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Everything posted by skinsfan4128

  1. This line of thinking is completely baffling to me. Look, if a guy wants to chop his wee wee off and parade around in women's clothing, who gives a ****? I don't pay that **** any mind as long as they don't **** with me or my family. Otherwise, I don't give a rat's ass and pay it no attention. If a woman wants to dress like a man and act like she has a set of bull nuts, I still don't give a damn. Again, I don't pay it any mind. You know why, ladies and germs? Simple, I don't give **** cause it doesn't affect me. I have a simple rule in life (amongst other rules I follow), and that is I mind my own business. These so-called politicians are always inserting themselves into **** that doesn't pertain to them in the name of religion, their constituents, their own ****ing fears and biases, etc. Here's an idea for these ****wits, try actually doing your ****ing jobs that you were elected to do instead of pursuing your own personal vendetta. That'd be a nice change for the better. And hell, you might actually make America great (not putting again cause they never succeeded in making it great in the first ****ing place). HTTR!
  2. I don't know about the rest of you, but this actually scares the living **** out of me. There really is no telling how many foreign adversaries had access to our country's top secrets and what kind of peril that stupid son of a **** has put us in. Think about this: anyone one of those foreign "workers" could have been a spy for another country knowing what a dumb **** that ignorant orange hack was. This potentially could have exposed some of our country's most secret Intel to our foes around the globe. This pompous, arrogant, useless ****er needs to be hanged right in front of the same building he incited the insurrection upon. This is treasonous beyond anything I think our country has ever been exposed to in its entirety as a democratic nation. ****ing disgusting and unreal what this fascist piece of dog **** has done with wilful defiance of the law. But I digress, at this point all I can hope for is may the fleas of 1000 camels infest his crotch. HTTR!
  3. This is so Trump. He's going to blame his LOYAL ass kisser for the classified papers. Lol. That douchebags shame knows no bounds. The beat thing ole Walt can do now is go groveling to Jack in hopes of striking a deal and roll on the that orange piece of ****. HTTR!
  4. This woman is about as dumb as a bag of hammers. And I'd actually prefer the hammers cause you could actually get something useful done with them. HTTR!
  5. This is great news. To be honest, this needs to continue to happen. Start going after these "the law doesn't apply to us" ****ers and make a statement that if you want to **** with democracy, it can **** with you back. Perhaps if they get after these Maga ass kissers then maybe the Republican party might be able to restore some sense of respectability and decency. Wishful thinking, I admit, but worth hoping for. Getting Cancun Cruz would be especially gratifying. HTTR!
  6. Um, idiot. Wow, just wow. These ****ers are bat**** crazy. This **** is more crazy than a 2 dollar whore on Friday night. But hey, Dems will start another war shortly with Hunter's permission. HTTR!
  7. Jesus, you're just a beacon of light on an otherwise cloudy day. You might want to take a breakfast posting and go for a walk. Mental health is a real problem and after viewing your posts, you might well be good to take a break. Just saying...for a friend...twice removed. HTTR!
  8. This is where I'm at, bang. I never really cared about politics, but this clownshow has gotten me interested initially. Then just completely pissed about how these elected idiots on the republican side just keep doing dumb ass **** in the name of the orange ****tard. I don't get it. I certainly don't understand his evidence denial followers either. Reminds me of the history channels programs of the final antichrist. Though make no mistake,I don't believe it cause that mother****er is too incompetent to be that cunning. Regardless, I'm not surprised by this idiot's agenda, but the swarms of morons who choose to ignore the facts just to follow this lying ****. It's sad and makes me concerned for my kids future as to what it will do to me. This sum beach needs to be shipped to a cannibalistic island and do his little stupid ****ing dance for them. **** Trump, his ****ing little Troup of ass lockers in the "government", and his asinine followers. Lock. Him. Up. HTTR!
  9. Easy to understand for normal, rational human beings. That pretty much rules out the orange ****er, his boot licking comrades, and his blind ****ing ignorant followers. HTTR!
  10. In the words of the great philosopher George Carlin, I leave symbols to the symbol minded. And the flag is the ultimate symbol. Carry on. HTTR!
  11. You have a point. But in this case, someone ought to file charges cause Father Time is straight up curb stomping that monstrosity. HTTR!
  12. Damn, that's one scary ****ing creature. And just so you know, there are some things you can't unsee. So yeah, thanks for that now that I'll never get a good night's sleep ever again. HTTR!
  13. Though I agree here, that's not really bothers me. It's all the damned folks that blindly and ignorantly follow the evil people. And we've seen this play out throughout our history, ie Jonestown. And that's just one of many examples. Hate to admit it, but this turd in the punch bowl just continues to get these people to follow him, even if it is right off a cliff and into the pits of hell itself. In some ways, it's absolutely ****ing impressive to watch thos assclown rally his supporters when all the damning evidence is right there. On the other hand, it's sickening that his followers continually refuse to see him for who he really is and what he truly stands for. He only cares about one thing: himself with power. Personally, I can't wrap my head around how many people out there actually believe this asshole. And that's what's sad about our country right now. HTTR!
  14. Meadows went through him, not threw him under the bus. Doesn't that violate some fundamental law of physics? HTTR!
  15. Do not disparage the thing like that. It wouldn't spend its time ona **** stick like Trump. It needs viable, intelligent host. HTTR!
  16. That piece if **** can run away if he wants to. Smith is going to get his orange skinned ass. Trump on 2024...in jail. HTTR!
  17. Dude,can you please let your hatred for Rivera go. You honestly keep this **** show going with Ron even if you hide it behind Lil Napoleon. Just stop. The man has done more under Snyder than any coach before him (other than perhaps Gibbs 2.0). Your disdain for Rivera is sickening. The man dealt with cancer upon the cancer of an owner he had to put up with and still led this team to respectability. 2 words for you....Just. Stop. HTTR!
  18. I'll take a Hooker at 16 anyday......uh, wait....that didn't come out the way I intended. My bad....I'm going to step away and repent. 😶‍🌫️ Carry on. HTTR!
  19. Christ, is there a bigger piece of **** than Snyder?!? The ****er is a slimy pile of horse ****. And that's being nice. HTTR!
  20. Dan is an incompetent fool but he ain't going to turn down guaranteed money for a lay a way program. This ain't ****ing Walmart. That **** is shady as hell and even Dan's dumbass can figure that much out. HTTR!
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