit is money. I've never struggled to watch a Skins game at any point no matter where I was for a long time now because of it.


    And for the hometown Nats or some other non-hometown team... 




    Just continue on for the NBA and NHL and whatever else

  4. 5 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

    I imagine him coming home and his kids asking him, "Daddy, why do you play a **** on TV?"


    Couple of my fav things to ask them on twitter is if they realize that they're grandchildren are probably going to lie to the other kids in school about related to him because they're too ashamed and/or that they're going to be changing their last names when they get older because they won't want to be associated with such a famous asshole that sold his/her soul.


    I have most defintely asked Doocey the latter.  Iirc in response to a tweet about being a father.


    All it takes is one.


    (ftr my name and face are on my Twitter account. Thus not trolling. It's personally telling them they can get ****ed. As I've explained, it's the Digital Age equivalent of the serf throwing an egg at the hated nobleman in the crowded town square. Vive la Résistance.) 

    • Like 2
  5. MS-13 = Brown people. 


    You all need to understand that a major part of Trump's base and even advisors in the White House are White nationalists. They want this to be a white country. This is also in the best interests of the GOP as they're facing a existential threat from the demographic shifts in this country. They can't just round up folks of color and ship them out though. So what do they do? They make it as uncomfortable to live here as possible and and unappealing as possible to come visit/immigrate here for folks of color. It's what's behind the Muslim travel ban. The surge in deportations. This bull****. And more. 


    I keep telling my gf and others that you immigrants and PoC need to get over whatever little differences you all have and start sticking together and sticking up for one another. Cause if they have it their way they're going to systematically come for each and every community. One at a time. Stick together cause to them you all the same anyway. And there ain't enough woke white people to turn it back. That's just the facts. 

    • Like 5
  6. 6 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    Committing to either side seems unwise to me. Look at the people who blindly defend Trump and the GOP. I suspect if the left started carrying on similarly, there's a percentage of the base who would follow in stride.


    I've said repeatedly that I don't care if someone is pro-Democrat or pro-Left. But yes, if a person isn't solidly and loudly anti-Trump, STRONGLY anti-alt right and probably, at this point, anti-GOP as well then i am going to question them. I can't understand that on any level. In my view it's the political equivalent of staying neutral in the Earth is round/Earth is flat "debate". 


    But hey, sorry if I hurt any feelings. 







    • Like 1
  7. Oh God. 


    2 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    About to be a circle jerk in the Tailgate for political threads vs. those who don't give a ****.  





    Anyway, I wish i didn't care about my country. Must be relaxing. 

    2 hours ago, tshile said:

    What do you do if you don't like either side all that much?


    If I vote third party in a civil war did I waste my vote?


    Go see a shrink. Really at this point I'm convinced you're just being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate. Something has happened to you that keeps you from committing to one side or the other. Not a fear of commitment. I'm thinking you're trying to have your cake and eat it to. Claim neither, piss off neither, be a above both. Less time looking at them and more time looking at yourself. And being completely honest throughout the process. 


    You're welcome. First visit is free so don't worry. 



    Oh and as I said before the election, repeatedly, go ask Otto Wels and Ernst Thälmann about voting third party and splitting the vote. Might get a gift basket from Putin though (probably not). 

    • Like 1
  8. If I'm DC, I'm making all of my movies rated R (save the feel good stuff for little girls or whatever like Wonder Woman.) Batman, rated R. Superman, rated R. Justice League, R. Green Lantern, Aquaman, Flash, Suicide Squad, Sirens, R R R R R R. Violence, nudity, grown folks stuff. Cause I'm telling you, people are going to get burnt out on the Marvel/Avengers formula shortly here. Coming on late with your stuff, you better do it differently. Characters might be superior but all people are going to see is "another superhero" movie. 


    Just my opinion. Actually though I look forward to the next PG-13 Suicide Squad with ancient Mayan subway witches. 

    • Like 1
  9. This bull**** been covered yet? 


    A poll this week found a plurality of both Trump voters and Republicans overall would approve if the president walked onto Fifth Avenue in New York City and shot a person




    Cultists say what? 


