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Posts posted by tshile

  1. No worries. I was just trying to point out the information was incorrect - or lacking at least (I’m guessing they’re saying what they’re saying in the tweet on purpose, it’s not hard to see that, but I suppose it’s possible it was just ill informed or an accident)

    I edited my last one to add more info and remove the unnecessary commentary in the last paragraph. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Larry said:

    But do they, for example, check purchasers for, say, 19 previous arrests?  Just to pick something that was actually mentioned in the article?  

    So - you edited this and I’m just now seeing the questions. 

    is this the question you’re accusing me of ignoring? The one you added after the fact and I didn’t see? 😂 


    if you’re asking that question then you have no idea how the federal background check process works. Here’s where you can do some reading. 




    in short - arrests is the incorrect word to use here. You can be arrested for lots of things - many of which do not affect your eligibility to purchase a gun. 

    if you’ve been convicted of a felony (which is the proper thing to point out that the article mentions) then you are a prohibited person and are in the NICS system, unless your rights have been officially restored (no idea how Georgia handles that). If you’re currently under indictment for a felony, you are also in the NICS system and ineligible. There’s a potential pitfall there - the FBI has 3 days to return an answer and if they don’t, you’re approved. It’s an unfortunate pitfall however the idea is to balance your rights ca public safety - allowing a government entity to drag their feet because of ideological reasons infringes on your rights. Concealed weapons permits are handled the same way (at least the ones I’m aware of)

    the article additionally mentions a witness saying he appear to be suffering from a mental illness - far from an official medical evaluation,  but had he been diagnosed he could have (and should have) been in the NICS system for that as well. 

    so do they check for prohibited persons? Of course - that’s what federal law requires. And no Georgia didn’t “eliminate” that check. 

    No system is perfect there are ways the background check process can fail (including a FFL just not doing it, which would be illegal, but we know does happen)


    it is possible he was erroneously allowed to purchase a gun (assuming the article is correct about who he is.) research shows very few gun dealers are responsible for the vast majority of illicit purchases - maybe he knew of one, or maybe someone didn’t do their job right. The odds would favor another option, however. 

    the tweet and his comment are running with information we don’t yet have, and ignore many other ways he could have obtained a gun (and regardless of how he obtained it, it was illegal, unless his rights have been restored)


    Edit: removing this last part it’s just inflammatory for no real purpose at this point 

  3. I dont know man. All I did was point out we don’t know how he acquired it and being a permitless state is irrelevant to that specific situation (though it’s definitely a valid thing to be concerned about and there’s lots of good opinions on it)


    You then came in with all your nonsense accusing me of rushing to do something I didn’t do (because you don’t understand how the word permitless is used) and then said the state removed all checks on purchases when they haven’t 



  4. @Larry

    georgis still requires public gun purchases go through a FFL and as such all the normal checks are in place. 

    they don’t have a waiting period (like many states) and allow private sales without a FFL like many states. 

    You said

    “the fact that the state recently eliminated all check on gun purchases”


    this is incorrect. It’s not hard to look up either so you didn’t even bother. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Larry said:


    As opposed to, say, rushing to announce that the fact that the state recently eliminated all check on gun purchases and carry is "totally irrelevant", while doing exactly the same amount of checking.  




    Being a permitless state refers to not requiring a permit to conceal carry 


    I’m not aware of anyone using it in any context about the purchasing process 

    so unless something’s changed, yeah it’s irrelevant. 

    Just double checking - googling “permitless state” yields tons of results about states that do not require a permit to carry a firearm (concealed or not)


    not one result is about the purchasing process. 

  6. 3 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Arrested 19 times..no problem getting a gun. Wtf are we doing anymore?

    You’re making a leap based on the tweet. 

    the article says nothing about how/when he acquired the gun

    the tweet says he “had access” then throws in that GA is a “permitless carry” state which is totally irrelevant to anything in this context 


    might want to find out how he got the gun first? Maybe he bought it. Maybe he stole it. Maybe he inherited it or bought it a long time ago. Who the hell knows, the article doesn’t say and the tweet is simply inflammatory rhetoric you ran with 🤷‍♂️ 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


    Because it comes across like the verdict doesn't matter because at any moment Biden could jus pardon his son and you waiting to see if that happens.


    Could be waiting for years waiting to see if Biden proves you wrong.


    It comes across as not trusting anything, the whole thing comes apart if we don't trust something.  For some people, not you in particular, will never give credit to Biden for staying out of it because he can pardon his son and get him out at anytime.  That's a whack way to look at this, imo.

    Ok well you’ve read into that yourself. Think I’ve explained my position and it’s not as you claim. 

    think I’ve been one supporting the investigative bodies and the legal system(s).

  8. I don’t think he does it to compete - that seems silly as it has nothing to do with the actual outcome of the game. 

    I find it funny his style is so irritating to you.

    if he’d just stop whining so much he’d be easy and fun to watch. But I can’t stand the whining. It always drives me nuts when players do that - you see it a lot in football too. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

    His appeal for selective prosecution will be interesting (I have no idea if it has merit).   I have heard it claimed that mo one is ever just charged with lying on this form outside of additional crimes. 


