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Everything posted by PartyPosse

  1. I said less than 8 wins. Or, seasons of 7-9 or worse. OR, in other words, 4 seasons below .500. 17 out of 21 since 99 (when Snyder bought the team).
  2. Since Snyder bought the team, the Ravens have had 22 seasons of 8 wins or more in 26. Redskins have had 8
  3. That’s where I’m at. The fact that he’s a huge fan like me means that if they do well then he’ll enjoy it. I don’t want to share my joy with that asshat.
  4. Just a theory. Besides. This would have been the best time to do it. The timing seems odd to me. Why would it all happen now.
  5. I’m not sitting here saying “the team is going to come out stronger from this”. I’m saying, it looks like they’re trying to remove many if not all of the problems from the past. If you chose to view it as nothing more than typical redskins and they’ll do the same thing again and again, then there’s nothing anyone can say that would make you more optimistic for the future. sometimes you just gotta rip that band-aid off.
  6. It’s like seeing someone you know in an abusive relationship. Eventually the truth comes out when they leave. You don’t want to hear the details necessarily but you’re glad that person took the necessary steps to purge themselves of that cancer.
  7. Well. I mean it’s depressing and disappointing when we read how long it’s been going on for, but it’s like a rock bottom expose and how it was really time to take a long hard look in the mirror. The facts will probably be tough to swallow so that aspect would probably be emphasized
  8. I actually wonder if this was orchestrated by Ron. He told Dan, "listen, you wanna change the culture? Let's come clean. Give them the impression that we're actively flushing out all turds and, along with the team name change, we're showing a willingness to really change the culture." It's like AA, the first step is admitting a problem, and that's what they're doing.
  9. Probably explains why Ron is hiring so many of his former CAR colleagues. He knows them and trusts that they haven't been up to no good. It seems more like a bit of damage control as anything.
  10. So, are the media keeping quiet because it's eventually going to come out as an expose on SI or the WP?
  11. Even though it's not in the right spot, Philly announced no fans allowed to attend home games all year. That's hilarious!! Now how are they gonna boo visitor injuries?? It's all good. It would just be really sad that that's all it takes to get fired and have your career in jeopardy.
  12. It's been beaten to death, the whole situation with JDR, but I will say, if he does get fired because of it, I'll be really disappointed in not just the Redskins but the NFL in general. A Menage A Santos?
  13. Different times. No one's allowed to just hang around and see things with their own eyes. It's why Harmon's injury was so easily kept under wraps.
  14. It's out of respect to whomever is involved. For something of significance, it shouldn't be a reporter breaking the news. Which really scares me about what it may be.
  15. Either announce the bad news or stop teasing. It's really amateur hour when they pull this crap.
  16. Because there are no reporters on the scene anywhere. It was probably quite easy.
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