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Posts posted by NeverSurrender

  1. 5 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    Situational awareness, particularly near your own goal line is necessary.  Heinicke should know where Thibs is on every snap, particularly after gifting him a sack near the goal line the last game they played by failing to identify he was coming unblocked.

    I didn’t like the playcall or Leno getting whooped either but TH is not without blame.  


    Im sorry but we didnt even chip #5 off the line on that play near the goal line.  Thats bad play calling.  Its like we didnt even know who #5 was.  All you had to do was watch 10 mins of a Giants game this season and you would know that you have to block this guy. But have no idea who he is....

  2. Also, 12 out of the 16 games this week were 1 possession games.  Im not sure if this is a trend but it really seems like there is more and more of games coming down to the last possession.  If this is the case, then its not just us.  Yea we should have scored 40 points and dominated but that just isn't happening much for any team.  More to the point, the refs need to do a better job if these games keep coming down to the wire, which is what the NFL wants. Blown, missed or terrible calls can sway games in a big way and have a huge impact on Vegas of course.   The spread last night was Washington -4.5 and ofc we lost by 8.  Strange.

    • Like 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, Conn said:

    They played around with PI calls being challengeable for one single season—and the referees as a whole literally rebelled against the league’s wishes. They confirmed their own poor calls over and over again that season to make the new rule seem not just pointless and time-wasting, but completely untenable. The refs as a group decided to be ungovernable and the league…just rolled over and took it. It was crazy to witness that season and it was rarely covered the way it should have been in the media. 

    This crap happens to other teams too.  If you watch other games you will see it over and over again, this being more obvious but its there. I mean honestly, if i was head coach of a team that played the commanders I would tell my DBs to grab and hold every freaking play, they simply do not call it against other teams.  But if your BSJ or William Jackson you literally cant touch anyone. 

    • Like 3
  4. I also want to bring up the earlier non-PI call on Samules as well as the helmet to helmet hit on Samules, then the defender did a "night night" gesture.  Im just saying that if our guys did that, there would be flags everywhere.  BSJ has had calls on him this year that we far far far less then what we saw last night.  Its another game that makes you wonder what the NFL really is. 


    To the point that refs dont want to make a call to decide the game on a penalty.... they literally did that the play before with the call on Terry(remember we scored a TD on that play).  So the argument that that dont want to do it is moot. 



    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, mistertim said:


    Let's not kid ourselves, here. If the Giants have had some lucky wins, then so have we. I actually think we were pretty lucky to come away from that last game with a tie.

    I thought the Giants were lucky to get a Tie as well.  we missed a FG that would have been the difference and dont forget we drove the ball to just outside of FG range in OT as well.  Even with all the BS calls to keep those clowns in the game. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Dan T. said:

    I have 4 predictions as well. If the Commanders run the ball effectively, and can control Daniel Jones, they win 74-3.  If the Commanders do not run the ball effectively, but still control Jones, they win 74-3.  If the Commanders run the ball effectively, but do not control Jones, they win 74-3.  If they do not run the ball effectively and do not control Daniel Jones, they win 74-3.

    Why do I always picture the team lining up for their only field goal?

    • Haha 1
  7. 51 minutes ago, wit33 said:

    Carson’s value to Washington next season at a reduced cost shouldn’t be overlooked. Having a dude learn the scheme for an entire year and come into next season feeling confident and comfortable with the system is tremendous value to an organization. 

    My sincere hope is that the organization plays hardball and leverages the realistic path to starting next season.  All his off field and locker room issues has seemed to be behind him— he appears to be a plus in this area from my fan view. 

    Count me in on idea of Wentz returning at severely reduced cost. Continuity is paramount in the league if you can manage to make it happen. 

    Carson $8-10 mil

    Heineke $4-6mil 

    Howell $ pennies


    If you love a rookie in the draft you make a tough decision with 1 of 3. 


    Thats solid, i like the idea of drafting Oline and linebackers and maybe a corner.  I think they could go even cheaper with Wentz (depending on how the season plays out)

  8. Just now, KDawg said:

    As long as they don't find someone else to bring in, yes.


    I have a (maybe bad? Not sure, haven't watched him close enough yet) feeling they are going to target Anthony Richardson in the mid first. 

    I think bringing in someone is a good idea.  We need options and competition. Idk about Richardson, but BPA would be fine in the first.  

  9. 5 minutes ago, KDawg said:

    He won’t be named the starter outright until they run out of options. But if Rivera is the HC and Turner the OC you can expect he will be the 2 almost without question. So the question is: Do they find someone they like as the 1 or is Heinicke the default 1 and Howell the 2? 

