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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. The Bushwackers were the mildly retarded jobbers that went around licking people, right? Might as well induct the ****ing Beverly Brothers or Norman Smiley.
  2. So I saw the bushwackers are going in the hall of fame. THE BUSHWACKERS?!?!?!? What the hell is that?
  3. You never saw Hulk Hogan wrestle a jobber. That dude was house shows and PPVs only (maybe a Saturday Night's Main Event every couple of months).
  4. Also, Vader was the best big man. Young Yokozuna was pretty good too.
  5. Not sure you can blame the booking. People have been loving Reigns. They'd have needed a crystal ball. Or... Don't go to Philadelphia.
  6. This Nene chap is a totally unable bungler with his passing. Such carelessness will never go far.
  7. Once again, Dan had his little fingers into everything when Gibbs was here? Why is this so misunderstood? It's not like it was a big secret. He was also GM when Spurrier was here. The only times he wasn't were for Marty (whom he fired so he could play GM again) and Shanny (who doesn't exactly love how Dan handled his role as owner).
  8. They have to figure out if they want to fire Haslett this year and name AJ Smith as GM next or vice versa. Very important to have a plan for a new scapegoat each offseason. We're always thinking ahead.
  9. Wall is a stud. Not a perfect player, but a stud. It was tough watching this game with 20 people on the court at a time.
  10. Just finished watching the game on DVR. I'm not going to lie, I know almost nothing about basketball. I only started getting interested in the Wizards last year because they are the best team in town. Hopefully my analysis will be encouraging to the true ball fans. -John Wall is a stud. He's not a perfect player but he's a friggin stud. -The pace they play at is ferocious. We were down by 3 or 5 for most of the 2nd half. With 5 minutes left, I knew we would win. Our guys play fast and they wear out the other team. -This team is going to be good for years… they will be among the top teams every year for the next decade. Some years they may be down if there is an injury. They will also win at least one championship in that time though.
  11. We've never even interviewed a GM. Snyder can't keep his slimy little fingers out of it.
  12. Me too. I remember watching Bruce up in the box sipping his coffee during that first game against the Giants (swinging gate game) thinking "This guy is going to save the franchise".
  13. It's hard man. It's hard to let go. We so desperately want to hold on to the idea that the Redskins we loved when we were kids aren't gone forever that we keep convincing ourselves that there's a chance this next move could change the culture. Danny knows it too. Reality is that we will NEVER be good again in our lifetimes unless somehow his kids aren't a total wreck when they take over 25 years from now. Hopefully they spend more time with Mrs Snyder than with Dan.
  14. Allen is Nucky Thompson to Snyder's Commodore. Griffin is Gillian.
  15. I've soured on him. He was brought in to end the circus. It's worse than ever. I can't think of anyone whose job performance is any worse and yet, somehow, he is promoted and is now in charge of picking our coaches and players. It's true isn't it? He's Vinny 2.0… just less goofy.
  16. Yet you'll always come crawling back to your homoerotic master.
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