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Everything posted by Simmsy

  1. Did Biden just hit them with the same trick he pulled last year?
  2. Man, someone on the GOP should tell Johnson to not make so many faces.
  3. Only MSNBC has anything close to commentary during the SOTU. I guess David Pakman is taking the night off.
  4. He's allowed as a former member of congress without an conviction. Is that a lifetime thing? I'm surprised at how ugly these congress people are without studio make up on. Lindsay Graham looks like the "Boy Genius" from The Venture Brothers.
  5. I've always wondered how players felt about Jerruh's involvement in the training facility, now I have an idea.
  6. Va. lawmakers to remove arena from budget, blocking Youngkin’s best shot for it I enjoyed reading the comments.
  7. How is everyone going to watch the SOTU tonight? I think I'll watch thru YouTube with extra commentary.
  8. One is a protest vote, the other is a vote out of disgust of Donald Trump. Not the same thing.
  9. I said Biden is the ACTUAL incumbent for a reason, he is the actual incumbent. Trump is not the incumbent. What I said, is that the GOP is treating Trump like he is and he IS their guy. Hell, Trump just had an interview where he wouldn't even admit he lost the election, he thinks he is the incumbent and the GOP are treating him as such. That being said, if he is THE GUY, losing states to someone else is not doing well. You can't spin that in his favor, we all knew he was going to win the primary. His numbers should be higher. I feel like we have the same argument over and over again, Trump's name on the ballot loses the GOP elections. You keep saying that him winning the primary is good for him, like I said, that is expected, but he should be winning by more. He is unpopular, highly unpopular. If Biden got those percentages (not numbers, percentages) I would be worried. If he lost a state to Nikki Haley, I would be worried. If a third of the party said they wouldn't vote for him, I would be worried. What are these good things? I don't see them. I don't even know where to begin with you saying that Trump winning on his first try means anything, sure he won one, but he's also lost one...to Joe Biden. He lost the White House, senate and the house in one election cycle. The polls also said the Dems would get moderate returns in the 2018 midterms, that was wrong. Pay attention to the vote and not the polling. 2022 polling said a massive red wave was coming in, pay attention to the vote. The GOP had an embarrassing return, it was a joke. I don't care what the polling says, the GOP aren't winning elections on their own and adding Trump to the ballot makes it worse.
  10. I know why the protest vote was high in Michigan...I have no idea whats going on in Minny. Do they also have a high Muslim population? Is that a protest vote as well? How come we didn't hear anything about it before hand or after? Minny will be concerning until we get some details on what happened and why he's pulling Oklahoma numbers.
  11. The two on the right look exactly alike, they might be the same person. P.S. That sounded racist...
  12. I had yesterday off, I forgot all about the primary. Got up, mailed a package, voted, came back in 10 minutes. I've never missed an election, but I will skip a primary. This would've been the one to skip, but apparently, (for some of you) Biden needs to get 800% of the vote to be taken seriously while Trump is "killing it" with only 65%. Good question. Personally, I don't see Trump gaining too many Haley supporters, but that doesn't mean they'll vote Biden. Any vote NOT for Trump is still a win for Biden, but I think Biden has a better chance at gaining Haley voters than Trump. A lot of Haley voters seem to be women who want to remain GOP, but not sell their dignity and vote for Trump.
  13. Thats not my point. If Trump is their guy, if he is their choice, their faux incumbent, the race shouldn't be close. If this is their guy, their king of the GOP, he should be getting Biden numbers, not Trump numbers. Biden is the ACTUAL incumbent, he won the last election, why would Dems need to come out and vote for him in the primary when he IS the Dem's guy. Dems don't need to come out for Biden in the primary because he actually beats any other option handedly. I don't understand why so many of you want to put an asterisk on everything Trump does, why do you move the goalposts for him? Once again, look at the history of the results: Trump is a loser. His name on a ballot is a loser, its been that way since 2016, his ONLY election win. Seriously, you think Trump is suddenly going to carry VA now? Based skewed primary results? When Biden loses a primary state or consistently loses a third of the vote to anything else...then you can talk to me about primary results. It just feels to me that some of you bend over backwards to find anyway to give Trump a positive where there is none. Trump is winning the primary, but he is far from "cruising".
  14. Taking 35% of the vote and being the first woman to ever win a GOP primary sounds like she has some momentum. She can't be Trump VP now, so I don't see the benefit of her dropping out or going away.
  15. She should've rode her momentum further, but whatever. When is the next primary? I'm curious if Trump still averages only 65% of the votes.
  16. Dude, if he's "their guy", he wouldn't be doing similar numbers than when he was fighting for the nom the first time around. The pundits can blame independents/Dems for Haley's numbers all they want, but he's only getting two thirds or the GOP vote and way less of the indy/swing voter. I don't see how you can look at this and say Trump is doing well.
  17. Just saying, she must be stress eating or something because she's...filled out a bit. Scrape off some of that make up and maybe she'll get herself a trip to Applebee's and a showing of "Cats".
  18. Wait a minute! How come we can't get exit polling from every state? Is that some kind of state law or is MSNBC slacking? Exit polling is probably the only polling I find interesting at this point.
  19. Depends on the state, in VA, you go in and pick if you want a DEM or GOP ballot. Trump is not doing well in VA, I would say I'm shocked...but I knew it would go down like this. Stop paying attention to these whack ass polls and look how people are voting.
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