    Going to be interesting. 

    Im ok with TH being the backup.  but I would be willing to bet they have an open competition for QB1.  This should mean that Howell gets plenty of reps with the 1s.  He has probably got some reps with them in the last few weeks being the back up. Hopefully he has made the most of it. 

  10. Just now, KDawg said:

    It’s kid gloving. His draft stock fell because of his situation. The year before he would have been considered a high end pick. 

    The point being he doesn’t get the chance to beat out TH if his reps consist of practice squad and 2nd/third team reps. 

    Just the way the NFL works.

    Whos to say TH is named the starter in the offseason?  Im pretty sure there will be open competition and Howell will get a good look.  With the 1s,  Can you tell me a team that started a 5th round QB in their first game?

  11. Just now, Koolblue13 said:

    You are completely ignoring that around the same time as Heini started winning, the Oline got some pieces back, BRob came back and WJIII was benched. You ignore everything else on the 53 and throw your boy on a cross and take offense to everything.

    No I don't,  you just read 1 post.  I have posted numerous times about the O-line.  They are not good, they haven't played "good" all season. The position was neglected in the offseason  and were paying the price now.  They have played below average all season with Wentz and TH.  They get 0 push in the run game, its literally Brob and Gibson making the run game happen.  

    1 minute ago, KDawg said:


    And you could be right. But do you know that in most cases 5th round rookie QBs who don't see the field generally are replaced relatively quickly? If we sign another QB (draft or FA) and keep Heinicke next season, Howell is pretty much DOA in DC. He could wind up being the exception and not the rule, sure. But generally he would be replaced because he didn't get the chance due to organizations kid gloving them and then never letting the development materialize due to the way quarterback cycles are in the NFL. 

    That may be the case but I would hardly consider sitting a 5th round QB for this first year "kid gloving" its called, development.  All he needs to do is live in the playbook and come in next year, make the calls with confidence, read the defense and find the open man.  If he does that, then he beats TH purely on talent.  He can win the job in training camp.  But we do need to bring someone in to compete, not a 28 million dollar guy but a team guy that's good to have in the locker room. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, KDawg said:


    Are you aware that Howell's OL in his senior season made this OL look like all-pros?


    Guy has nothing but experience dealing with a bad OL. In fact, most of the reason he fell was because he had to totally change his game because the OL was so bad. So instead of throwing for ridiculous yards and TDs he changed up and nearly rushed for 1k + had a decent season in the air. 


    If TH wasn't here Howell would be in and we'd be seeing what he has.


    That's not the situation. Heinicke is here. Howell sits and waits and pays attention while Heinicke has the reigns. 

    Im very aware that Howell is mobile and I know what he did in college.  there are other factors here though.

    This is his first year in the NFL, there is an adjustment as well as familiarity with the playbook. These are things that have to be right in order to have some success.  

    Im not saying that Howell wouldn't be good, but I think its better to give the kid the best shot possible to succeed, and I think that is sitting behind TH and learning everything he can unless there's an emergency.  

    What would be great is if he had to come in for a final drive or something similar the what Kirk did against the Ravens in RG3s rookie year.  

  13. Just now, KDawg said:


    If Heinicke wasn't on the team Howell would have been playing and could be doing some of the same things. But then again, every party saying, "Wentz would/wouldn't have done this..." or "Heinicke is the only reason this..." have all completely written off Howell... Which is interesting.


    I still don't know if Howell WOULD have been able to replicate the Heinicke results. Or if Wentz could if this was the way it was when he was the QB. But I know Heinicke has. For whatever kind of witchcraft that is being used, he has done it. And no one can take that away from him. 

    Im digging Howell, I just dont really want to put a rookie behind this O-line.  What I like is that Howell is watching how TH carries himself and how the team rallies around him.  If that is something he can bring heading into next year then it could be huge for us.  Putting Howell in before he is ready would be awful because if he fails hard then next year what do you do?  

    Haven't written Howell off just think it wouldn't be a good idea to put him behind this line.  As I have said before, the ball is on the tee for him next year.  He can come in and straight up win the job and that would be the best scenario for us. Kind of like Mahomes did in KC. 

    • Like 2
  14. 6 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    First off, not one person is a Heinicke hater. Not one. Every single one of us would absolutely love if he suddenly started throwing for 350 yards and 4 TDs. Nobody is rooting against him, that's just absurd.


