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Posts posted by tshile

  1. 46 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

    Does anyone else see Vivek as possible GOP VP material?

    Him being brown is a problem as already pointed out.


    but I also always thought his stage presence would be an issue. He’s very lively and charismatic and does very well in public speaking settings (which shouldn’t be confused with whether what he says is correct or smart, just that he handles himself well and has good command of the stage/mic/camera)


    which I can’t imagine Trump would ever be comfortable with that. He can’t have someone that does better on stage than him. 

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  2. 56 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

    Do better.

    Oh and by the way it has not been a week and a half. Do not revise history.  It's been several games into the season.


    If you want to say it's unfair that she has to play so much in such a loaded start of the year where they play very often, fine, but do not insult me or my intelligence by flat out lying. Week and a half. That ain't true.

    she just finished up the NCAA and here you are “calling her out”? 


    I think any reasonable sports fan understands you need to give a rookie time. Especially when they’re a top draft pick with huge expectations, selected by a team that by definition sucks (that’s why they were the #1 pick)


    Given the **** you post on here (I like you, not trying to be mean or anything) it’s just nuts to comprehend you posting this take that you’re calling her out and she needs to do better 3 weeks into a season that started a month after her college championship run. 

    if she doesn’t do better she’ll be a failure. I don’t know how any reasonable person could demand that assessment be made 3 weeks into the season. Unless you don’t watch sports and just like to be involved in trending topics 

    • Haha 1
  3. 51 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

    What part of what I said was false?

    The part where you pretend that because she’s not instantly a star, that somehow means something


    if you follow pro basketball the only ones that start out hot are the ones that are physically dominate - they’re tall and strong, or they just have incredible ball handling skills to make up for it. Everyone else struggles to adjust. 

    If you come out talking about how Daniels sucks as a NFL qb after week 1 I’d say the same thing (as would virtually everyone else that pays attention to the sport.). What you’re seeing (stat wise) is exactly what should have been expected. 

    41 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

    "Week and a half."


    Season started in May 14th lol



    Is that Friday Mystics game home or away. Might take a look at Caitlin for myself from the cheap seats...

    So 3 weeks


    you got me good there 

    • Haha 2
  4. Just now, ixcuincle said:

    Imma say it but she has not lived up to the hype so far. I think OK (or in my opinion below average, C-) is fine by me. She's certainly  not put the league on notice, let's get that straight right now. And the team's record is horrific. Their last game was a blowout.


    Spare me all the whining about how loaded the WNBA sched is or how she just came off college and has to play immediately. IDC. Put up numbers, girl.


    She had 3 points in her last game.


    Like, I'm not going to be like "UNC" SAS and make racial comparisons, I will stick strictly to the stats and it doesnt' take an analytics nerd to see she has too many turnovers and her point total is well below par. And yes there is going to be an adjustment to playing pro basketball. Let us hope that her rebound comes sooner rather than later, because fans are getting impatient and upset.

    you realize she’s on a dreadful team right? She also has a severe physical disadvantage (as I said earlier it’s reasonable to think she may never overcome that because anyone that understands basketball understands you can’t teach height)


    it’s been like a week and a half. 

    your takes are terrible 

    • Thanks 1
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  5. 4 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


    She's doing OK now (15/5/6 line). I only see her getting better. 


    Ah I was only aware of the 3 point games she’s had so far


    im also guessing NIL has a lot to do with it. She likely made more in college then many of these people made so far in the pros. 

    another thing that’s not her fault but that’s not the way people work especially when jealousy is involved 

  6. 2 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:



    I know if Draymond did that, none of the regulars here would be defending him. 😆

    In some way she’s set up to fail. She’s not set up physically to be successful - too short too slight. There are exceptions but usually that’s a bad combination for the pros in either league. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if ultimately it turns out she was a great college player and that’s it. obviously there’s a chance she’ll do just fine but it is a huge hurdle for her to clear. 

