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Everything posted by RansomthePasserby

  1. Well... I have a feeling he's not going to be on the show for very much longer.
  2. I can't wait till we get our burgundy pants back. White on gold is starting to burn holes in my eyes.
  3. GHH, it looks like you might get your wish...
  4. http://fox8.com/2012/11/05/court-orders-driver-to-wear-idiot-sign/ Some people don't have any sense.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr78dNsjPuc&sns=em
  6. There's potential for far greater damage when something is recorded. Take the people in this guy's video, for example. The amount of strangers able to eavesdrop on their private lives against their will increased from one (without a camera) to thousands (with). But yeah, let's get back to the own3d.
  7. There's a difference between a surveillance camera that is already in the room, and a guy walking into the middle of a private conversation. Especially because he's recording sound, not just video. He's actually breaking federal law by doing this. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2511
  8. Dude, you can't post something like that and not expect to get called out. I'm with skinsfan_1215, let's leave propaganda from both sides out of the own3d thread.
  9. I don't really associate uniforms with people, so the fact that Vinny happened to be here when we wore white on white doesn't bother me. Fair enough. ---------- Post added October-25th-2012 at 04:42 PM ---------- Truth.
  10. I never understood the hate for the white on white. I liked them and wouldn't mind seeing them again at all.
  11. I don't think we can wear either of those since they're both colored jerseys and the Steelers are already wearing their colored jerseys. Pretty sure we have to go with white.
  12. I'll gladly take that over the gold pants. At this points, white over gold is burning my eyes. If the Steelers wear those awful throwbacks against us while we're wearing the gold pants, I might have a seizure.
  13. I actually like the white on white too. Looks fast. The fact that we wore it during the end of the 2005 season doesn't hurt ether.
  14. True, but I'm sure Nike can come to the Redskins with proposals, and vice versa. Thant and wishful thoughts. Yeah, I want them to bring the burgundy pants back too. Gold looks good as trim, but not as a primary color.
  15. I'm pretty sure Nike is evolving the uniforms over the next few years, so just because something looks a certain way this year doesn't mean it's going to stay that way.
  16. Yeah, everyone has different tastes. The striping needs to be bolder, imo. It's too thin right now. I actually wouldn't mind that at all.
  17. Haven't heard about that, but the striping is definitely off. I would be be very happy if the changed it to a thicker, double stripe. Or, at the very least, just make it thicker. It looks so thin and weak right now.
  18. Except the gray face mask. That just throws the whole thing off for me. It needs to be gold.
  19. "Jump on the Bandwagon: RG3" thread from the stadium.
  20. Who knows? Personally, I think we'll go back to white over burgundy at some point though.
  21. I wish they'd go back to burgundy pants (at least for our away uni.) Gold looks amazing as a trim color, but it's kind of crappy when it's dominant. Especially when it's the white jersey over gold pants... those two just don't mix.
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