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Posts posted by DogofWar1

  1. 20 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:

    absolutely it could be. I doubt he's telling his agent to post emojis. If this is a problem still for him, I think Peters probably has given him a ring to gauge how much of a pain he's going to be.


    Yeah if this was Jayden and not his agent I think it'd be more under wraps.  A good agent is gonna try and mitigate their client's bad attitude and hide it as much as possible.


    His mom also is a potential troublemaker.


    It could be any combination of the 3, but I think agent is definitely one of them because he's out here liking tweets and posting emojis himself.

  2. This does ring true given their sudden scramble to meet with the vikings.


    I suspect he met with the Pats, who didn't give him the "if you are there at 3 we take you" guarantee, and then met with us and also got no "you at 2" guarantee.


    They shouldn't have assumed anything.  NOW I do NOT assume this is on Jayden.  This is on his agent being sloppy and ****y.

    • Like 3
  3. I can buy that Daniela has better poise bc I do see Maye drifting in the pocket.  That being said if we define poise as stand and deliver, I think someone posted the pie charts, Maye was better.


    As for processing, I don't buy that one.  You see both of them doing stuff pre snap and seemingly reading and at times even controlling the defense post snap.  I dunno maybe there's a difference to be found somewhere but both checked the boxes imo.

    • Like 1
  4. Now THIS is actually kinda weird if the report is true.



    Like I get time is short and valuable but if the Vikings want to send 11, 23, and 3 future firsts for your guy then he's gonna go.  They are in striking distance so it seems presumptuous to me to be hesitant to meet, esp now if any back tracking was involved in their camp.  You only deny a team in the top 20 a visit if you've got hard guarantees and based on this correction seems like they don't have guarantees.



    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, tmandoug1 said:

    Question for the gurus about the QB selection.


    Which QB is the best if they can't be a running QB due to an injury as in torn Achilles or knee type injury. Loss of mobility.


    Ignoring Caleb, if that injury happens NOW probably McCarthy.


    If it happens in 2-3 years, could be any of them but I'd say Drake with the slight edge, but by that point all 3 dudes should have had an opportunity to evolve their game.


    If it happens in 5+ years then still a toss up because then they've REALLY had a long time to figure out how to fit their game into the NFL.


    Daniels is indeed at a slight disadvantage but if he can do some of the things he doesn't do much of more and well, then he's mostly on par with the others.  If his game doesn't evolve, and he takes an injury then he will indeed be way below the others.

  6. You can never be sure of what any other team will do.  If we like them both 1000000% the same, fine you can entertain a trade.  But if there's any preference no matter how slight and no matter how confident you are in what the Pats are doing, you can't make that trade.


    If the Pats lie and take your guy, what's the recourse?  There is none.  You can't fashion a contract for them to pick so and so guaranteed, it's all words.


    Sure you want your front office to be trustworthy and so maybe there's some value in not being complete jerks but like, I think if you think it'll get you chances at the Superbowl you absolutely lie about it.  No one is gonna call the Pats out for being untrustworthy if the guy they picked out from under us at 2 gives them 12+ years if success.  Heck they'll be lauded for it.  Called geniuses.


    We control our own destiny, don't give that away for like a 3rd rounder.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, CapsSkins said:


    Not the same thing. Agents publicly airing frustration on behalf of their client targeting a potential employer like this does not happen unintentionally. The agent is going public for a reason.


    I mean yes.  It's highly unorthodox.  But I don't think we can discern much at all about it.  We gotta relax, and let the shoes drop.


    Cause boy howdy they are dropping.

  8. Everybody slow your roll.


    Yes it's weird, but let's not start reading too deeply into this.


    I often think back to high school english/literature classes, where we were to examine symbolism in various books, and how so often we just kinda made crap up to please the teacher.




    We are six looking glasses deep in this thread, we should probably all go get a snack from the fridge.

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  9. I've been mulling over the optics of picking up Daniels personally via Dan and GMAP and (insofar as we know) NOT doing the same for Drake or JJ.  (Penix's plane was late so we get a pass on him)


    If you favor JD, it just sorta feels crappy to do that to Drake and JJ.  Like are you wasting their time?


    If you don't favor JD, why give him seemingly preferential treatment?


    One explanation I thought about, and I have ZERO proof of it, is what if Jayden's mom (or someone else in his camp) demanded he be picked up by Quinn/Peters.  Like our FO ideally would want to be as certain as they could be to show no favoritism, but Jayden's camp would have no such optical needs.


    I'll be interested to see if more comes out on that.

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