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Everything posted by PartyPosse

  1. I don’t know if he was always trying to do the right thing, but he was all about football. None of the extracurricular stuff. No wonder he wanted out so badly. He saw how everyone else was treating the organization like summer camp and he’s like “this isn’t how I envisioned my career”.
  2. Im just wondering if the article’s sources are infringing on any of their NDAs and the extent to which they go.
  3. Because outside of one incident Kraft has kept the patriots looking like a professionally run team. The redskins have been one embarrassment after another both on and off the field. If this is all true it’s a bad look for the nfl and that’s the absolute last thing the nfl wants. This is more than just having a little fun. This is the aspect the nfl doesn’t want exposed.
  4. I honestly hope this is as bad or worse than we think it is. Everyone accountable, from selfish players to piece of **** coaches to harlot reporters... I hope everyone involved has their career forever tarnished by this. If the Russini **** is true, then she deserves to be called every sexist name in the book. Phillip Daniels, Smoot... **** them.
  5. My guess is someone was gonna publish something sort of tell-all and this was their way of getting ahead of it. That’s all I can think of. Maybe the minority owners or Bezos himself.
  6. Bizarre but consistent. We can blame Bruce Allen for how bad this franchise has been but it’s clearly looking like Snyder and Snyder alone is the catalyst to all this. Also, I hope Jay Gruden’s wife divorces him and denies him custody of any sort.
  7. I’m not gonna lie. Out of all the garbage from the last twenty years, all this has made this the most difficult time to still be a redskins fan. I’m really debating whether or not I want to be on this train anymore.
  8. Some wild theory I saw was Bibbs got cut for banging Gruden’s side piece, and his replacement was responsible for the missed assignment that ended Alex Smith’s career.
  9. In all fairness. There wasn’t exactly a lot of available interactions with all these shutdowns and quarantines. If there was any time it was easy to keep something like this hidden, it was now.
  10. Not gonna lie. I’m excited for this article. I’m dying to know how bad this ****show really was.
  11. You are correct but I reiterated that since it was since 1999, it’s 17/21 (96-98 were all bad years for Baltimore).
  12. I said less than 8 wins. Or, seasons of 7-9 or worse. OR, in other words, 4 seasons below .500. 17 out of 21 since 99 (when Snyder bought the team).
  13. Since Snyder bought the team, the Ravens have had 22 seasons of 8 wins or more in 26. Redskins have had 8
  14. That’s where I’m at. The fact that he’s a huge fan like me means that if they do well then he’ll enjoy it. I don’t want to share my joy with that asshat.
  15. Just a theory. Besides. This would have been the best time to do it. The timing seems odd to me. Why would it all happen now.
  16. I’m not sitting here saying “the team is going to come out stronger from this”. I’m saying, it looks like they’re trying to remove many if not all of the problems from the past. If you chose to view it as nothing more than typical redskins and they’ll do the same thing again and again, then there’s nothing anyone can say that would make you more optimistic for the future. sometimes you just gotta rip that band-aid off.
  17. It’s like seeing someone you know in an abusive relationship. Eventually the truth comes out when they leave. You don’t want to hear the details necessarily but you’re glad that person took the necessary steps to purge themselves of that cancer.
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