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Posts posted by DogofWar1

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

    There's one guy I know in the town I'm visiting  who is a Commanders fan. He's really wrapped in the fear blanket from bad juju permeating this franchise for so many years.


    He's all thumbs up about the new f.o. and does fit in the group that likes Daniels or Maye over the others at #2 and thinks they're both strong choices, intellectually.


    But emotionally he's swamped by a fearful belief that JD will not physically last 4-5 years and the Pats (he's a hater) will pick Maye and in their second year with him will be back to deep playoff runs and championships for years.


    When I watch him discussing it I can actually see the fear. Much of this fan base is somewhat traumatized. 😬


    Whoever we pick, these new guys better save what's left of us. 😄




    I mean, this fanbase has lived thru two of the gnarliest injuries in the history of the sport, and a 3rd absolutely heart wrenching one that just destroyed the hopes we had built up.  Two of them happened within the last 12 years.


    If there is one fanbase allowed to panic about potential future injuries, it's us.

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  2. "Hello and thank you all for attending," Peters said as he shut the iron gate to the small concrete room from the opposite side of Maye, Penix, and JJ.


    "You may be confused, but to put it simply, the New York Giants are considering trading up for one of you, or, in Pocket Penix's case, trading back for him, and we simply can't have that.  We are intent on damning them to more seasons of Daniel Jones, and thus, you will all wait here until the draft is over and your disappearances have resulted in the Giants taking someone else."


    "Oh and we also hid Nabors somewhere, don't want him going there either."

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  3. Adam Peters is actually 3 dudes, so he can meet with all of them at once separately.


    There's Adam, then there's Peter, then other Peter (that's why his supposed last name is PeterS).


    Briefly back to actual QB analysis, I'm surprised someone hasn't created like, a Vitruvian Man chart for ball placement for QBs (and WRs for catch radius).  Would be an interesting heatmap to look at.

    • Haha 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    And then can we agree that Jayden Daniels has not demonstrated the ability to do this in college?


    Depends how you define "not demonstrated."


    Because he's done it, he just doesn't do it often.


    If I'm remembering the stats correctly, I think Jayden was forced off the spot roughly 90 times this season and threw on 20% of those, meaning he threw 18 times from off his spot.  So about 1.5 times per game.


    Compared to guys like Caleb who I think was 60+% on about 120 times, or Maye who was 48% on about 125ish or so, and you can see these guys are doing it 5, 6, or 7 times a game.


    Even comparative statue Mike Penix threw on the run a few times, and even looked okay doing it.  But he did it so rarely it's hard to know if it's actually a consistent club in his bag.


    And that's the issue for Jayden.  He does it sometimes, but not often, so we don't know if it's actually a skill he has.  Certainly I'd agree he hasn't "consistently" demonstrated it, or demonstrated it "at volume."

    • Like 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, ntotoro said:

    It's not just the weight, it's the construction of their physiques. Cunningham didn't have a ton of muscle, but was built differently. I don't believe Daniels will actually play at 210. I don't think anyone does. Even so, he's basically a bigger RG3, who didn't even make it one season in one piece.


    Important distinction (though I'm sure you meant this), he's a "taller" RG3.  RG3 was 222 at 6'2"ish.


    Indeed, RG3 is one of the rare guys whose weight decreased, as at some point thru his career his weight went from his draft weight of 222 to a final weight of about 212.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, kingdaddy said:

    Randall Cunningham 6'4, 216 lbs

    Jayden Daniels          6'4  210 lbs

    Josh Allen                   6'5  238 lbs

    Drake Maye                6'4    229 lbs


    Different people have different frames that can support different weights before they start to either lose mobility (too much muscle bulk) or start going the JaMarcus route of putting all that weight in the belly.


    Neither is great for mobility, though the former is gonna impact his throwing more (muscles upstairs changing throwing motion), while the latter is gonna impact his speed.


    Drake Maye is pretty mobile and plays at his 223-229 weight, but he's obviously no Daniels.


    If Daniels bulked up to 225, would be now move like Drake, ie a likely 4.6-40 and decently mobile BUT less shifty than before and lacking afterburners?  That basically destroys his biggest WOW asset.


    I strongly suspect Daniels at 225 would prove to decrease his ceiling in mobility and negatively impact his overall game.  He looked pretty darn ripped at his pro day at 210, can he really another 15 pounds without negative effects? Probably not.


    6 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    My issue is that I don't even think he's actually really 210. 210 would be fine. His legitimate actual real playing weight is probably closer to 190 ish. If he were 210 he'd have had no issue weighting in at the combine.


    I don't know the more I watch/read the more the kid just looks like a fugazi QB. 


    I mean looking at his muscles at his pro day, I do think he was truly 210; I don't think he had IV fluids or anything.  Maybe he did but the evidence suggests he was a true 210.


    But yes, he almost certainly played this year much lighter, you can just see it in the tape vs his body at his pro day.


    But this is the kind of thing you figure at at your all 30 meeting.  Stick a scale under the rug and after he takes a bathroom break find out for sure.

    5 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    I don't think Maye's windup is that slow. He does let the ball dip low, but he generates so much force that way that the ball just flies out of his hand. I don't see his release as being an issue besides some minor polishing/cleaning up that every young prospect requires.


    Yup, Maye varies his throwing motion speed.  Like if you watch some plays where he's about to get hammered he zips the ball out in an instant.  When he's chillin he does take a while, but that's cause he's chillin.


    I think a coach could get him to clean that up, because he CAN throw it fast, he just doesn't always do so.  Kind of like his footwork, he CAN have good footwork, it's just inconsistent.


    It's actually interesting, his footwork gets worse the more he's under pressure but his release speed gets faster the more under pressure he is.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    Every advanced metric says take Maye. He's also younger, bigger/stronger, has a much better arm, actually had to carry his college team, and plays a style more conducive to NFL football.


    Its mind boggling to me that a supposed smart new regime would take Daniels.


    It's probably reading into it too far, because I don't expect Maye to get past 3, and would be flabbergasted if he went past 4, so a drop from 2 to 4 isn't huge, BUT I could see Maye as a cautionary tale of staying loyal to your ****ty college program vs transferring to a better place.


    I keep thinking about how different this debate is if Maye's receivers didn't drop the ball at a wayyyy above national average rate at 8.2%.  If they just dropped the ball at 4.2%, which iirc is roughly the national average, Maye's stat line would look something like:


    286/425, 67.3% comp, 3825 yards passing, 9.0 Y/A av., 27 TDs to 9 INTs.


    Those drops robbed him of a 65+% completion rate and an above 9.0 Y/A av


    If I'm a breakout sophomore in some second tier school that looks a little talent depleted, trying to decide to stick with that school or go somewhere with bigger/better weapons, and Daniels who DID transfer goes 2 while Maye who didn't went a few picks later, I probably transfer.

    • Like 4
  8. Would we even want Daniels to bulk up to 225?


    Like people have been saying, LSU is no slouch at nutrition and training.  And of course Daniels had 3 months from the end of the season to his pro day to bulk up.


    I'm going to guess at some point they realized the mobility/speed decreases were outweighing the increases in strength/bulk and they settled on 210 as the best place to land.

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