    The next closest attendance was 60% of her games. You’d think this would be easy to get but man they don’t like her so much they don’t care about the money and opportunity. And the league isn’t doing anything. And the typical basketball commentators seem to be acting like she’s the problem. It’s nuts 


    and comes at a time where there’s a lull in the nba waiting for the finals to start. Couldn’t really time it worse 😆 

  7. 3 hours ago, justice98 said:

    Folks do seem to want to treat Clark with kid gloves. Every transcendant rookie has a target on them and gets roughed and tested to some degree by the vets.  I remember when Wemby got drafted, vets were openly talking about seeing what he was made of.


    That hip check on Clark was the most mild thing ever.  You would have thought Carter took a running start and dumped Clark into the 3rd row with all the hysteria. She got a receipt out in the open for the elbow on the other end. Absolutely a foul by Carter, call it, keep it moving.  The fact that this has turned into a national discourse that, essentially, the rest of the WNBA should let her get off because the league needs her is kinda crazy.  

    off ball play where you intentionally knock them to the ground? Give me a break nothing about that is normal. 

    they’re targeting and bullying her. And the reasons are obvious. They’re mad she’s as popular as she is, and there’s a racial component. 

    It’s pathetic and the irony is she’s good for the sport and all of them and they’d rather be petulant little ****s cause they’re jealous and she’s white. 

    22 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Are they mad she's bringing people to the gate? 

    They’re mad she’s so popular. 

    They’re not smart enough to look past that and see she’s good for all of them if the goal is to make an incredibly not popular sport, more popular. 

    wnba can’t even survive on its own. It requires the nba to subsidize it directly, and indirectly by forcing advertisers to also work with the wnba. 

    the whole situation is laughable 

    Angel Reese is so insecure and jealous 😂 


    “It’s because of me too” 😆 

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:

    Stephen A. McAfee. Bayless. Sharpe. I rarely listen to any of them. 

    I can’t really figure out who does. 

    They’re garbage and just yell  the time. You can’t even have them on in the background


    its like people who watch the Sunday pregame shows. They’re such trash who would waste the time 😂 

  9. 8 hours ago, China said:

    But how would they know what procedure the students are having done?  Are the professors planning to violate HIPPAA to find out?  I guess they are saying since they think abortions are not healthcare they have a right to know about it.  But it's not up to the professors to determine what is healthcare, so I suppose the courts will rule on this.  In Texas, I wouldn't have high hopes they'll rule against the professors.

    The mistake you’re making is believing that there is some logical argument here that eventually led to believing filing a law suite was a good idea


    what really happened is they wanted to file a law suite to further restrict abortion or punish people harsher as a deterrence, and somehow wound up writing this stuff down and it was the best they could come up with 

  10. I’m very disappointed in how the Clark thing is being handled.  It’s great how people reveal themselves when given a chance. I find it funny how often the ones that scream the loudest are the biggest hypocrites. 

    even listened to Wilson earlier essentially say it’s not a problem and her teammates should do something about it (basically advocating for fights mid game now)


    it’s obvious to everyone what’s going on. It’s a shame. Doesn’t really matter cause no one give a **** if the wnba thrives. Oh well

    • Haha 1
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  11. 1 minute ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

    really no different than how anyone else comes to know 90% of what they talk about on message boards and social media: you saw it on the internet

    I think this is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting for you. 

    it doesn’t matter the medium you consume information. It matters how you assign authority. And given what I see and hear walking through life, most people suck at picking what authority to appeal to and how to do it. 

    no, I don’t consider his legal analysis to be on the level of any random thing I read on the internet. 

    and I consider “read on the internet” to be a short-hand phrase for “consumed and believed something without doing any critical thinking or due diligence on the matter”. I believe that’s how it’s general used. Not literally that I consumed it via the internet - which is how almost everyone is consuming everything these days. 


    For instance - we have a poster that has taken to posting legal analysis on seemingly everything related to SCOTUS and Trump. I happen to understand they don’t actually have any legal expertise or experience, they’re just regurgitating what they read on the internet. I would not take those opinions to mean anything as they are “just things I see on the internet”. I do not put PB’s rare “here’s what things look like to me(or people around him)” posts on that same level. But that’s just me. 



