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Everything posted by wit33

  1. I suppose there’s room for subjectivity, but I speculate the consensus would be on side of Alex Smith at this current version. Maybe I’m wrong. This is going to appear like hyperbole, but I believe Smith is elite at what he does in his management of being a franchise QB and on game days. For me his value took a severe due to his running ability taking, but when comparing to another game managing pocket QB (Bridgewater) I’ll take Smith. Bridgewater is a poor mans Alex Smith from my view. Bridgewater would love to have the career of Smith.
  2. Please no to Bridgewater. Easily can argue Alex Smith at his current level is better than Bridgewater and that a Kyle Allen with experience has more value due to cost and time in system. If it’s going to be a game manager the QB must have some legit running ability. He was just okay with running last year in my limited time watching and stat hunting.
  3. The gambler/go against the norm in me wants to go all in on Taylor. Love it from a team building standpoint, they could realistically overpay Allen Robinson, David, and Samuel and be in great position to keep the defense together with a Taylor contract at starting QB. I love that. The Taylor crowd realizes the time is now and may never come again and the dude could rot on the bench for the rest of his career and his talents never be fully realized. Found my comp for him... Doug Flutie. Don't let some measurable guy like a (Rob Johnson) distract you.
  4. Just don’t see him signing up for a guaranteed back up spot. My guess he hopes a solid team strikes out of other veteran options and lands there late in the process. Post draft. Or even waits into the off season
  5. The Pats are worst collection of talent on offense in the league. Brady was just average there last year and atrocious in their lone playoff game. Just more of personality and scheme fit is my angle.
  6. The Patriots would be a good fit for Alex. That’s my prediction. Don’t see Alex going to a losing situation or without a chance to start. With that said, the market may force this though.
  7. He didn’t reset the market with his deal in Minny, but to your point, still got paid nicely. Tannenhill didn’t reset the market. The second tier guys are being properly slated behind the elite is what I’m seeing. Amari Coopers deal is hollow and lacks substantial guarantees. Lip gloss numbers, but I’m with you, in most cases over paying in free agency is often the norm. Oh ya, this is/was part of my overall contention with the NFL. Well, onto the next topic.
  8. I was more making the point that average to above QB bubble was about to burst and it appears it has. 2016, 2017, and 2018 were years the NFL lost its mind in paying for competence at higher or equal to rate of the elite QB. It popped and now you see order has been restored and appropriate names represent the top 10 paid QBs over last two years. Average guys do not appear to be in position any longer to reset the market. The rationale during Kirk years was you have to pay him elite money, because the market says so. That was true in that bloated market, but the NFL was wrong and it since has corrected itself. The average to above guys were strong arming teams and getting away with it. For me it’s about cap % and not wanting an average guy to represent close to what an elite guy does in that regard. Admittedly, I don’t study cap related stuff, so my logic is the gap of play between the elite guy and average has a better chance to be made up with more money to spend on a supporting cast. The staggering and manipulating the cap is an interesting nuance I haven’t considered enough in the past. I was looking at Russel Wilson’s contract and it’s pretty wild what they have done and wonder if that’s related to his recent comments about the team. Then that leads me to wondering if staggering contracts has value, due to players demanding extensions and more money in middle of deals. Thoughts??
  9. Most definitely believe they could’ve gotten compensation, but still don’t believe a first rounder was offered. Would’ve been great if an interviewer chose to follow-up and get specifics. I was okay with a season of Kirk Cousins and a comp pick. If a 1st was offered, then 100% I would’ve wanted him traded. I was early on the whole QB bubble of average to above, in regards to what those guys were being paid, so it became more of a philosophical debate as much as anything for me. Thought and still believe Kirk started the QB process to being like the NBA superstars (I dislike the NBA and do t really have a rooting interest, even though that’s my sport background), but it would’ve happened with or without him. I own it being philosophical, so wasn’t just all logic for me. There was a strong contingent that said he was top 10 and some claiming he was elite all based off his numbers. Not you. Many have moved off this point a bit. Fun times I was more neutral on Bruce and was very wrong to even have that stance. Selfishly I just wanted to care in December and got that most seasons, but always hated the culture. Mike Jones said that? Must’ve somehow missed that. Maybe as I write I remember something, but wasn’t certain it was confirmed to be a first, but that a pick was offered. As to your Dragon, I’ve soured on it, because of the potential compensation needed and his contract status. Lean towards a 3rd round value, which by all reports isn’t close, so maybe we aren’t that far off lol. Though, I still think he has a chance. We’ll base who’s right by how many teams are reported to be interested if he becomes available.
  10. Yes, running ability is what I should’ve said. You at least have a known variable and something to build around. Idea being a high floor. I’d trust Mariota even with all we know about him to at least provide enough to let the defense lead the way to another playoff birth. For score keeping purposes, I’m much more in support of getting Mariotta versus the dragon in your life these days that is in the form of a 23 year old adult male named Sam Darnold. Not sure where you fell back in the Kirk days, but this is the same argument us “anti Kirkers” were on.
  11. Great mobility and pedigree is a tremendous plus in these situations as well. Mariotta is precisely the kind of guy I wanted to target previously and now when in QB purgatory.
