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Everything posted by HogsVa7

  1. I haven't been on here for a while, but most of yall think I'm a troll and I'm not. Most of yall don't agree with my views which is fair cause it's our choice of what we want to believe in. With that said after doing some research for the past week on this Delta strain I've made an appointment to Rite Aid tomorrow to get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. The reason I chose that is I just want to get it over with since it's one shot. They told me that I have to get an pneumonia shot as well. I look at it like this I'm like the biggest anti vaccine person there is for the past year and I finally made the decision this morning cause I've seen reports of healthy young people dying of this strain. I don't want to take a chance of getting it and then being an a hospital on a ventilator. Parts of me before was saying I won't get sick and other parts saying you never know you could end up in the hospital. I just don't think its worth the risk to take now with this strain. I will say this I'm sorry for downing the vaccine and getting in arguments with some of yall over this and I can admit that. I've always trusted my instincts and this is what it's telling me to do. My political views are more conservative but I would like to say I'm independent cause I just don't trust most Republicans and Democrats but I know independents won't win so I vote Republican which I guess you can say that I am. I am a Trump supporter and I don't want you guys to bash me for that or think of me what ever the media thinks of trump supporters. That's for a different topic topic to discuss with since this is the vaccine topic. I'm hoping I was wrong earlier about the vaccine and I'm getting it tomorrow and I'm sorry for bashing it with yall. I'm not posting this for likes or anything like that I'm just a man that can admit that I was wrong and I'm hoping I was wrong about this.
  2. The first post I said on here was that I support people that got the vaccine and people that don't want to. I'm not as of now and people bashed me for my opinion on why I wasn't. For the past year the media has talked about Covid and the number cases and deaths etc.. I look at the borders and how all the illegals that are coming in with Covid but the media doesn't want to talk about that because it doesn't fit their agenda cause of Biden. They sure did talk about the spread of it for the past year but won't mention it once at all and it's just a straight up joke to me. I don't trust the media at all.
  3. Dude your posting graduation rates from the cities. Your link is two years old. It's way more than that what I'm talking about. . I'm glad if the black community graduates higher then the years before. How come nobody on here wants to talk about the crime rate? Kids getting shot on play grounds in Chicago.
  4. I'm an Independent. If you can if you have some free time and go to Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago etc...
  5. Explain to me these Democrat run City's that all are over the country who have been run by Democrats for years are helping the black community? Look at Pelosi during the pandemic, she went to an hair salon to get hair done with no mask and they're locked down by the way at that time and been preaching about wearing masks while people in San Francisco her district are sleeping on the sidewalks and taking sh***.
  6. Black people dude. I know black people personally that finally see what the Democrat Party is about.. I've seen hundreds of videos across the country of black people switching their ways from being Democrat to Republican and mind you I'm not a Republican. You don't have to be an expert on race for whatever point your trying to make. Candace Owens is a black woman that has been knocking down the Democrats for who they are and what they have done to the black community for 30 plus years. I wasn't really telling you sorry for spelling her name wrong, I was being sarcastic on it cause we are on a message board
  7. You need some serious help man. It probably took you an hour to type what you did. I do not watch Fox and the thing is you assumed I did when I never said anything about Fox. I said the Democratic and Republican party is crooked. I posted about the liberal media and I do not trust them at all. YOU assumed I just watch Fox lol.
  8. Not trolling man. Just a Washington fan and have been all my life. Going to the tailgate forum for once knowingly I will get liberal responses.
  9. The data has confirmed that you assumed
  10. I appreciate your post I really do. So did they know this virus was coming like from the Wuhan lab?
  11. Tell me from years from now though
  12. You need help real bad. Do some research on it. Who said I was a Conservative? Like I said before liberals assume
  13. Not trying to win a fight or anything like that. Just having an opinion. Like I said it will take years to really know the effects from the vaccines. How many times with anything the FDA as approved and years down the road they were wrong? Same with this situation, they don't know the effects down the road. THEY can't Predict it cause they don't know and time will only tell.
  14. Phizer, Johnson and Johnson etc... look at there TRACK RECORDS and tell me if you would feel safe knowing they made a vaccine. They all rushed it cause it's about Money.
  15. It's not that hard to comprehend what I was saying. YOU don't know what that vaccine is gonna do in long term when it was approved for Emergency Use Only.
  16. Your playing Russian Roulette too by getting the vaccine.
  17. I did. I knew the backlash I would get for what I posted, but at the end of the day I try to tell people to look into what the Democrat Party is really about. Watching media outlets isn't going to do it, not even a science degree from someone posted saying he has lol.
  18. Here's the thing guys, I'm a Washington fan that's why I'm on here of course. I don't post much on the stadium but even before I made my username I've been following extremeskins since Gibbs came back. I posted on here to have an conversation and even knowingly some of yall would come back hard given the same liberal responses. I knew the responses I would get coming from a message board.
  19. I don't trust any liberal media site. I know how the Democrat Party is Run and the Republican Party is run. Crooked
  20. I'm not saying Candace Owen's is the only way to know about it. I'm saying look it up and do some research on it.
  21. Look into it more a lot of black people know about it than you think. You having a Science degree has no point in this topic lol. Research your way, but it's out there
  22. The Democratic Party is the most manipulated corrupt party with the liberal media behind them. Look at all the Democrat run cities that have been ran for the past 30 plus years. It's a crape hole and have been for years. They want the vote and will use the media to get what they want.
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