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Posts posted by BornaSkinsFan83

  1. 1 hour ago, Springfield said:

    The "alt-left" is made up.  The alt-right is a term, invented by those who consider themselves alt-right and generally includes nationalists, nazi's and other miscreant sects.


    Alt-left is a term that Trump just made up to give the impression that the opposition to white nationalists are their equivalent.  This isn't close to the truth.


    This is the same as Trump proliferating the term fake news at the same as he was spreading false information himself.


    Its the ol' "accuse my partner of cheating on me when I'm actually cheating on her" trick.


    Theyve been trying to force through the alt left term for a some months now without much success. It was created to give cover to the alt right. Just as it was used today for exactly that reason. Anybody who uses it is a mark, a shill or an idiot. 


    Personally, for the most part, I've stopped using the term alt right. I just say Nazi now. Not neo-Nazi either. Just Nazi. I feel it's accurate enough and gets straight to the point.


    **** word games. That's another favorite tactic that the right is forever trying to play; to muddy the water, to gas light and to get people stuck wasting time arguing dictionary definitions. Refuse to play along. 

    31 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    I didn't see anything bad there.


    America isn't over. 


    And sorry but I'm tired and I already kinda have a headache. I really have no desire to play the 9 circles of defeatism game tonight. I still love you though. Hopefully this edit catches you in time. 

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, AJ* said:


    I have acquaintances who are proud Trump supporters and love to post about him often. They've been conspicuously silent the last few days. And these are people who would perform gold medal mental gymnastics to defend Trump on anything. I guess they finally reached that limit,

    Announced to my family on Facebook today that anyone who continues to support Trump is dead to me forever. That I'm not going to share space with anyone who sympathizes with people who want to exterminate me and my girlfriend. Family or not. That's what I mean about confronting it anywhere and everywhere. 


    This guy gets it... 



    And I'm posting this just because I love it. Also shows why this war is winnable



    In other news Kurt Eichenwald is officially a **** 



    Legitimately sad. I really respect his reporting. 



    And lastly, on the personal front, I just got back from a #weareCharlottesville march down on the Mall. The highlight of the event had to me rolling my ankle after stepping off the sidewalk onto the grass where a hole was concealed. Then, in front of literally everyone, in an attempt to not fall on my ass, I made a 180° dive to nearby bench...where I came up a yard short, fell on my ass, she had every single female rush to my aide screaming if I was ok as I hung my head in shame and my gf laughed at me. And I didn't even get paid for the performance. You are welcome #weareCharlottesville. Just doing my part. 


    Other than that though, it was nice. Few hundred people. Was more Charlottesville and UVA focused and healing that community (wtf is a Wahoo anyway?) rather than battling the Nazi's but I'm more than happy to give my time and lend my support (and my comedy stylings.) 


    One thing that struck me and really always strikes me when I go to these things, is the diversity. I think that's a strength that far surpasses anything the alt right can put up. And it really drives home the point that our side is truly the side of the vpeople. The side that loves humans while they are the side that hates humans. They can win an election where the majority of the people don't vote. They can't win a war where every human is involved. 


    And if you don't think it's a war, go to any conservative-filled twitter thread right now that's discussing today's press conference and tell me what you see. Not Nazi filed but conservative filled. This is going to get ugly. 

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, skinsmarydu said:

    Get me creds.  I'll do it, no problem.  I've got an assload of shoes I no longer need.  And I ain't no stranger to jail either.


    It's my dream to hit his hotel with an egg. Honest to God contemplating doing it now. Think I'll drive by and peep the scene. 

  4. Let me just take this moment to say something: I tried to tell you all. I tried. The one person on this forum, as far as I can tell, who had had firsthand experiences with neo-Nazi's. Not knowing of them. Not seeing them around town. But actually living with them. Followed by the last two years of spending my personal time on fascist movements and the alt right specifically. I was at an alt right rally a few weeks ago (or whenever that was) and confronted alt right ****stains at Trump rally over the summer. Among other things. And I tried to tell you. But don't listen to the ex-con. What could his type possibly know? I tried to tell you. 


    I swear it's a struggle being woke sometimes. 


    Anyway, now that that's out of my system, **** is going to get ugly. It would appear many don't realize how ugly. The alt right is a parasite. And it has infected half of our political system. It is driving a lot of the messaging taking place at their ground level. Not the racist stuff perse, but other less obvious things that tie them to the conservative movement as a whole. Most conservatives might not even realize it but they've been slowly primed into being supporters. The entire young conservative movement has essentially been coopted by them on some level. And I don't think we've even gotten into Russia's support (including financially) of the alt right. It's not going to die anytime soon. It is a radicalized ideology. Remove the details and it presents many of the same issues that something like ISIS does. It's going to take white people and specifically white conservatives to beat them. And with Dickhead Donnie leading the charge, it's just going to get worse and worse over the next few years. Brace yourselves. 