    He does some good things, but also significantly, SIGNIFICANTLY, handicaps the offense. Yes, Wentz also significantly, SIGNIFICANTLY, handicaps the offense with his flaws as well. He also raises the ceiling(but also lowers the floor). Ultimately, neither QB is gonna win us a Super Bowl unless we somehow get the 2000 Ravens defense.


    Simple as that.

    Well said but there were a lot of people here saying that TH shouldn't even be on an NFL roster and they clearly didn't want him on ours and to be honest, our season would have been over weeks ago if TH was not on this team. I wish Wentz had looked like the former MVP, would have loved it if he dominated but sadly it didn't happen and it was ugly.  We might just only be a few pieces away from a defense like the 2000 ravens though, a few tweaks here or there and Ray Lewis ofc and were good to go. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Koolblue13 said:

    Your **** is getting old kid. Nobody "hates" the guy. I'm the president of the club and I do not hate him.


    During the game in the GDT I made a comment "Great play Heini" when he made a 8 or 9 yard pass on the run to Terry for the first and then he threw it away and made a bad play and I posted "that's a Heini type play", because it was a typical play from him and I got attacked by one of you Heini Holers as a hater.


    It's dumb.


    So is absolutely refusing to believe that he is worthy of any criticism and spending your day defending his honor blindly.


    Stop doing it.


    Leave it to a Tie Game to get the Hivers buzzing so much. Not a win or lose, a Tie. A game where it is universally agreed upon that Heinicke had a very bad game. The Hive gets fired up and up the heads go, deep into the Heini Hole.. 

    No you ARE old.  This type of post is exactly what Im talking about.  You literally prove my point by calling us "Heini Holers" really? That's so juvenile and pathetic.  You know you are wrong and you still act like a kid by calling me "heini holer"

    Again you cannot be objective about this as I do not believe anyone is above being criticized yes I have criticized TH before and AGAIN I UNDERSTAND HIS LIMITATIONS.  And no its not universally agreed upon that he had a bad day.  Listen to Rons presser, he thinks TH played pretty well.  

    No one around here is calling you a Wentz wanker or anything like that so grow tf up, or if you think your a big boy then maybe we can discuss in person.  Im always up for that.  And no one would be upset if you just took yourself to the eagles forums. 

    • Haha 1
  16. 2 hours ago, CommanderCarson said:

    Wait let me get this straight. So it’s been continually proposed that Wentz would open up the offense a bit more, give us a more explosive offense, and he could operate the same exact same gameplan and hand the ball off a bunch of times and be more successful doing it, since again, Wentz would be able to open up the offense more AND we’d have an elite running game. 

    But as soon as someone makes the point that Wentz would have ultimately likely taken more sacks, all of a sudden it’s pointless how X player would do in Y situation? 

    No one is saying that Wentz can’t take a handoff and will trip all over himself, what we are saying is that the line was really really bad on Sunday and heineke is giving this particular team which CAN run the ball well (even if not explosively cause said O line) and play great defense, a chance to win each and every week. Which he’s done. And is an absolute fact at this point in time. 

    If I’m being honest, throwing straight up false claims to belittle the other side is EXACTLY what is being chastised on this forum and QB thread in particular. Not one person, especially every other post, is dropping in to say LOLZ WENTZ CANT TIE HIS SHOES AND SUCKS GO HEINEKE.” I thought we were trying to avoid that type of posting, so just shining a light where it really needs to be shined. My 2 cents. 

    They just cant admit what was clear to everyone because they dislike TH that much.  Its a completely unobjectively look at the situation and when they are proven wrong they lash out at others.


    2 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    I am not your guy.


    Wentz would have done X, Y and Z way better than Heinicke though.


    See how this works.  Everyone can just say stuff about things that never actually occurred.

    Yeah everyone knows what your saying but again... you will not admit that Wentz cannot avoid pressure, and will take sacks that cripple the offense. TH, for what he is, avoids pressure and gets the ball out to playmakers at times.  THAT is what is helping to extend drives and keep the defense fresh.  Its is invaluable to the team right now given the brand of football we are playing.  X,Y, and Z all you want MY GUY. Consider yourself lucky to be in such company. 

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  17. 59 minutes ago, oraphus said:

    wow thats crazy.  

    Just wondering what you guys think of maybe bringing in Jacoby Brisset.  I like the way he plays and he has done pretty decent in clevland.  If were looking for someone cheap to push Howell.  I dont know if he will be available but guys like him usually are. 

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