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Everything posted by carex

  1. Just a thought about Darnold. No matter how bad he looks to some people, he's going to end up on a team, probably with a chance to start. Looking back to 1990, the only first round QBs to bomb out and not go anywhere were Todd Marinovich, Jamarcus Russell and Johhny Manziel. So that says to me, you have to suck AND be a total dumbass for that to happen. From what I know, Darnold has only sucked
  2. younger, doesn't have the bad leg. If he can give us Alex Smith level talent for six or seven years while Alex Smith can only give us Alex Smith level talent for a year then acquiring Carr puts us ahead theoretically
  3. see to me it's more like "Ok, fine I'm not going to eat meat anymore, but I've got stuff in my freezer I'm not throwing out, it'll be gone next time a friend of mine comes over to take care of it"
  4. unless they came out and tried to declare "we're going back to Redskins" I disagree.
  5. it's not supposed to be visible so why have any hurry to change it up? The plain W is an obvious placeholder so just wait till there's a new logo to replace it
  6. people have talked about that. I was also wondering if some of these teams might choose to trade this years picks for next years picks since the draft is the one place where people are forced to take on contracts
  7. but we're talking about his position in the draft. You're using hindsight on a situation where they didn't have that
  8. but, it Herbert had been drafted by the Bengals he would have been behind the horrendus OL and then his sack rate should have increased
  9. man people do seem to want us to tank and tank hard. Trying to upgrade every position is futile. And Watson was picked at 10 and Mahomes picked at 12. So you don't have to be at the tip top of the draft. For non-division winners this year 7-9 is at 13-15. So in a normal year we wouldn't have to tank hard to get within reach of some of these guys 14 teams not 16
  10. I wonder if the whole cap not finalized till hours before the start of the league year thing will lead to some waivers of stuff. Like an opposite of the tampering period, so they can actually sort things out
  11. Isn't Kirk kinda streaky too? Like when he's good, he's very good and when he's bad he's very bad. Which allows for padding of stats
  12. yes because that plan is based around how other people act and they have no control over that
  13. Sometimes you need to be aggressive? This team has spent far to much time being to aggressive than not being aggressive enough.
  14. people who don't want him as a starter still end up starting him, that's the point I was making
  15. considering how old some of the current first round QBs out there are, I think it's artificially lowering the view on the number of first round busts
  16. that's true. But Russell Wilson was third rounder and Dak Prescott was a fourth. Kirk was a fourth. Nick Foles was a fourth and no matter how many times people try to replace him, he ends up starting where ever he goes. Brees was a second. A lot of people seem to think former 6th rounder Gardner Minshew will end up starting somewhere besides Jacksonville once Trevor Lawrence is officially on the team
  17. by not throwing both them AND draft capital away at the same time you can draft their replacements if you can't keep them. You don't send away major players and picks in the same deal. especially when it's a guy in a spot you'd have difficulty filling. Now if you wanted to send Settle, because maybe some people figure he could start except he's behind two top quality guys that'd be different
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