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Everything posted by carex

  1. I wonder what they'll do if there's ever a year where every team is protected from being forced. There's 14 playoff spots, say 20 different teams qualified over two years, six teams changed coaches and the other six had been on there in the previous ten years
  2. kind of surprised by Miller, though not doing something with RB. All those people going on about us only having 4 RBs at camp, so we weren't likely to mess with the position had short memories. We came in with 6 RB, but we cut AP cause good as he was he was in the way, and we cut Guice because he was accused of abusing his girlfriend
  3. CB seems to be one of the positions that people released to clear cap space. I wouldn't mind picking up one of them to give us a shot at comp picks
  4. he had a bad leg injury, he has not wanted to play LB in the past and you think it's reasonable for him to add weight and shift positions? that doesn't seem like a big improvement on how to spend the money on him. Basically he's either a very expensive backup safety or a June 1st cut. Or maybe we can work out a deal that could cut down his cap number
  5. Baugh is signed, and him, Hemmingway and Moss are okay to me, as third stringers, plus a PS guy who can be called up. The next JP Holtz basically
  6. that still leaves second best as possible. The only other guys worth mentioning are May, McKenzie and Schlereth. And of them Schlereth was the only one who wasn't more valuable for his versatility
  7. define large? We have maybe 1 viable starter. We need 3, no matter how rarely we're in the formation, and those three need backups, plus linebacker is a key position for providing special teams players
  8. 3 is definitely the right number for new players. At least 2 starters, one top back up. re-sign KPL, let Holcomb, Hudson and JHC compete for the backups.
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