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Everything posted by PartyPosse

  1. And Snyder the weasel made Savior Ron face the music, make a statement, promise to do better, rinse, wash, repeats...
  2. Yup. They would have to prove he was complicit and knew all about it. Just saying “how could he have not” doesn’t hold weight.
  3. The reality is neither Dan nor Bruce come off as anything more than Neanderthal misogynistic pigs but sadly that’s not a crime.
  4. This was clearly the story dan’s lawyers approved that probably toes the line of detrimental behavior deserving of a forced sale but not crossing it. At the end of the day, some justice we’ll get served but the ownership will still be squarely in the hands of one Daniel Dip**** Snyder.
  5. The unfortunate truth is this is such commonplace work environment that he probably didn’t because he saw nothing wrong with it. To him it was normal and hence nothing noteworthy to keep track of.
  6. I 100% agree. This is a bad situation and should have never gotten to this point and I’m glad now with Ron there there seems to be a little more accountability even though there’s still a long way to go. I don’t think anyone is arguing that. But this is also not something that will lead to a change in ownership and at the end of the day that fact along with the reality of what has been happening in the organization is disappointing.
  7. That’s a dumb thing to say. No one is condoning any of the actions and while most of us are sick that this was allowed to continue for so long, this isn’t what any of us were expecting. If you say this matches it then you’re a liar. Blame the media for that. It’s like telling someone their spouse died and then come to find out they’re only sick. Its still not great but not remotely close to the “worst case scenario” you’ve been led to believe. I almost wonder if it was purposely done.
  8. It just doesn’t make sense the way the media hyped it up. It’s a bad look but the way many made it seem it was as if it was going to change the entire landscape of the league.
  9. It’s a bad look and unprofessional but the biggest takeaway is the team kept these guys on staff. I’m not condoning this behavior in the least but this is just unfortunately a toxic male-driven outdated environment trying to be removed from society, but far from this massive conspiracy about the inner workings of a mafia-driven organization filled with wild debauchery, rampant drug use, corruption and Various other “bombshells” the local media had been hyping up.
  10. This doesn’t make sense. The way people were talking about this, the innuendos from journalists... none of it adds up if this is all it is.
  11. They can providing they’re able to sign letters of anonymity. By law sources can’t be revealed.
  12. I don’t think they are. I’m sure those at WaPo are more pissed at the local reporters from hyping it up like they did. Especially if they were working on it for months and these guys just come in to try and steal some of the spotlight without putting in an ounce of time and energy.
  13. I don’t think WaPo ever said they were going to this week. That was just otherS claiming they would. I have my moments.
  14. I don’t necessarily think he’s a bad OC in terms of the nuances of the game, but when he’s getting drunk and banging staff, he’s setting a precedence that this kind of **** is acceptable. A coach’s job isn’t just to call Xs and Os on game day but to instill a certain culture and professionalism 24/7. Look at the Pats. Bill is all business and the players buy in. Those that don’t are quickly shuffled out because they don’t fit the culture he’s put in place. Players I imagine came here not just for the payday but because of the culture. How often do the FA we sign and then cut go on to thrive in other places? Zero. That’s because they’re already entrained with that country club mindset. It’s a small world and players talk. They know coming to the team was all about fun and getting away with murder.
  15. Or if he was trying to get Shannon fired or Kirk cousins looking foolish he would try and bribe Refs to look the other way AGAINST the team. He seems petty like that.
  16. In terms of Josina’s tweet, I wonder how much it has to do with how long NDAs last for after termination and whether or not they were legally allowed to spill the beans when they did.
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