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Everything posted by Llevron

  1. We do have a pretty negative view here on Daniels in general. Its almost crazy to even consider him at 2. Most of the reporters are touting him for clicks, all talking heads are lying or being lied to (and probably paid off) and all his stats and accomplishments belong to his aggressively over talented teammates. If he didn't have legs he wouldn't even be drafted in the first round. Its very easy to read the last few pages and come away feeling like that. I think he stressed at the idea that the FO is even considering Daniels. It should be a no brainer.
  2. Help me get to this conclusion as I do not agree with it and im not sure why you say it so much.
  3. Oh I didnt know we already watched it. Yea he is gonna need an oline, no surprise there.
  4. I read that entire P2S% breakdown and it comes off as an really out of context statistical oddity more than anything. I mean.... measure of 'success' is arbitrary as **** imo. https://www.nbcsports.com/fantasy/football/news/pressure-to-sack-rate-what-is-it-and-how-can-it-be-applied What? How is that even useful? Can someone give me additional context that is missing from that read? I get that touted as constant. But I don't get how its not seen as just additional info. I feel like im missing something that is obvious to everyone else.
  5. 100% there are going to be people saying "I thought we got this guy cause he was pro ready??" or "Why did we draft a guy at 2 that needed to sit??" because people are stupid and biased and that's just how they work. Like always. But a lot of folks do rise above it. Gotta try not to give air to the people to make their biases so clear and make no attempt to get past them.
  6. They all have talent and they all have things they can work on. Past that anything we or anyone else says means little until they are drafted and get to work. All of their flaws can be fixed or mitigated regardless of what anyone says. Mahomes had flaws, they were mitigated. Brady had flaws, he fixed them. Its always going to be like that. What you should be excited about is the organization we have. Whoever we pick, they seem to be willing to do whatever it takes to make them successful, and already have a lot in place to help them. Thats so much more important and we are already ahead of the game there. That's because teams draft them thinking it will all just work itself out. This team is not doing that. Feel good about that.
  7. I think JP and Keim (amount others) both make a valid point about the pressure to sack %. People are looking at the number and seeing that it’s high completely without context. Without actually looking at everything in totality you don’t know if it’s really as big a deal as it seems. Apparently they have both looked at all of the sacks taken and come away with the opinion that it’s not as big a deal as it seems on paper. Keim even specifically says he spoke to people who are NFL coaches/FO that have told them it’s not concerning. I do find it odd that we are going out of our way to diminish everything these guys say in regards to this without actually adding any context. Seems biased to me. I wanna know he context. I found this cut up of all his pass and running plays. Even the failed ones (so it includes all his sacks). Judge what you can for yourself if interested. I haven’t watched it yet but when I get free time I think I will.
  8. Well yea thats a possibility that makes sense. Maybe trying to figure out what the **** is going on with his elbow lolol I would be putting my money on Maye right now though. And if so the thread title has to be **Gay for Maye. **lighthearted and carefree. "Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face"
  9. I personally think the only reason you don't bring Maye or Daniels in for a top 30 visit is because you are sure about them and you know what you need to know already. Feel like calling Daniels in is to see if you find out anything that would make you reconsider, but absent of some surprise they already know they love Maye and are taking him. Nothing else makes sense to me. If you are bring in Daniels because you have interest; why wouldn't you bring in Maye? How could you have no interest in Maye? If you are bringing Daniels in because you are already sure about him; why waste the time? Plenty of other **** to do. Maybe im stupid (strong possible) but to me this seems like Maye all the way to me.
  10. Hit dog will holler, but - I posted Kurt Warner going over what was probably one of his worst games all season against Alabama. No one commented on it at all other than his elbow looked funny. He was knocked out of that game due to injury, missed open looks often and skipped in his progressions more than a few times. I did that right after the other clips I posted. I hope I am not coming off like I’m only trying to sell my side of the story here. And if I am I will adjust, but as soon as I saw the bad footage I shared it. I don’t even think I can find anyone going over his ASU footage pre Covid if I tried. I am legitimately down for either. I even think Maye is probably the better guy for Quinn’s leadership style and what he wants in his players. When you listen to Quinn describe his teams attitude he is all but saying Mayes name. Give him what he wants and I think it will work.
