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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. And that is why, as of this afternoon, I can no longer be called a Republican. I changed my Registration. My values haven't changed, my former party just sold out.
  2. @Jumbo or anyone else who saw it. I didn't see the press conference because I'm working. Can you give me a brief overview of his good points?
  3. Oh I get how important the question is and how it can be manipulated. Things like sample size, margin of error, etc also effect how worthy a poll is. They are quite easily manipulated if you do it right. That's why I usually call people out on quoting poll results but usually I'm just told I don't know what I'm talking about. I remember in a Stats class I took years ago, we were tasked with doing a poll. We were given very little guidance for what criteria we had to meet, we just had to show our data. I used some craftiness and was able to show that something like 85% of people supported the leader of the Klan getting a Nobel Peace Prize. I got a B. I need to try to find it and use it in here some times. It makes a good point.
  4. This can't be said enough. We are all spending too much time blaming. It's like we have an offense and a defense that both aren't playing well and we are too busy pointing fingers to realize fault doesn't matter. We are still losing the game.
  5. If it's the same poll I saw last night, it is dated January 5th-7th or something like that. I think it is too early for a good poll since it was actually enacted. Hopefully seeing how it was done will change people's opinion.
  6. Hopefully someone gets to work at my senators Office soon and clears out the mailbox so I can leave a message.
  7. While this is bad, let's not try to equate it to the genocide of that era. Do you really expect people to forego a retirement they have worked the majority of their lives for to disobey this and just have someone else replace them and enforce it?
  8. You were one of the "many others". Not worth naming individually.
  9. While I tire of your commentary, my wife and I actually had to have a conversation about where the line would be regarding which orders I would follow and which I wouldn't. Can you blame some of these people for not ditching their retirement over this? I can't. That's not fair. I'm still here. TWA, Kilmer, and many others all still here.
  10. Off topic but this reminds me of the night we bought our house. Came back to our new home and within an hour, had locked ourselves out. Spent about 30 minutes debating which window was the cheapest to replace. Finally decided, broke a window, then had to walk barefoot across broken glass to get in and unlock a door.
  11. Well I doubt you'd be dumb enough to loot your own business, though I do wonder. So I guess we will just see if you have better aim than another business owner. Either way I'll stay home with what I have. Luckily, my aim is pretty damn good.
  12. Seems smart. And that is why I will stay home and protect what is mine. Maybe you will get lucky and run into a business owner with a gun license.
  13. Remember when I asked if anyone else thought they should be stocking up on canned goods and such? And people thought I was crazy. I'm going to the grocery store.
  14. What are the potential ramifications of these places that appear to be ignoring the judges order?
  15. Let's be careful to not blame the low level employees that are actually carrying out these actions. They are likely just following orders from above and don't know what to do.
  16. I'm glad you understood the track because I genuinely have no clue what he meant. Maybe my rage is keeping me from thinking clearly.
  17. Care to expand on this? I want to make sure I understand what you are saying before I tear in to you.
  18. Interesting. Fox News hasn't mentioned a single thing about the protests. I've been watching for about an hour.
  19. While that is wrong also, that not what I am talking about. I mean men and women in an American uniform with a US military ID. Not some one who has helped us but someone who literally is one of us.
  20. Think about this. It is possible that a person that is active duty military could be denied entry to the very country they are fighting for at this moment. Let that sink in.
  21. My comment was directed at him also. This was for both sides.
  22. Yup. But in my experience throwing blame in someone's face when they **** up isn't the best way to bring people together. How exactly do you think it helps? i just want to bring everyone together against things like this.
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