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Everything posted by DogofWar1

  1. As we come to a close, thank you PCS, for keeping us informed the whole way with links and videos and everything. This whole ridiculous affair would have been far less interesting and fun without you helping to keep us informed.
  2. Right, right, but that seemed to refer primarily to their surveillance of the Oregon people along with some intelligence they had beforehand. I was hoping their surveillance extended well beyond Oregon and it's directly tied people (like Cliven) to groups that were/are loosely affiliated and maybe only indirectly involved. Like if a militia chapter in Florida had 20 people posting on a website, even if no one went to Oregon from there, the FBI just soaked up their postings and info because their chatter and got names, addresses, perhaps details of weapons they own, vehicles (tag numbers maybe), locations of meetings, etc.etc. Stuff not tied to Oregon but tied to far right militia movements that started getting chatty bc of Oregon.
  3. My hope with regards to why it's taken so long is that the FBI soaked up a ton of chatter and now has extensive information on numerous groups and individuals, and that's why they took so long. This shouldn't have taken as long as it did to resolve, but we've seen how vocal these guys are on social media. And they refused to let things just end with a whimper, they kept talking and talking, and I imagine some valuable intel got into the rhetoric. I would have preferred a quick end, but they're arresting people now, so I'm okay with the length of time, especially if the FBI now has thick files on everybody to help them better deal with these anti-government groups.
  4. I think the numbers of active members are far lower than these Walmartyrs would like us to believe. Lots of Facebook warriors, very few actual warriors. I doubt they could get the numbers to actually hem in the Feds. Being generous they had, what, 100 supposed members of that biker gang bouncing around? After weeks of calls for people to show up? How many of those will actually decide to take up arms directly against the Feds? Few if any I imagine. Most of these guys are functionally LARPers. And frankly, any of them with brains will not want to escalate further, since it hurts their cause. Remember when the IRS was investigating white supremacist and right wing extremist groups, and everyone yelled how unfair that was? Showing up to oppose the FBI in defense of guys with felony warrants is a great way to further vindicate being on watchlists and considered internally to be one of the top threats to national security.
  5. Wait, they brought weed, but not snacks? Amateur hour over here.
  6. Neither. Kinda tough to "spill" if it's still in either of those.
  7. Cliven saying those things is pretty absurd. He really is asking to get raided at 4 in the morning.
  8. That also sounds appropriate for that driver who died in Minnesota. FiniCum. Indeed, I propose, like Santorum, we invent the word "Finicum" today.
  9. Battlefield Hardline was an interesting take on cops and drug enforcement, I wonder if they'd do Battlefield: Supremacy. Create a fictional FBI agent who was a young guy during Waco. Then bring it to the Bundy ranch in 2014 for some cut scenes, with the guy being a midddle-aged agent then bring it to Malheur. You've got a car chase mission already set up. Points get deducted for killing anyone unless certain conditions in game are met.
  10. I suppose I am being generous, since he merely inspired the achievement, and had no active hand in it. Anyways, Bowie has still been taken from us and we still have Nugent. Sad times.
  11. Ted Nugent hasn't been a net positive for the human race since he got an achievement named after him in Gears of War back in 2006.
  12. Right, the statement was made with the intended assumption that such Seals were real. Realistically, the best assumption is that such seals are not real.
  13. I feel like ex-Seals will only make things worse legally for these guys. The more trained people they throw in there, the more "military" this whole thing becomes.
  14. On the one hand, watching those live streams would be hilarious. On the other hand, I'm worried they're gonna dragnet the IPs of watchers and stuff us on a list. I'm sure we're all on lists somewhere for something, but I'd prefer to be on as few lists as possible.
  15. I was wondering if/how bloodless it could even be if the militants made good on their promise to fight back if the Feds tried to arrest them. With the amount of hardware they were packing, a shootout could have been a huge mess. We'll need more details to know for sure, but yeah, at this time, it looks like thus far things were executed efficiently. I imagine them traveling was a good opportunity to do it. Long guns were probably back in the trunks/back of vehicles, probably limited ammo in the front, and obviously no secret snipers in makeshift guard towers. Resistance would naturally have been somewhat limited at that point.
  16. Seeing that Pete Santelli was arrested without incident. Shame LaVoy got killed, but I would not be surprised at all if he or others with him shot first. If that's what happened, what could be expected? Now for the fun game of what to charge them with. Arrested on felony conspiracy charges seems too little. We need more, like a few dozen more things. Lord knows there's plenty to get them with. Get a half dozen of their brightest prosecutors and tell them to be creative.
  17. Things seem to be ramping up before release. Saw that Darkseid likely makes some sort of appearance, either directly or indirectly, there's a released image with a big "omega" symbol branded into the dirt. http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/new-batman-v-superman-images-teases-arrival-darkseid The gif in there also shows Darkseid's minions flying around, though apparently it's from a hallucination. I'm wondering/hoping that plays into the reason for the feud. Batman gets a murky premonition that Superman either is a big bad (when it's actually Darkseid), though better would be that he sees Superman working with Darkseid or controlled by him. Darkseid's whole schtick is "no free will" so it would play together nicely if Batman had a vision of DS taking over Superman's mind and turning him against the humans, leading Bruce to more drastic action.
  18. That would be pretty funny. They occupy federal land, other people occupy their land. NM law says adverse possession is 10 years. I say go for it, odds are good that if the Feds have their heads on straight those ranchers won't be coming back anytime soon.
  19. Had a friend who said he anticipated this to be like a violent round of DDR with these twos' footwork. *puts on youtube DDR playlist* Not disappointing yet.
  20. Thanks! My goal is to not be terrible in two years. Then maybe get to "good" in six or so. That is an interesting article. Seems like they've got the airport somewhat locked down, and that they followed a reporter into town seems oddly proactive, while they try to actively avoid the militia. And I guess my info. goes into the super secret user notes now, haha.
  21. ^^ This would be an amzing idea if they wouldn't be shot out of the air instantly. And good drones are expensive. And on the alleged cameras, wouldn't they have seen the FBI putting them up? Wait, silly me, stop poking holes in the conspiracy; if they were open to holes being poked into their conspiracy there wouldn't be a conspiracy. More federal property damage though. And how nice of them to document it. Man, I still say hit them with treason, not necessarily because you'll win, but because all the other crimes are slam dunks. Any prosecutor worth one-tenth their loans could get convictions on the small stuff. Hell, I've been a real attorney all of 6 weeks and I could put them all away. Give them a challenge and hit them with something crazy. Probably helps that they'll be pro se because lawyers are evil or something.
  22. A peaceful arrest of someone who broke the law and a retaking of property paid for by tax payers? OH IT'S ON!
  23. That's actually a good idea. Send them things it's legal to have, but are useless to them, but that it's illegal to throw out. Or someone should just mail them a bunch of drugs and notify the DEA. Put the drug war to good use for once.
  24. I encourage everyone to go find EDP445's video on Doug Pederson. Please note: ALL THE WARNINGS. I'm not kidding. At one point he lifts up his shirt up and exposes his manboob when talking about Chip Kelly. So again, ALL THE WARNINGS. But it was so great anyway.
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