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Everything posted by HogsVa7

  1. The shotgun snaps with the center we have is late and slow and the Seahawks are timing especially when they're blitzing. Heinicke has to use his legs and do his thing here.
  2. Need to pass here on third down and get the first down. If nothing is there hopefully Heinieke will scramble and run.
  3. Yeah....ok act like nothing is wrong. You have the same the answer like every far left person. You know the truth and you still didn't answer my question.
  4. See I quoted myself to respond to myself cause that's what you far left people do. You know the truth but it is what it is right?
  5. Ask China about Covid, oh wait...... they don't want to talk about it. Check your Facts again lol Whatever info you got that from check again lol.
  6. What I was saying is that our country was better off then what is going on now.
  7. The same question I ask you. You can't admit it. Open your eyes and see Reality my friend.
  8. You said you couldn't take another four years of Trump, but compared to what the United States is going through right now with the Biden Administration what is your difference? Cause the United States for the past four years was way better off then what we are in now until Covid hit.
  9. Cam Simms literally got held and pushed to the ground on the hail mary.
  10. You forgot with Zuckerberg and FB. I'm sure you saw it but didn't want to post it. It's on their main headline on CNN.
  11. Go with all the facts from what the CDC says from day one and to now with the COVID-19 pandemic. It's really not that hard to understand this.
  12. Don't act stupid you know. You far left people in here I'll tell you what. It's really sad either you know what your about or completely blind but the sad thing is you know both and don't care as long as it fits your agenda.
  13. Of course it matters. Get vaccinated right? It doesn't matter right? Look at the states that are mandating everything. We can allow 100,000 in a football crowds but kids have to wear a mask in schools. The whole Covid game with the politicians is a joke. People or athletes that are not vaccinated can't do anything or will not be able too but if they were they're fine. The stupid liberal logic here is if your vaccinated do what you want even though the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting Covid-19 but stopping you from a breakthrough case even though you can spread the disease. Where is the logic? There is none liberals go day by day to figure out another excuse. Listen to yourself and ask yourself would China do that lmao.
  14. It should matter right? From what I was asking in the first place.
  15. Lmao. If you think I will be a member of the Washington Post to read what you had to say lmao. You know the truth.
  16. Dude are you serious with that reply? Figuring it out won't save lives? It will save lives from the next pandemic. The liberal media hasn't done anything about how COVID-19 got here and you know that.
  17. You are assuming that I watch Fox News and etc all day. All I'm saying is let's find out how COVID-19 got here and killed millions of people.
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