    (also ftr. I think violence should always be a last resort type of thing. But the element needs to always be there. To make them think twice and to make them regret going there if they do. Leading with violence just makes you the bad guy though but exclusively singing kumbaya and lining up to get canned at the salt pits isn't going to work here. Immasculating yourselves before them isn't going to stir feelings of empathy. With them or with the general public, where it's sadly a dying attribute (which is a major cause for much of this.) So we need to find some type of middle ground. I don't have all the answers but for now we need to be hitting every single alt right rally that pops up and keeping the pressure on them.) 

    • Like 10
  5. You confront them every step of the way in every manner, make it a mistake to join, make it an embarrassment to join, make it costly to join, make it hurt to join. Online, offline, in the streets, in the courts, everywhere. You give it free reign and it's going to continue to grow. You wouldn't ignore ISIS and expect it to go away. 

    • Like 5
  6. 1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    The strategy of physical confrontation used last Saturday was a complete failure on all counts. I know people's gut reaction is to get out there and punch some Nazis (not withstanding the fact that nobody here actually did that), but the fact is that Charlottesville was a tremendous day for a minor fringe hate group:  they got 3 or 4 entire news cycles devoted to them, the ****ing President had their backs, their show of force looked pretty forceful. They got everything they could have wanted. It was sad to watch. 


    This isnt 1930s Germany. We arent in the Great Depression. Fascism isnt taking over. The fuel for these "movements" is attention. Trump has brought them a ton of that. Minimize it and you starve them of oxygen. 


    You don't understand this movement. And you don't understand white supremacists. I'm sorry but you just don't. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Destino said:

    You'll never convince me there aren't racists lurking around Northern VA.  I've seen them too many times.



    There are racists lurking everywhere. Including Northern VA. Want proof of that just go to the Fairfax Underground message board. Arguably the most vile site on the internet. (I'm not linking it.)


    What matters though is how comfortable they feel letting their freak flags fly out in public, beyond the safe space of online anonymity. Northern VA is well down that list in my experience. 


    No place is racist free though. And it's certainly not just white people either.




    Btw it's nice to have Predicto back. You all better treat him right this time  



    Direct link to the search 




    I'll be there tomorrow

    26 minutes ago, Dan T. said:



    Al Franken has almost a whole chapter on that word in his new book "Giant of the Senate."  It's part of a chapter on Ted Cruz., who falsely accused Franken of sophistry. On Cruz, Franken says "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz.  And I hate Ted Cruz." 


    Aside the bashing of Cruz, he has built solid relationships with many of his colleagues across the aisle.  He respects the collegial tradition of the Senate and bemoans its degradation in recent times.  He comes across as funny and - equally so - earnest in his desire to do good things in the Senate for the people of Minnesota. He gets into the nuts and bolts of what it's like to be a U.S. Senator.


    I highly recommend the book.  


    He's my early favorite for 2020. Don't know how realistic that is at this point though. 

    12 minutes ago, zoony said:



    Country is fine 


    How exactly does one determine that? 

    • Like 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

    Here's a disgusting post about Heather Heyer.


    Disgusting post about dead victim Heather Heyer.


    It will make you sick to your stomach and angry as hell. Good thing, that so called website has been kicked off the site that hosts it.


    GoDaddy kicks off neo-Nazi site for violating terms of service


    Is anyone surprised? They are literally the most deplorable people our society has to offer. Empathy does not exist to them. Their parents failed them. A good majority of them are angry virgins. The only thing they have to keep going everyday is tearing down other people. Whether they're Black, immigrants, refugees, women, gay, murder victim, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that they have someone they can feel better than. Otherwise they can't even stand to look in the mirror when they brush their teeth. Angry, spiteful losers with no power outside the safety of the internet. They need to be run out of this country. One way tickets to Russia. **** em all. 


    And **** anyone who makes excuses for them and carrys their water. They need to be shamed into exile and poverty.


    I've said about Trump a few times that i never thought someone could make me miss W. When it comes to the alt right, I never thought someone could make me miss Bin Laden. 


    And before anyone gets started, spare me your holier than thou bull**** midfielders (you know who you are.) If you don't get it by now then I don't care about you ever getting it. Sorry I have balls and love this country. I'll make sure to swing by to tuck you in after we're done fighting for it. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Springfield said:

    Someone on my FB feed posted that these people were coming to D.C. Tomorrow.  She didn't link to anything, anybody on ES know of something happening in D.C. Tomorrow?


    Haven't heard anything. I'll check around though. 


    Been peeping license tags all day to see if they're out of state. Swear I can't look at young white males the same. And I'm a young white male which makes it really uncomfortable. ****ers making me look bad. 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    Another typo?


    I didn't want to say anything. 

    No doubt already posted by vis...


    What a **** 



    Keep devouring their souls. 

