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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. Yes in the context of a package as I described. Nobody was suggesting trading Chase Young for "XYZ" as you contend.
  2. Thanks for showing that your opinion is still shared by many, which was my main point. I'm not going to debate it, that's been done enough. But my main point was that not everyone here believes in the Franchise QB Theory. They were never suggesting trading Chase for XYZ, he was only mentioned in what would be a package Houston would accept for a young top 5 QB.
  3. This is just not true. We still have fans referencing Trent Dilfer or Gibbs' 3 rings with 3 different QBs, there is still a large population of the fan base that still believes the way to go is build a great roster and then slap on a mediocre QB. This still boggles my mind but that opinion is pretty active.
  4. Even if he didn't make them contenders they would have at least had an established NFL QB. You saw the list of first round QBs and how only Wentz is still on the team that drafted him (for now). And then there are the odds of finding a QB better than Stafford after round 1, they are off the charts.
  5. Where would you suggest drafting a QB? Do you realize the miss rate after round 1? Or the miss rate from the middle of the first round on for that matter
  6. I look at spending a 1st on say Carr as investing your 401 in super safe bonds for 30 years. Sure it's better than the lottery but it won't get you where you need to go.
  7. I don't think we see it the same way. I want to try our best to get the guy NOW. There has never been a better market for good QBs even with Stafford off the table, and that includes the draft. Trading for Carr may mean parting with the 19th pick. I want no part of that idea to get a guy who will probably top out as a 10-6 early playoff exit QB. Spending that 1st round pick means taking our future QB in the later rounds and again the odds of landing a future franchise QB after round 1 are just so long I don't see that as a viable plan at all.
  8. All along I laughed at the Boys who will be forced to overpay elite QB money to a QB who is not elite. Now after seeing the names Carr, Mariotta, Winston, Wentz, even Foles mentioned in this thread, and what it would cost for Watson, I'm thinking Dak may be our best option
  9. I won't pretend to have intimate knowledge of Carr. But I have a number of friends who are Raiders fans and I hear from many more. They all have pretty much the same conclusion. His stats are misleading, they don't show his critical fumbles and other issues. Gruden has not been down with his QB for 2 years, this is not news. There's a reason for that. Trading high picks for a QB who is just not good enough sounds like a plan if your goal is 10-6 and a first round playoff loss. I want more than that.
  10. How anyone can believe that Mitchell Trubisky would "stabalize the QB position" is mind numbing to me.
  11. The time to find the REAL answer at QB is now. Trading for a QB like Carr and then trying to beat the overwhelming odds of finding a franchise QB in the middle rounds is just not a plan. I know you feel differently but you will never convince me that QBs like Alex and Carr are good enough. There is a reason teams with higher goals decided to move on.
  12. There is a reason David Carr may be available, it's the same reason Alex Smith was traded from SF. Teams felt they were not good enough to really contend. I'm getting the feeling we will settle for a David Carr and be doomed to mediocrity.
  13. I agree with the thought that as painful as it will be trading one of the young DL to get a QB would be a smart play. We CAN'T resign them all, we all know that some will be gone in a few years anyway. With that said the one guy they can't trade is Chase Young and I don't see that ever happening.
  14. I was cool with Stafford. Fans claiming this was another over the hill retread were wrong, he has plenty left. But this idea of Matt Ryan, now that smells of another Donovan McNabb.
  15. I recall your Rams comment but can't remember the specifics. I'm just trying to prove that it's not true that if you commit a huge amount of your cap space it prevents you from fielding a good roster. We've seen in with the Rams, with teams like Pittsburth, NO, GB and others. And again a great QB can overcome so many short comings on the roster. If you limit yourself to only signing FA QBs you are stuck with a Marcus Mariotta level QB and that's not good enough.
  16. I know this is your position and it makes total sense. However if you look at the list of SB QBs over the last 2 decades you will see a lot of names of high paid QBs who were no longer on their rookie deal. As I was saying the other day teams like the Rams have shown that it's still possible to build a really good roster even with the QB taking up a big portion of your cap.
  17. I would think that if Houston decides they have no choice but to trade Watson they would do it before the draft. Obtaining picks a year away for one of the most valuable players in the league will be a hard sell to the fans. I think Allen provides that floor without the expense of a Fitz. And having Fitz on the roster and lighting it up as a backup, as he is prone to do at times, will only cause a QB controversy.
  18. Because for those 4 names there are about 987 later round QBs who don't amount to anything. The odds are just too long for this to be the plan. This offseason is unique. I'm still not convinced Houston will make Watson available but if they do we are talking about QBs at the level of Watson and Stafford being available to the highest bidder. That never happens and there's a reason for that. Teams understand the value of a really good/great QB and rarely allows them to leave.
  19. We get all of this. The point is not that getting a HOF QB is easy, we all know it's not. This exercises is to address the posters who claim you can get by with a marginal QB as they reference the oddities such as Trent Dilfer or Mark Rypien. We see this position constantly and it's full of holes. Making a long run with a marginal QB is next to impossible. That remains the point.
  20. Thanks for putting in the work here. When you consider only a handful of teams have HOF QBs and they are represented so often in the championship game this should really end the idea of getting a marginal QB. But as we know it won't.
  21. First time posting here. I'm a Caps fan but not a real hockey fan, once they are eliminated I drop the sport. So I don't have your knowledge, all I can say is this has the looks of one of them there rare special seasons. Who knows how it will play out but this performance with all the missing players is simply amazing. Ovi with the game winner in OT is about as good as it gets.
  22. I was very entertained by Heineke's play, he reminded me of Doug Flutie. I watched the Tampa Bay game again to take another look. His escapeability and foot speed was noticeable unfortunately his weak arm was as well. If he had the ability to be a good NFL QB he would have been signed instead of being available at a moment's notice. I just caution fans not to read too much into 5 quarters of play. If drafting a first round QB is long odds the odds of finding another Curt Warner, without the arm, are off the charts.
  23. If Ron was high on Heineke he would have brought him in much sooner. After Alex was not available for the playoff run his options were literally Heineke and Montez, obviously Heineke was the correct choice for that particular game but that's all it shows.
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