  12. 2 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    For clarification, the lawyers I discussed it with seemed to agree that Trump would not go to prison for the felonies he was convicted of.  There was no agreement on his chances of getting a few days (or more) for his egregious and repeated violations of his gag order. 

    this clarification is something I’ve heard repeated quite a few times (and you said the first time I believe)


    my opinion that I have to a maga loving friend was he won’t get jail time for the convictions but is gonna see between 5-15 days for his antics. Which I oh so hope happens because it’s going to drive the maga crowd ****ing nuts 😂 


    And honestly Trump comes across to me as someone that doesn’t require a lot of days for prison to break him. Any day he spends in a cell is a win just for that 

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  13. 29 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

    This comment seems weird to me lol...because:


    - you found out about pleaseblitz' lawyer comrades by, you know, reading about it online

    - you don't know if pleaseblitz' paraphrasing of what his acquaintances said is accurate, or if those same people were to read his posts would say "Hold on. I didn't say that, exactly..."

    - you seem to think the people on TV don't "actually practice the law day-to-day"

    - you seem to think that those same people on TV don't give rational and reasonable legal opinions and only give hot takes (I posted a lengthy video on this thread by lawyers not too long ago that is anything but a "hot take")

    - you seem to think people repeating what lawyers have said in articles somehow means those same people are proclaiming they're now "endowed with experience and expertise" instead of seeing it as them simply passing on legal info that helps explain their stance

    so, a couple of things. 

    I have a lot of respect for pleaseblitz. Like all the posters that are worthy of real respect - enough time and attention will teach you to understand when they’re speaking with authority (authority they’ve earned by posting about a topic they’re clearly well educated or experienced in) and when they’re just ranting on the internet. 

    when petermp talks about things where research is the core - i listen to him. He’s not always right. I’m not gonna cite him in my own work. But taking what he says to be well informed via research is a good bet to make. He’s an academic. It’s the thing he knows best and he’s willing to share his knowledge with us. 


    When TEG talks about local government and anything tangential to roads/highways/infrastructure/etc - again I listen. Again years of paying attention has revealed he had expertise in that. 

    There are others. There’s a few topics Buzz is an expert on too.

     The point is when PB takes his time to explain or opine on something - even when he says he’s just saying what people he believes to be trustworthy on the subject, either friends or colleagues - I pay attention. I don’t need to know him to know that. He doesn’t make it a habit of providing his legal analysis very often. Which… is normal for experts. You won’t see me posting in the computer help thread. So when he does, I pay attention. 

    Not gonna build my own legal case around it and present it to a judge - but what he has to say is generally worth 1000x whatever other posters say given they googled how to be a lawyer or something. 

    I also work with lawyers, which if you paid attention you’d also know, so I am informed by lawyers in ways beyond what PB decides to share. It just so happens the lawyers I know with tons of criminal law experience (some of it high stakes) are saying the same things. 

    I know from personal experience how phony and fraudulent anyone on tv with “expert” in their title is. 

    I think it’s generally not difficult to figure out when someone has expertise in something. I don’t have to know you. There’s a way they conduct themselves and a way they speak about the topic. I think it’s an important skill to hone - identifying some flags that suggest someone may or may not indeed have some expertise on any given subject. 

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  14. 4 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    Bernie Madoff was 71 when he started his prison sentence and died at 82 while still in prison

    He had direct victims - namely old people that lost their retirement. 

    he was also put up as a poster boy for the government to claim they care and were doing something (as if he’s one of the few people committing financial crimes)


    if you recall that came as an aftermath to the financial crisis. 

    don’t really recall others responsible for billions going to jail. I do recall learning what a golden parachute was. 

  15. 1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    Prisons* will rent tablets to inmates for exorbitant prices.  





    *Actually third-party corporations who contract with the prisons to gouge the inmates for all kinds of services and then send kickbacks to the prisons. 

    I think it was NPR - but I recently listened to a podcast deep dive on this and it’s very insidious. 


    Either the third party will get bought or the service will change names, or whatever, and the inmates lose everything they bought. Movies. Music. Whatever. If they want it back they have to pay for it again. 

    it’s a really ****ed up situation (along with the other ****ed up situations about our industrial prison system)

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