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Momma There Goes That Man

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Everything posted by Momma There Goes That Man

  1. I love these. I would like to see a combo with a white jersey and burgundy pants, but well done. Also, wouldn't mind seeing socks thrown in, but the stripes need to match the stripes on the pants.
  2. I felt the same way. I really enjoyed the acting, especially Bale but the movie just didn't move the needle. It never seemed like it went anywhere. Something was just off about it. I wanted to love it but walked out pretty disappointed. Loved this movie. You're right, a lot of fun. Interesting to see all the controversy it has spawned too.
  3. Nothing says Christmas like watching VHS 2 haha. I don't think I will get around to that one. The first one was weird enough for me lol
  4. Just got back from The Wolf of Wall Street. Loved it, it's fantastic. Leo is amazing as always, I mean he's really great in this and he gets a lot of great material and scenes to shine. The movie isn't as funny as I thought it would be based on some of the reviews but there is still a lot of humor. There is a crapload of nudity in it too which I always think takes away from the movie and it does here too but it's to portray the absolute excess of this lifestyle. It's classic Scorsese too. The movie is long and extremely detailed and feels exactly like Goodfellas but set on Wall St which I think was the point. Highly recommend.
  5. I don't even watch wrestling anymore but this is one of my favorite threads on ES. This piece always delivers lol
  6. Looks too much like the 49ers look and uses the older blander shades of burgundy and gold that I have not a fan of.
  7. Welcome aboard! I do like our current uniforms but I would love a modernization of our uniform. I've almost stopped coming into this thread because of how many pictures there are of 60-70s era ugly gold and mud colored uniforms.
  8. lol at the Pa Kent comment. I'm thinking it will have more to do with the amount of damage caused by Supes and Zod completely leveling the city. That will be the reason for billionaire Bruce Wayne to publicly get involved while Batman learns more about this new threat/ally behind the scenes. But I loved Man of Steel even though it had some flaws. -------- Had some wine and sat in front of the Christmas tree late the other night and watched Casablanca with the wife. She had never seen it before but it's one of my favorites. Classic movie, still great to this day.
  9. Interesting take on Gatsby, I think a lot of people felt that way. I didn't mind it. I thought it was cool mix of the era of the movie brought to life by modern hip hop of the soundtrack. I enjoy a lot of the tracks from the soundtrack anyway so maybe that had something to do with it. Overall I really liked the movie too. I'm a big Leo fan and fan of the book so it was a great match. I probably got 5 minutes into Black Death then realized I wanted to do something better with my night. I'll watch it again though I just realized I wasn't in the mood that night. Good to hear on Descent too. I didn't know it was a little bit older. Definitely going to check it out.
  10. I've always hated the separate brands thing and really started to lose interest shortly after it was implemented. It watered down the product IMO instead of giving more people an opportunity.
  11. Appreciate the bump but paloffs was 3 weeks ago. We missed out. However, Repsect is now!
  12. Black Death was in my netflix queue forever and i started to watch it one night and was like...nahhh. I'll have to give it another go. Sean Bean seems to have gotten typecast lol Also, is the Descent a lot of torture stuff that modern horror movies always seem to be now? I'm just tired of seeing all that for the most part. Hopefully that is different.
  13. Yeah Catching Fire was really good and sets up the next 1/2 pretty well with several important events. Having never read the books, a couple of things were pretty surprising.
  14. Completely embarrassing. He is a millionaire and can afford to dress like he has some sense. True but this is MJ we are talking about. That stuff is probably some 90% alcohol level stuff normal people have no access to lol
  15. He should pick a better teammate. Look at that belly, he loses a lot.
  16. The uniforms today were hideous. The logos didn't match, the burgundy didn't match...just awful. I don't ever want to see those throwback Boston college uniforms again, in any capacity unless it's a dumpster fire
  17. I agree with everything you said. It's gotten really bad. The Dark Knight Rises gave away the entire plot. You knew Bruce had become locked away from society, returns as the Batman, gets his ass kicked nearly to death by Bane and left imprisoned, escapes to lead a glorious clash of Bane's armies vs Batman and the cops in downtown Gotham. I mean it was ridiculous. The trailer you posted above though was just a teaser which rarely show any plot. That is how it should be but to be fair, the T2 is probably the best teaser out there. Curiously, I went looking and stumbled upon the original trailer for the Godfather Part II. It inexplicably shows just about plot detail like the abortion, Roth murder, and hints at Fredo's betrayal. It even shows the end scene with an older Michael sitting outside reflecting, so maybe it isn't just something new movies are doing. Either way, it's awful. My rule of thumb is just watch the first trailer and never watch one again otherwise you will remember too much of the movie.
  18. Been trying to clean out a lot of Netflix horror category with it being Halloween season. Watched this one last night. I liked it a lot. It wasn't scary but it's more a psychological thriller. It's one of those that makes you think a lot once you realize all that happened and what one character actually went through. It had Jennifer Lawrence and Max Thieriot (the brother on Bates Motel) so the acting was very good from the two leads. I'd recommend it. Also saw This is the End. I thought it was hilarious. I can see why people didn't like it but I love Jonah Hill, James Franco, Jay Baruchel and Danny McBride so it was sort of a perfect storm for me.
  19. Did the first girl get a nose job between pic one and two? But none of them are what I would call hot...
  20. Yep it probably came to Wise as he was sitting in the parking lot of McDonalds with a fry contained turned upside down while he shoveled them into his mouth...
  21. No way, I hated them from the moment they were revealed. I didn't like the darker muddier colors. The only semi cool thing about them was how they tried to make the helmet look leather but even that didn't turn out as well as I think they hoped it would.
  22. Saving the white top/burgundy pants classic for the MNF beatdown. Lighter colors especially white reflect the sun and, therefore, absorb less heat than darker colors. It is a factor for teams.
  23. Breaking Bad and Mad Men. I know everybody says those two but they really are classics and set the bar for TV series in terms of acting, writing, character depth and production values. Both are on Netflix streaming too so easy to catch up on.
  24. Those 70th Ann uniforms were hideous. Colors look like mud and are boring. I greatly prefer the brighter shades we have now.
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