    I loved Obama but come on. If you came me with such a question about him, I'd tell you you're an idiot for even asking me such a thing. The only thing that helps me get to sleep tonight with some of these polls is telling myself that some of these people are just trolling the pollsters and they don't really feel like that. But then I'd feel like a stupid asshole if I told someone I did support it so who exactly is getting trolled here? 

  10. 4 hours ago, BRAVEONAWARPATH said:




    Like Chad Flukes knows jack **** about DC sports. Maybe if Bryce throws on a luchadores mask and a cowboy hat and starts doing MMA training while carrying around an assault rifle (totally not compensating for anything Chad) he'd actually pay attention. 


    So disappointed anyone posted him here, let alone my boy Brave. Come on man.  **** that titty-jobbed ****. Jim Vance dying instead of Chad Flukes is proof that there's no God. And yes, it's personal. 




    So anyway...deep breaths, I'm calm...no lie I had a dream last night that we traded Wall for Kyrie. I swear it woke me up too like some nightmare. Laying there in the dark, half awake thinking about it, I just got this sick feeling like Ernie was going to do. I don't remember what the thought process was but I somehow figured out why it was an "Ernie move". Then darkness. So great to get this news today instead. 

    4 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:


    Everybody comes off the books in 2019 except for the Big 3, Oubre and Mahinmi.  Tons of expirings to work with in 2018.




    Lmao. I still have In Ernie We Trust ES sigs from back at height of the Big 3. When we still posted in the basketball section on here. Hold on let me look for them... 

    • Like 1
  11. I plan on going to the White House as soon as I hear the news that Trump has fired Mueller. If you live in the area, I urge you to do the same. Start making plans now. Talk to you parents and/or kids and other family and friends and make plans to meet them there. I've done so with both of my parents and got commitments from both (and they hate each other). Just drop whatever you're doing and go as soon as you hear. 


    This isn't going to be fixed while we all watch along on TV. All need to get involved. Feel free to PM me if you need info or want to coordinate something. Maybe put together an ES gang. (Think Gangs of New York. "Bowery Boys." "Plug Uglies." "Dead Rabbits." "ES Libtards.") Promise I'm much less of a prick out in public. 


    And if you don't live in the area, hit the streets wherever you are. Do something. Be seen. Be heard. This is the fight of our lives. I don't care if you're a libtard or not. If you got a problem with Dictator Donnie, just get out and go baby. 


    Let's stand up to this asshole. 

    • Like 6
  12. Can't seem to find the Bannon/Gamers blog piece I read (and the gf is starting to get...antsy) so this will have to do. A little too long winded for my tastes but it covers the same thing.... 



    Relevant section:




    Later, while running an Internet business in Hong Kong, Bannon discovered the underworld of online gamers; “intense young men” who “disappeared for days or even weeks at a time in alternate realities.” One of those alternate realities was “World of Warcraft,” in which millions of people were digitally transformed into secret soldiers waging titanic battles in unseen worlds against mythical enemies.



    Bannon seemed to intuit that this digital world could be recreated for his political purposes, by designing an apocalyptic narrative of righteous warriors waging an end-of-days battle by all necessary means against assorted enemies: jihadists, progressives, Acela-corridor Republicans, the Clintons. Republican political operatives had spent the Obama years wondering about the “missing” white voters who had failed to show up for John McCain and Mitt Romney. Turns out, they (or others like them) were online, and Bannon — whose own fantasies were suggested by a portrait he had of himself in his office, dressed as Napoleon — was proposing to supply this army with the necessary ammunition.


    Much of it would come from the bile factory at Breitbart News. Another part would be supplied by the Government Accountability Institute, a Tallahassee, Fla.-based nonprofit that mined the “deep Web” and dug up the dirt on the Clinton Foundation for Peter Schweizer’s 2015 blockbuster “Clinton Cash.” There was also a data-analytics firm, Cambridge Analytica, an offshoot of a British company “that advised foreign governments and militaries on influencing elections and public opinion using the tools of psychological warfare.”


    What all of this added up to was a kind of alt-G.O.P. — agile and indifferent to norms and boundaries — that could supply the Trump campaign with everything it needed to win. Bannon has described himself as a “Leninist” for wanting to “destroy the state.” Whether he will achieve that is doubtful, but he seems to share Lenin’s genius for building a secret party with radical designs, ready to pounce at the historically opportune time.



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