    1 hour ago, Destino said:

    No idea who Pepe nazis are


    19 pages in, you'd think you know by now. Not to mention an entire presidential election. But i digress. 

    • Like 1
  12. 13 minutes ago, abdcskins said:

    I wish people would leave each other alone. I don't care what your views are just don't bother others. That goes for every single group on earth.


    Their views are built on actively hating and not wanting a large part of this country to even exist. They want us to die. To not be here. Whether a person of color or a race traitor who loves a person of color. By nature it is impossible for them to remain silent. And as Americans it's impossible for us to not respond. 


    The time to rub our hands and be wishy washy is over. Pick a side. Stand for something. 







    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    I see a lot of great, thoughtful posts in this thread. 


    The first amendment is our blessing and curse.  People have the right to gather in protest for the most vile, awful, and terrible reasons.  But we have to protect that right, or else we could lose the ability protest other things.


    I'm actual not entirely sure counter-protests are the way to oppose the movement.  Because "they win" if you engage them.  Even if you counter protest in peace, they're willing to be violent, and pull you into violence. Let's be honest, the Nazis were never known for their passive acceptance.  


    So, the real question is, how do you, in a meaningful way, protest this?


    Heres my suggestion: actually 2: 1) get super educated on GOP and Democratic primaries.  Primary elections are going to be critical for the mid-terms. Primaries can move the parties to the middle. This is the biggest hammer we have to take back the country.  Get involved.  Donate money, support reasonable candidates, vote, and encourage all your friends/colleagues to vote. 


    2) resist the urge to get pulled into a bar fight with an idiot.  Because no matter what happens, you lose.




    Disagree. You need to confront it every step of the way. All of us. Anywhere we see it. Family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, random guy, you see some Nazi **** you make their life uncomfortable. Step on their throats and don't let your foot up. This isn't 1920's Germany or 1950's Jim Crow. This is the digital age. You ignore it, it'll just continue to grow online, from the safe space of online anonymity. You need to keep it there and address it there but don't give it any room to breathe offline. 


    And these clowns only know one language. That's power. It's obvious at this point that the government isn't good to assert its. So we as people need to assert ours. Any means necessary. The stakes are too high. 


    And sorry if this is an inconvenience to comfortable living for the Go Mediums. Reality is a **** sometimes. Go hard or don't go at all. 







    I ****ing love dudes motorcycle helmet. A true soldier. 




    PS The Nazi's won in Germany not because they pulled the Left into violence. It's because the Left split itself between the Social Democrats and the Communists. I kept talking about Otto Wels and Ernst Thalman during the election but the Butthurters didn't want to listen. This is on you too. 

    • Like 5
  14. jorYQKZ.jpg


    The Joker refused to do business with Red Skull because he was a Nazi. That's right, the Joker has more of a moral compass than the President and many on the right. 


    (and **** their backtracking today after it's gotten ugly on TV for all to see. They had no problem standing with them a year ago. That should never be forgotten and they would never be forgiven.) 

    • Like 5
  15. 3 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


    I hope his trial and subsequent execution are widely broadcast. 


    He lives near me.  Haven't seen walking around yet.  He'll know it when I do.  


    Somewhere in Alexandria right? Can't imagine he's moving around too freely after old girl caught him in the gym. 

  16. 1 minute ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

    Pretty telling the way the alt-right showed up in riot gear. Can't remember seeing protesters showing up with shields before.


    Been their MO for awhile now. Shouldn't be surprising. They emulate the NSDAP right down to their ****ing haircuts. Of course they're going to try to copy their long, viscous and ultimately successful march of violence to power. Unlucky for them, this ain't 1920's Germany. 

    • Like 1
  17. 6 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

    I'm White, but I wouldn't say anything if people of color called this Radical White Terrorism.


    Been calling it that (or some variation) for a year plus now. Hell kinda disappointed all this isn't in my adopted Radical White Terrorism thread.. But yeah that's what it is. Radicalized white youth reigning terror down on anyone who isn't them. **** 'em all. I'll go to the grave disappointed I wasn't in Charlottesville today. Missed a great chance of fulfilling my dream of sticking Richard Spencer. 

    • Like 1
  18. Violence was the fuel that drove Nazism and fascism. Fighting leftists in the beer halls and at their clubs was their lifeblood for a decade plus. And we all know where such a vile, deplorable creature ultimately took us. And it all had to start somewhere. 


    Thankfully instead of decorated, battle-hardened WWI veterans, our Nazi movement is filled with basement-dwelling, spectrum-residing, dry-dicked, waifu pillow ****ers with CoD platinum trophies. This is still going to be very ugly though. Lots of uncomfortable, frustrating things we need to confront to tackle this. From online culture to failures in the white family to the limitations of free speech, just to name a few. This is a war (W-A-R) that's just getting started and that's going to just get uglier.


    And some of you go-medium, don't rock the boat, stuck at midfield ****ers need to hurry up and find your balls. 

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