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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. If the Trump campaign struck a deal with Russia to release damaging info during the election in exchange for policy leniency, what about that isn't major? Is this a trick question? I did notice Flynn's name was noticeably absent from the Stone/Page/Manafort group that seem so eager to set the record straight.
  2. The Freedom Caucus/Tea Party zealots have totally handcuffed our government. They have made it virtually impossible to pass any meaningful legislation, because their demands are simply part of an alternate reality. They can't work with either side.
  3. So now you guys care about facts? That's precious. I do agree that there needs to be more meat brought to the table, but to downplay what is currently happening, in my opinion, is whistling past the graveyard. When/if the meat comes...will you eat it or dismiss it just like everything else? And yes, I already know the answer.
  4. This is starting to feel like it's really going to happen. Trump supporters will say "Good. Anything that kept Hillary out the WH is fine with me." If we thought the depths his supporters have gone to defend him are mind blowing, just wait until the **** hits the fan on this thing.
  5. Listening to Bob Baer, it should be common knowledge that any time you speak with a foreign official, there will be a transcript of that conversation. So wouldn't it make sense for Trumps team to know this incidental collection must have occurred, to locate it, and then to have Nunes present it as a blowback to the fallout from Trump's wiretapping claims?
  6. I agree totally. I listened to his original presser, and his most recent one outside the west wing seemed much more fishy to me. I'll keep an open mind, but the look on his face is similar to Spicer. It's like he doesn't fully believe the words coming out of his own mouth.
  7. I don't like Trump, but I might have a harder time watching Spicer. Just ridiculous and painful. Nunes is a puppet. They can act like they didn't know this was coming, but I have a hard time thinking this leak/news conference wasn't orchestrated by the WH.
  8. It feels like the Pubs are trying to light a backfire, but it feels desperate. The Manafort stuff seems to have really hit a nerve. Trump supporters will just see this as evidence that Trump was right about the surveillance, and I imagine Trump will gloat about it. I love listening to Bernstein. I wish they would have a Bernstein, Gergen, Axelrod show. I enjoy their insight.
  9. So, is Nunes using this to try to prove Trump's wiretapping claims as true? I'm a bit confused. And I'm not very smart.
  10. My brother is a big Trump supporter as well. It makes it twice as exhausting when the noise comes from your own family. We don't talk about it at all. I think that's the real problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it. It's just hard to have a dialogue when most of his talking points are based on lies/Fox News/Breitbart garbage. I wish I knew a better way.
  11. Tom Price's town hall on CNN discussing the health care bill is terrifying. Standard talking points about returning the power to the people to make decisions. More shameless lies. We gotta get to single payer eventually. Greatest country on the planet doesn't take care of its own people. It's pathetic.
  12. I am keenly aware, amigo. Anytime the word "trigger" is brought up, I die a little inside.
  13. Oh yes, that guy! That whole row looks like a young white supremacist movement.
  14. Thanks amigo. That game is the most fun I've had on ES this offseason. I always laugh at how the white trash reacts behind him. Murica.
  15. True. I just can't imagine them being better than Lonzo. I like a lot of the kids coming into the league next year, but Lonzo would be my pick at #1. There are some other guys that might be better players eventually, but I just think Lonzo will elevate the play of his entire team. Kid's a prodigy.
  16. Lonzo's shot looks busted, but his floor game is sick. I expect him to be a great pro. Some guys just make things look easy. He's one of those dudes. I haven't seen the other brothers play yet. I know one dropped about 90 points in a game, but are they supposed to be better than Lonzo? I just can't imagine that they are. The dad's schtick is already tired to me. Dude put up 100 dollar t-shirts and 30 dollar hats for sell. Guy ain't all there.
  17. Speaking of killing cats at 40 years old, Vince Carter's stat line from tonight... 30 mins 8-8 fgs 6-6 3pt 2-2 fts 5 rebs 2 ast 3 stl 24 pts
  18. I've been playing the "recuse" drinking game on CNN since lunch. Think I'll cab a call.
  19. Arrogance. These guys feel like they can operate with impunity. Trump has never had a humbling day in his life. I've referenced it before, but Trump displays many traits commonly found in your garden variety sociopath. Like many sociopaths, he wants maximum pleasure from his deceits. He takes those stances because he gets off on it. He likes knowing that he can get away with saying anything, so he pushes the boundaries as far as he possibly can. It's a power play.
  20. I think the Sessions thing is big. Not because I think he committed perjury, but because it puts more pressure on him to recuse himself. That gives us a better chance for an independent investigation into the Russia mess. As more potential GOP roadblocks get removed, the more I believe we have a chance at getting the truth. I'm really starting to think this thing will go all the way to the top. Trump's arrogance and "oh yeah, make me" attitude will be his undoing. In the end, we will all be shocked at how these crimes were committed in plain sight.
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