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Everything posted by SJValleySkinz

  1. So every single United supporter at Old Trafford was singing about Hillsboro, or was it about the same number of idiots that sing Munich songs at Anfield?
  2. The longer they leave Moyes at the helm, the more extensive the rebuilding process will have to be. There will never be another Fergie but as of right now there shouldn't be a problem attracting a top class manager, whether he's already established as such or an up and comer, especially with the money they're talking about spending. If I was a person that "disliked" United I'd be saying a prayer that they advance in the CL and finish the season off strong so the savior keeps his job. All this slagging off of poor Davey when you guys should be resurrecting altars of him.
  3. I was too young at the time to know the exact details (Started following United around 1990) but that's the self inflicted catastrophe I'm referring to and it was also a completely different era. United's very first "demise" in the early 2000's was the closest they came to completely collapsing long term IMO but Fergie found a way to adapt and go on another dominant run.
  4. The manager needs to be replaced first and foremost and the rest will work itself out if the club is run properly. We won't win what to amounts to a title every other season for 25 years, but there's no reason United can't be in contention on a yearly basis. It would take a self inflicted catastrophe of criminal proportions for a club of United's stature to simply go away as you can see at the moment. The squad isn't great but it's good enough for 3rd or 4th.
  5. Liverpool were the dominant force in English football until the early 90's and overtaken in that aspect by United in the span of about 25 years. Not sure where "there" is but that's an undeniable fact. Going back and looking at about the last 50 pages of this thread I can see a lot of frustration has been boiling over the years.
  6. The timeline for bragging rights is subjective. This is why your half step out of the enormous shadow United have cast has you all giddy. Who knows, maybe unlike the first two fantasy United demises this one will stick if Moyes gets anywhere near the end of his contract.
  7. It's exciting when this fixture has title implications rather than being a consolation prize in an otherwise mundane season isn't it? More tension when it's more than a faux cup final.
  8. Should English clubs just take the field with 10 men when they're going up against the bigger European clubs?
  9. All Martinez had to do was not play such a high line (Doesn't really take a genius to figure out not to do that against Liverpool) and that game is at least competitive.
  10. They recently celebrated 10 years supporting the club let them enjoy it.
  11. Imagine how the team eliminated by United must feel.
  12. He's not better than Iniesta. My lord he must be rubbish then. In terms of depth of competition it is. Admire Atletico Madrid much as I do La Liga is a two team league. The Bundesliga is great to watch and I had hope it would be on the rise but I forgot Bayern are the only club in the world that get to cherry pick off of their closest rivals. Who's left?
  13. Stepped back. How could "a top 10 player IN THE BEST LEAGUE IN THE WORLD" be more straight forward? If Chelsea had hired any other manager they would have scoffed at any offer from United, City, Arsenal or Liverpool for Mata.
  14. Zlatan and Cavani are on Mata's level. Just because they're bigger names and score lots of goals in Italy and France doesn't make them better players than Mata, but then again I've always thought those two were overrated. How does this effect his status as a top 10 player in the Premier League? You mentioned three Premier League players. Also Mata is only 25 and he absolutely has the ability to go from just under the tier of player you listed to that tier.
  15. He was world class until this transfer popped up. What's changed? Not being the best player in the Premiership isn't exactly a knock on a player, but he's in the top 10 in the best league in the world, and he is special.
  16. Doesn't take away from the fact that he was, until a couple of hours ago, considered one of the best players in the world. Spain might have the deepest talent pool in the world so to get into their squad for a major tournament further validates my first point. Also he plays in Iniesta's position so of course he's not going to be a first 11 regular. World class players are worth that money. United needed to strengthen their squad and they did. How is that desperate?
  17. This smacks of a world class player being available and a club in huge need of a boost correctly spending the necessary money to attain him. I'm laughing because you're calling it a panic buy the squad needs strengthening and one of the best players in the world was on the market what in the world were they supposed to do, pay 35 mil for Andy Carroll?
  18. LMAO one of the best players in the Premier League as recently as last season and would still be thought of as such if Chelsea had hired any other manager. Good to see we're still under everyone's skin even during our worst season in decades.
  19. That's hilarious. Twice Chelsea's player of the year before Mourinho came back, regular squad player for Spain and a consensus word class player, moves to United and he's not that good.
  20. Mata to United all but done. Hopefully it'll help scrape 4th place but in the long term this could have a huge impact on everyone's fantasy of United falling off completely, even if Moyes doesn't cut it.
  21. Bitters? Every time United lose a game you're giddy like a 12 year old just gone through his first Playboy. Bitterness has nothing to do with that I suppose.
  22. Rant: Anyone else want to vomit when they saw LeBron James parading little kids in front of a camera talking about how much they love their home town hero? It's nice that he threw a bunch of money back at the community he grew up in but he's just such a disingenuous blow hard that it's impossible not to see the publicity stunt behind this conveniently airing it the day before he has to play in Cleveland. Guys like Drew Brees and Darrell Green don't need a camera to do charity work but this spineless little vag can't handle the fact that he isn't liked in Cleveland so he has to put on a show so they get in line behind ESPN to get a good whiff of his **** Do I have to kiss his feet because he's giving back a small part of the obscene amounts of money he makes? It's called being a human being and only a narcissistic douche like LeBron would do it for a pat on the back. Rant over.
  23. Let's say a guy suffering from severe depression and social anxiety clawed himself through junior college and into a 4 year school, on his way to a degree, He has never been able to afford health care and therefor has never taken any medication or received any counceling. Now what if even after all this every day remains a struggle and the guy wants to be able to stand up rather than fighting from his back? What if thanks to being able to afford the medication and counceling he becomes a college grauduate, gets a job and is able to repay the good graces he received by helping the next person, or persons, that is in a situation similar to his. There are enough decent people in this country to make that work.
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