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Everything posted by skinsfan4128

  1. There are some things I could've went the rest of my life not knowing, Sacks. And this was was in the top 10. Excuse me while I go wash my eyes out with bleach. Lol. HTTR!
  2. They cannot "change" themselves (nor should they if that's their life choice) no more than this asshole can change being a bigoted piece of ****. HTTR!
  3. Problem here you're assuming this from the standpoint that the orange **** is a rational human being. Alas, nothing could be further than the truth. In fact, I think it's safe to say that he is so far removed from reality in his own vanity that it borderline insanity. One could reasonably argue that the one thing he craves more is his power/greed. As we know, he truly believes all his followers/cultists should do is show him loyalty and fealty. The other way around, not so much. And honestly, that's what should end of taking him down. Loyalty works both ways and it's so clear he missed that part of the lesson. Good news is he's about to get a crash course on how that works real soon. The humanity of it all. HTTR!
  4. And now the dominoes are falling. The orange assclown has got to be losing his **** right about now (hide your ketchup). This makes me as giddy as a schoolgirl on prom nite. Hope this leads to the orange fat **** wearing orange for the rest of his days. HTTR!
  5. Jeez, this sounds an awful lot like your RR posts. Who knew you were so diverse. To piggyback off your post, those assholes may follow their orange savior, but soon enough his ass licking followers won't be "primaried". Instead, more and more these assclowns will have no choice but to realize that he's a liability to their party. In fact, as he gets convicted of his crimes (the odds are he'll get convicted of at least a quarter of the 91 charges), they'll turn their backs on him knowing that he no longer presents a threat to their positions. So there's that. But congrats on the moving on from RR. HTTR!
  6. And here I thought you had a problem with RR only. Good to see you're branching out. HTTR!
  7. Agree with this, Martin. I've seen Young pushed up the field by tackles more than happy to accommodate him past the opposing QB. But then I see him use the bend and get there. All in all though, I don't get the Lavar vibe as much as I do it's an inconsistency issue. If Young can fix that and be more disciplined in his play, I think he'll be a very good to great DE. He showed up vs Broncos in that 2nd half and was a force for the defense. HTTR!
  8. Seriously? This team is 2-0. Now with that said,it wasn't pretty. This is a young team that needs to learn how to become a consistent winner. As far as coaching staff, there is plenty of second guessing to go around, but this group is playing their tails off for these coaches. I told my son after the game, if this happens for the last few years, we lose this game. Comrade88 bumping this thread is just another obvious example of his disdain for all thing RR. In a sense, I feel bad for him now cause he can't even enjoy the wins. RR might need to invest in a security team though. Lol. Again, we need to let this play out before we start ousting folks. Then, if the new ownership feels its time for a change, so be it. Personally, I'm going to enjoy the win and look forward to next Sunday vs Bills. HTTR!
  9. Don't look forward to that happening, crooked. The media only cares about ratings and clicks. Like or not (and I sure as **** dont), Trump gets clicks from his cultist followers. It's why Fox continues to spew bull**** and lies in Trump's defense. Cause they ****ing know his band of merry ****ing dolts will tune in to eat up the steaming pile of grade A, grain fed horse**** that they're peddling. It's ratings and clicks, my man. Not truth or honor. HTTR!