  11. I understand you finding the fervor with which I’m choosing to stand on this random hill over and random player (that might not even be playing here) annoying. Truly. Jumbo has in his usual subtle way pointed out how much of an ass I’m making myself so I don’t intend to keep doing it. But fair being fair I’ll respond cause I know it’s annoying to make an argument and have someone run from it. All the games I have looked at are from this season. I want to say I’m sure his processing didn’t just start in 2023, but even if his feet and eyes are just catching up with his what is in front of him THIS season, I’m not sure that is something that he will just stop doing. He is the best at it out of all the signal callers in this draft. It’s not a fluke, you just have to watch a little bit to see that. If you don’t, fine. But he is doing it. To your over all point that he had one good year out of five, let be fully honest. One of those years was 4 games. 4. What was he supposed to improve on? They weren’t even allowed to practice if I recall correctly. Of course that had an effect. I’m not going to sit here and make excuses about everything the kid didn’t do, but it’s obvious there were circumstances. I’m not even arguing he is perfect. Literally my argument was he is not one and run as you kept saying. And if we can’t even agree on what we SEE I don’t see the point in going through this anymore. Im not going to be calling for you to eat crow either. I legit was trying to get to a point where we can all agree on a set of basic facts. Rather that means me moving toward your side through learning something or you doing it. I took the time to back up my claims with video and professional opinions. It’s upsetting that I can’t get ANY of you to do the same. Annoying, honestly. And yet I end up looking like the asshole. We don’t have to keep doing this though I’ll leave you guys alone, I can tell I’m being the jerk here.
  12. I was upset for a second! Yea I just like arguing with y’all, honestly. I have no way to prove any of the **** I am saying outside of aggregating other peoples opinions to form an opinion. And there is a reason these guys are proven wrong every year.
  13. I think all of that is fair criticism. It’s why he is neck and neck in most opinions with Maye, not clearly ahead of him.
  14. I don’t know bro. I have looked at soo soo much of his film and breakdowns by professionals and I think maybe one of them (and I don’t even know who that guys was, and he only went through one game) agrees with you on his processing and progressions. Not a single draft profile I have seen agrees with you. It’s actually listed as on of his biggest strengths on the draft profiles by NFL.com, PFF, Bleacher Report, CBS Sports…..I can go on and on. I haven’t run into ONE place that is agreeing with you. I just want you to quantify it outside of “Trust me I saw it”. Cause I trust you. But I would like to verify lol.
  15. I am just asking y’all to be honest. I don’t care who is right. I need the character of this board to be above reproach and it’s hard to do that when you post easily proven falsehoods. Y’all are starting to remind me of this one user on Twitter I saw. Never found the guy. But if I do I hope he is more honest in person than he is on Twitter.
  16. I have posted clip after clip of him going through his reads. I can continue to do that if it helps. If your argument is “one read and run” and I can literally with video prove that is not the case….how do we move forward from there? Help me understand it.
  17. Woah hold on….weighing them and getting a physical during visits is NOT allowed. Wtf?? You mean you can’t just LIE about your weight to billion dollar organizations like the NFL? The ****??
  18. We can pay a contractor 300 bucks an hour to take 3 weeks to give us the same answer, if that’s preferred. I laugh to hide my tears lolol
  19. My favorite are meetings to discuss meetings because that’s a sign of REALLY productive work activity lol
  20. Full disclosure - I really just want to be able to challenge your opinions directly. For a living I collect peoples opinions, force discussion as a group, and then make decisions based on whatever we can all agree on (if we can). But if I can’t understand your opinions I can’t challenge (or agree) with them. My biggest talent is telling smart people “Nope. I don’t get it. Explain it again” until they figure out how to make me get it. Then I agree with them (or, often, they realize they don’t know what they know). I know it ultimately gets us no where but it sounds fun to me lol Like this. I like to challenge stupid **** like this lol.
  21. This is such an ugly post. You don’t know what was going on in that man’s life when he died for real.
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