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  1. He’s surpassed my expectations for sure. I think he has the talent to be a perennial top 16 guy and that’s at the VERY least. But his pocket presence stinks and I’d argue yesterday was his worst showing in that department. He walked into damn near every sack and some of those were pristine pockets. Hope he isn’t “seeing ghosts” after all of those hits. If he could simply just be “bad” at sack taking and not “historically bad”, he’d be firmly in the top 12 best QBs so far. I just really don’t want him getting rolled up on and getting hurt. It only takes one. 

    17 minutes ago, Stihl89 said:

    As I’ve been saying 


    These QBs are purgatory leading 

    Those QBs are only “purgatory leading” bc of their contracts. It’s way to early to start thinking that way in regards to Sam. 

    Also, Dak and Jimmy win a ton of games and are always in the playoffs so if that’s purgatory, sign me up. 

    17 minutes ago, Stihl89 said:

    As I’ve been saying 


    These QBs are purgatory 

  2. 52 minutes ago, El Mexican said:


    Only it isn't. Too risky. Eagles demonstrated that today.


    Our version of the WCO is primitive and leaves the running game as an afterthought.

    This is a mistake since we don't have the personell to pull it of. We ain't The Greatest Show on Turf by a nautical mile.

    I mean it didn’t work today for them but I was at their game last week in LA and they churned that game out with plenty of passes late. 

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  3. 4 years in and they’re still towards the bottom of the middle tier of the NFL. Some parts have changed but overall, they really aren’t all that materially better. It’s hard for me to analyze individual games bc I feel like we’ve had the same convos for years now. Pick a random game from the RR era, copy and paste whatever you posted that night, and it’ll probably apply today. Sam makes it a little more “exciting” but again, it feels like this is all a waste of time and the biggest takeaway from each game is that we are one week closer to seeing who will lead the team into the next era. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Conn said:

    I hate to repeat myself, but these guys are so ****ing arrogant in this building with their road-to-nowhere roster, it’s actually insane. If these guys weren’t at least technically qualified to coach at this level I’d call it the Dunning-Kruger effect. But that would be arrogance on my own part, because these guys do know enough to be in their positions (even if they are bottom of the barrel at their own level). 

    But to have a defense performing this badly, and have this sort of ego on display makes it 10x worse. They really think their decisions are unassailable, that no one is qualified to question the job they’re doing as they tell their locker room to “Do Your Job”. No humility or self-awareness at all. 

    It makes me actually dislike these guys instead of just wanting them to be replaced. 

    I’ve been saying this. They think bc they’ve been in the league for awhile that they’re infallible. When in reality they’ve all been mediocre at best for the totality of their careers. Local media always wants to criticize fans for wanting changes. Well, it’s YEAR 4. I feel like the media and coaches get so wrapped up in the minutiae that they miss the big picture. Every single season has played out the same. We are tired of this boring ass movie. 

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    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1

  5. The walls are closing in. He’s just making any kind of excuse at this point. Really think being in a softer market like Carolina made him think that fans and media are dumber than they really are. How can you say that statement with a straight face when I can easily pull information saying all of your best players are grizzled vets at this point? 

    And yes your QB is young but again, that was YOUR decision to live and die with a rookie. 

  6. 4 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    I’d never call a player a bust after 5 games.


    But history is not in Forbes favor.  Rarely do players play as poorly as he has to start his career and end up being good players in the league.  

    Yep. Struggles are normal but I’ve always felt that good players rarely look “worst guy on the field bad” even as young players. Forbes has been on the extreme side of rookie struggles. I’m quite concerned bc I always figured he’d get burned a fair amount due to his style but never in my wildest dreams could I envision the last two weeks. That’s stuff you’d see in HS where one guy is just getting absolutely picked on bc he doesn’t belong. Travon Diggs gets burned a lot. So did DHall but never remember a ball hawk get put in a blender like that. 

    I’m really rooting for him bc we desperately need playmakers but you just can’t put stuff like that on tape. He has to improve ASAP. 

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