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Everything posted by primetime441

  1. Detroit beat Minny, which helps WFT with playoff ranking.
  2. You're missing the point. The argument isn't that the stats are incorrect - I already admitted I was wrong. Also, let me remind you that CDC changes their stats daily and no one bats an eye. Politics aside, the point of the statement was to remind people that we still have a choice. If the argument is that every private entity has a right to fine/fire you, then any company opposing vaccinations should be able to do the same - however, from everything I've seen, you're only right if you support one agenda. The double standard is ultimately dividing us. How can we force someone to get a vaccine if the said vaccine can still result in you catching the illness? Also riddle me this, how can the league know which player spreads the virus if the vaccinated can also pass it on? What happens if a team full of vaccinated spread the virus to the point where the game cannot be played - will the league still forfeit the game? We just need to find a happy medium and not let this hiccup divide us. UNITED WE STAND. Stay healthy and happy, my fellow posters. HAIL.
  3. Respectfully, "lots of rules" do not require you to take an experimental vaccine which is not FDA approved.
  4. That's all I'm really saying. People should definitely take all the precautions, if they choose to. Take the vaccine if it makes you feel safe, but don't force it on your neighbor. At the end of the day, no matter how we spin it, it's still an experimental vaccine which doesn't guarantee you from contracting the virus.
  5. You're right. Here's the article I saw: "A full course of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was just 39% effective at preventing infections and 41% effective at preventing symptomatic infections caused by the Delta Covid-19 variant." https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2021/07/23/pfizer-shot-just-39-effective-against-delta-infection-but-largely-prevents-severe-illness-israel-study-suggests/ People should still have a choice without the fear of facing severe repercussions. No private company should mandate a rule that requires medical clearance. If that's the case, we're diving into deep waters and can easily lose the line between what's acceptable and not.
  6. The NFL needs to stay out of the enforcement business and worry about ratings. No one should be forced to take the jab. Apparently, a new study shows that the Pfizer shot is only 39% effective from the "new Delta strand", making the jab completely irrelevant. I'm not against vaccines, but I can understand why some are hesitating to get one.
  7. You're being ignorant if you don't think repetition at game speed doesn't benefit a player.
  8. You missed the point. It's not about winning. We're a young team. It's about learning through experience. If Haskins really is your future, you want him playing in every scenario.
  9. You missed the part where YOU GET BETTER BY CHALLENGING YOURSELF. That's how you develop into a good team. Stop with the second place winner attitude. You play til the end and then grow from your experience.
  10. Yes! You don't quit. We were mathematically in the game. You don't walk away with 3 timeouts when you have 4 mins left in a two score game.
  11. You get better by playing in challenging situations. This quitter mentality teaches them nothing!
  12. If that's the case then what the heck is the point of playing? Crazier things have happened. Look at the Cowpukes and their comeback last week. Played like **** most of the game then BOOM. Get outta here with that crap mentality.
  13. The worst thing you can do to a young team is show you don't believe they're capable of a comeback. You have 4 minutes and you don't do anything in your arsenal to slow the clock? What happened to setting the tone and believing in the team? Horrible time management even if we have .01% chance of winning.
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