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Everything posted by Llevron

  1. Hard not to watch this and feel like you are watching it from the bad guys prospective. Dude got out of the car with the gun drawn. And it looks like he had the safety off too. What a ****.
  2. Even better is that they consider it just an "Error". How does that even fly? Getting caught with a little tree on you is an "error" lol
  3. Thats true. I dont see how they can come up clean from this though. Either they are going to sell out Flynn, who I would assume will take issue with that. Or they are going to have to side with and support him. Which is political suicide for all those not named Donald J. Trump and will start a whooooole new game. Agree. Especially if those same big names try to send him up the river.
  4. ****s wack. I wont even be out of the office until 5:30. Might as well start watching wrestling again at this point.
  5. Morris got called for this one didnt he? Thats whats got me pissed off this morning.
  6. Bro the calls in the paint are a problem. We cannot defend Milsap as it is but the fact that the only dude on the floor who has a chance gets a foul on touch is crazy. You can't defend the paint if you can't touch people.
  7. The good news is that if the current play keeps up we will be able to keep Otto and BoLacksBuckets if we really want to.
  8. I'm throwing hands at the next cat I catch working at a Footlocker.
  9. Exactly. But ill take it. Especially if we are going to keep collecting fouls like we are. Also, the hilarity in thinking you are a good small ball team but you shoot something like 35% from 3 as a team
  10. ATL wants to go small for whatever reason and completely misuse the only real advantage they have over the Wiz, so honestly I may not play Ian all series unless they try and change it up or it gets scary close. I still dont understand why they clearly believe that the small ball approach is going to work for them. I would not be doing that. But I guess thats why im not a coach in the NBA (yet).
  11. This has it stated correctly in the end. Im not looking ahead, but IF we get to play Cavs - Wall is going to have to take it from James. Like fight for two weeks tooth and nail, get lucky and drag the rest of the squad with him dead or alive. I hope we get the chance to see it happen.
  12. He does actually. Starting to talk like him a little bit too lol
  13. Dude I have so many ideas but with zero knowledge of how the cap works I dont know if they are possible. Like I would move porter and dangle Bog Daddy as a sign and trade as well. I would consider moving Gortat too (even though hes playing so well) if we could find a way to snag a young guy at the spot.
  14. No one actually thinks the Raptors are any good if they have been paying attention. They peak in the Regular season then hurry to the couch to watch the playoff like the rest of the fans. They never fail to amuse me. But honestly, and I say this in all seriousness, im impressed they weren't swept. They are playing a clearly more talented and driven team.
  15. Yes has to want to come here by now. If he had our team last night - even just Wall - that was a blow out win. Not the worst comeback loss in playoff history (or some such)
  16. I feel like Wiz popularity is about to take off in the city. I really really reallyreally hope thats what happens. They deserve it. And the city honestly could use it.
  17. You know what, you are correct. Game 7 Durrant played his but off. I did forget that. I guess the proper argument would be - it should have never gotten to a game 7. But you are correct and I cannot discount his performance. My point, though, is that the two of them played well enough to almost win. He didnt have to take the chump way out and join the Western Conference All Stars. I aint mad at him and I get it. But its a chump move and Westbrooks performance shouldnt be some kind of validation for it.
  18. Lets not lose track of the fact that OKC had the Warriors bent over a barrel and asking for forgiveness in the Western conference finals. Lost 3 games straight (games in which Durrant shot very poorly when he got the chance - and he got it often) AND then decided, on the heals of taking the beating and embarrassment of being the first team ever to lose a series up 3-1, to join the squad who made him their personal ****. I mean I get it. Westbrook is a ball hog and probably really difficult to play with. But if this was the problem for real, you would have seen it before now. And this doesn't make Durrant any less of a ****. Hes spent all season acting like he is the Alpha male, but you mean to tell me an Alpha like that took a backseat to Westbrook for all those years? And we knew nothing about it? Naw. Im not buying that one.
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