  12. I’m a strong pass on Wilson. I speculate he represents the new age entitled elite QB and for his style of play being potentially on the backend of his prime. Men playing psychologist thinks he wouldn’t be a great fit with Rivera from a personality perspective. Wilson has a little Kirk Cousins in him, not the most relatable dude, from my distant point of view.
  13. I request a mandate that these stats be met with the full 32 players and previous 3 years of data to compare
  14. Is there a difference when a QB gets his team to a SB on a rookie deal versus being paid top tier? Personally, I’m a fan who believes the supreme value is the guy who can get you to the playoffs and value a guy who gets you to the Conference Championship game as much as the SB. Wilson certainly has proven able to lead his team the playoffs while being highly paid, but not CC or SB. If we were just to screenshot his last 6 years some here would label him as a guy you go deep in the playoffs with. He missed the playoffs in 2017, bounced out in the first round twice, and 3 times in the divisional round. Alex Smith from 2011 to 2017, playoffs 5 out of 7 years, bounced out in the first round 3 times, and 2 times in the divisional round. The fight for equal justice.
  15. All your points are valid. The Niners coach was Bill Walsh, just in case you didn’t know jk My position on Darnold is 100% speculative. I don’t really even like the prospects of a deal, because of his contract situation. The more I think about the contract the less inclined I am to give up #2, so that probably proves me out of a deal for the value I have him at. A 3 and a 5 would be might sweet spot. Im a sucker for playmaking and creativity at the QB spot. Put on nice scheme and talent around him and hone in the wreck-less plays and something might be there. Like Jason Williams going to the Memphis Grizzlies and playing under Hubie Brown. For my fellow hoop fans. Darnold is the White Chocolate of the NFL
  16. Stylistically by going off memory (highlights), there were some wild and crazy scrambles by Young that resulted in many bad/wreckless plays in Tampa, but you could see a magician was at work from a scrambling standpoint that remind me of Darnold highlights. I’m sure there were many bad plays and stare downs taking place for Young on a historically bad team and being young. I believe in my now 25 minutes of viewing Darnold highlights he has some magician in him from a scrambling standpoint and an ability to make off platform throws. Putting Young’s name is me engaging a bit purposely in hyperbole, but there a some parallels one can draw up if they choose to do so. He’s cat quick though in all directions. He can capture an edge, avoid defenders, has great spatial awareness, explode up the A and B gaps. Yes, this sounds like a RB lol, this is where I’m placing all my intrigue and value in Darnold.
  17. No getting around the consistent pattern of TOs with Darnold. The fumble sack is the absolute worst and he does it often and as @Skinsinparadisecontinues lament it’s a pattern that goes all the way back to college. The player to player comparisons are mostly meaningless, but fun this time of year lol So, I’ll go ahead compare him to Steve Young
  18. It’s not an either or type deal, but even within the elite QB status, what they’re paid might play a huge role in their teams success is my hypothesis. Is it possible that is more than just getting the elite guy? Among all the other resistance variables to getting to a conference title game, is what they’re paid just as important as anything in a macro sense? Imagine being the Bucs and paying Jameis Winston $21mil the prior season to paying Tom Brady $25mil. That’s football economics for ya lol *Scratches head*. Just spitballing, I know it doesn’t directly challenge anything you’re saying. I do feel Brady went to a loaded roster, but what he was willing to be paid could be argued in value as much as his play. Hmm 🤔 Thoughts?
  19. Brady being paid $25mil is a critical factor. Easily could have demanded $40 plus mil in the open market. If you tout Brady as your elite guy example, his willingness to accept massively less throughout his career must be the “Robin” to the story. The wild thing is, I believe Mahomes understands this and his deal will in the long run be team friendly and this was purposely done. The QB must work with the team.
  20. Is there also an extra nuance to the great QB discussion and that being what the final 4 or 2 QBs each season are paid the year the year they contended? Brady 2021: $25mil Mahomes 2021: $45mil Brady appeared to have the better overall team. Not saying it everything to do with it, but just as much as anything in relation to the Bucs building a SB roster, IMO. Brady is #13 paid QB. Is there something to what the elite QB is being paid or how the team structures the deal. Did Brady apply the Patriot model and accept less to help the roster with Bucs? Final 4 QBs Pay rank for 2021: Mahomes #1 Rodgers #5 Brady #14 Allen #29 Haven't taken time to look at numbers over last ten years to see if a pattern emerges, but I continue to speculate.
  21. Nope. Reid got his &@@ kicked from a game plan standpoint. Also, the Bucs are loaded.
  22. Some exceptions who experience inconsistent play early on, but odds are all QBs will suck, even “your favorite” (whoever that is that requires you to speculate).
  23. No way he gets cut and reports have already said multiple teams are interested if he becomes available. Coaches love a dude who can create off-schedule/when a play doesn’t work and will think they can create a system with necessary constraints to hone him in. He does have unique escape ability as I continue to watch more of his highlights.
  24. Gratitude, man. A critical pillar in the game of life. Unless I’m missing the punchline lol With that said, I appreciate you @Skinsinparadise Even when you don’t know what you’re talking about. jk
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