  10. No truer words have ever been spoken. This according to the cctv at the Beetlejuice musical. Do, let's recap. This **** goes full retard by a) vaping at the show even though she was asked not to, b) was indignant to others by being a complete asshat in the theater, c) allowing her "date" fondle her in public all the while engaging in fondling her "date" in return, d) shining her sorry ass when she is escorted out of show for the things she did with no remorse, e) being a ****ing useless republican ass that attempts to warp the minds of her constituents by claiming she's all about morals and Christianity, f) being an usless human being but attempting to portray herself as a warrior of the people, g) a Trumper gun toting moron who clearly has no clue between right and wrong, h) a hypocritical **** who is a mamaw in her 30s but professes that this is enough to be a pro-lifer, i) her education is less than her show size but wants everyone to think she's smarter than everyone else, j) I'm tired of typing about some hooker that got elected and thinks she's better than everyone else, k) a prostitute for hire but swears she has morals, l) can't spell morals, m) money hungry ass that has manipulated her actual finance spending, n) has defended the abhorrent behavior of her ex-husband and his open wanking of his genitals in public, o) oh the humanity of it all, p) her acceptance of penis showing in public, q) her iq is that of a garden slug, r) is so low of a human being that she engages in a cat fight with the Neanderthal known to us as MTG, s) carries a firearm and brandishes it as a declaration of her loyalty when in fact she's only showing why there should be stricter gun laws, t) what self respecting woman allows a man to grope her in front of a packed house at a.musical, u) piggybacking off t, how does she show any self respect for herself and her female constituents, v) very ****ing stupid, w) continues to make herself look like a useless twit all the while claiming she's fighting for American people, x) can't hold a coherent thought when in a congressional hearing, y) why the **** have I kept this going for woman who doesn't deserve this much attention, z) a completely horrible, useless, uneducated, bag of dumbassery that has no business representing our nation and deserves a swift kick in her can right off the capitol grounds. Please tip your waiter/waitress on your way out. Thank you for your patronage. HTTR!
  11. I found it particularly comical that he states they "leak, lie, and sue". This statement would be that idiot's autobiography title. How anyone can belive this narcissistic **** is beyond me. But for this orange piece of **** to accuse others of lies is the embodiment of hypocrisy. HTTR!
  12. Very well. May the same wildebeest stomp the living **** out of any those eight legged abominations that crawled out of the depths of hell while defecating on their lawns. Better? 🤣 HTTR!
  13. Not this **** again. Shame upon those who bump thos horrific thread. May 1000 wildebeest defecate on your front lawns. 😁 HTTR!
  14. Have another line or two, you lush. What an imbecile. Loved how he called that lawyer an ambulance chaser. I damn sure would have called him a conspiracy fraud, tin hat wearing, Trump ass sniffer right back. But, "are you done" works just as well, I suppose. Lol. HTTR!
  15. That sir, is rather frightening. You should have that looked at or leave the voices in your head well enough alone. Hope this helps. Lol. HTTR!
  16. FFS, can we stop this bs already? How can folks believe the orange twits bs?!? My God, are there this many dumbasses on this rock?!? I seriously can't believe this many people believe that this assclown is the savior of this country. Moreover, how the **** does these so-called politicians follow this idiot into oblivion and shout out how great he is?!? This ****face is following the hitler playbook and getting folks to follow him in step. I've had enough of watching this bs and the GOP playing along with this crap. I've just simply had enough. When did we get this ****ing stupid to follow failed reality "star" TV personality that we'll fall for every bs lie that he spews to the point we'll forgo the very rights that every American is given. Do we sit back and watch them take away our rights, women's rights, human rights to be who they want to be, etc? Or do we usher in the next German richt?!? Sad that this is our country now. But yet, here we are. Do away with these mofher****ers. HTTR!
  17. What is baffling to me is how the coaching staff is so stubborn about trotting out the same OL and somehow thinking it's going to work. Charles was getting his ass handed to him repeatedly and Wylie looked as if he was moving in slow motion compared to his counterparts. How long can they expect Howell to survive back there with those two constantly being polite and escorting the defense back to him is beyond me. I'd look at some different combinations and hope to find the best serviceable line I could (and I'm not a coach). Like some other posters suggested, Wylie at LG makes sense as he wouldn't be in space and put Lucas at RT. That would at least shore things up somewhat better than what they're sending out there now. HTTR!
  18. Exactly. It's insane to think that teachers have to deal with this bs. My ex-wife is a teacher, and she has to balance her beliefs against the crap the GOP wants her to teach in school. It's ****ing horrible. Assholes should be taken out back of the woodshed and done away with. But yet here we are. Pathetic these asshats are elected to be in charge. What in the blue hell are these folks thinking?!? Sad...pathetic...and sucks. Oh, and where is CC84 to defend her knight in tarnished armor? Lol. HTTR!
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