    Guess I can't vote for Hunter Biden.

    It would be really funny if he won that appeal (I have no idea how that works or if that’s even reasonable but man it would be hilarious)

  10. 1 minute ago, Larry said:

    Does anybody know how many times people have been prosecuted, for buying a gun while using illegal drugs?  And what they were sentenced to?  


    I certainly assume it's rare. (In fact, I'd assume that the only times it's ever happened, is when the prosecutor is using it as leverage to get to some other crime/criminal. Maybe prosecuting the child of a mob boss, or some such?)  


    But I'd sure like to know an exact number, as opposed to just guessing. 

    this is what the judge will go through to determine sentencing. (Or should)


    im not doing that leg work and im currently unaware of anyone that has. Maybe legaleagle will have a video on it soon. 

    i would think it comes up as additional charges in other situations. You’re arrested for other things and oh hey look - drugs and guns we’ll add that too. I doubt it comes up in mob boss stuff like you mentioned. That’s just my guess. 

    I’m assuming in standalone cases (where this is the only charge of wrongdoing) the sentences are rather light, especially when the person has recovered (supposedly) from their addiction. 


    Just now, Larry said:




    But the jury wasn't allowed to see the actual application.  Because the dealer who sold it altered the document to claim that he checked ID, after Biden signed it.  And the judge/prosecution didn't want the jury to hear that the document was altered.  

    right ok. So there was a possible technicality he could get off on because of that. 

    but in reality the guy wrote down on paper that he did exactly what he was accused of doing, and then sold what he wrote down to make money. 

    Again - the outcome should have been guilty, as he admitted to doing what he’s accused of doing. Saying it’s the right outcome without watching the TV all morning isn’t exactly an odd position to take - and in fact is totally a normal way to view it. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Considering the chain of evidence on his laptop was blown and his gun purchase application was counterfeited by the seller after the fact, there were shades of legal reasonable doubt

    I may be mixing things up. 

    didn’t he write a book where he claimed to be an active crack addict during a time period in which he purchased the gun?

  12. 4 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:

    What a Clown. "I haven't seen it......it's appropriate". Try harder to be clever. 


    seems totally appropriate. Did anyone really think a not guilty verdict was possible?


    the guy wrote a book where he outed himself. His own writing says he did exactly what he’s accused of. 

    im not sure what it is you were supposed to watch it be in tune to this morning that’s supposed to provide some sort of clarity on what the correct outcome here is. 

    sentencing is what this is about. I fully expect a light sentence which is accordance with guidelines, similar cases, and contrition - and I expect republicans heads to explode that the judge didn’t throw the book at him


    my hope is that he is sentenced the day after Trump, and Trump is sentenced to something very serious, as I want to watch the republicans flip out and go on rants for weeks about it 😂 


    (I don’t expect it to happen but one can dream)

  13. So far it looks like the public is hammering on Boston as a +1.5


    that… makes no sense. Being an underdog makes no sense. Public hammering Boston makes sense but… Boston is far and away the better team 


    Dallas has to win at least one. I was hoping to grab them as a huge dog from public betting not a slight favorite …

  14. I wish they’d let me take a picture of my ballot


    its too far out to say for sure but living in Virginia it could be totally reasonable that Trump stands no chance


    and as such that means I could write in Hunter Biden on my ballot, take a picture, and then troll the **** out of my Republican friends with it 



  15. 6 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


    This is such a have your cake and eat it too response to this verdict.


    Trump would've 100% told his Attorney General to kill this case best they could before it even got to this point.


    Hunter could be in jail and folks would still be saying it's all part of some plan...plan for what?

    I honestly don’t know what the **** you’re talking about. I responded to the topic of being pardoned, not the verdict. And I specifically said it’s because it’s an immediate family member, the context of what this is (getting caught up in something like this -> the guy had arranged a plea deal and a political party exerted pressure to renege on the deal, if ever there was a reason to step in a pardon someone that’s as good as any, cause  the other side made it about politics), and I also said I would hold that view regardless who the president was. 

    last minute pardons in controversial situations to avoid accountability on it is a thing that happens. I don’t pretend just cause he a democrat he’s any different. Or that this one time, it being the son of the president would have zero weight on it all. 

    I don’t even know why people care about this verdict - he admitted he did it in writing and voluntarily. Being found guilty was never in question. This whole thing was about letting a judge impose a normal/reasonable sentence on him and avoid political pressure forcing an overly harsh sentence …


    what Trump wound have done is as irrelevant as it gets and has nothing to do with anything I said 

  16. 5 hours ago, purbeast said:

    The week long break between 2 ****ty conference finals doesn't help either.  The little momentum the NBA Playoffs had was completely killed in that down time.  I've been watching basically every playoff game and it felt like FOREVER.  And then now you have 3 days between games

    Yup. It’s a total joke. 3 days between games where there’s no travel 😂 

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  17. 2 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

    Here's something lawmakers need to start talking about openly: if there's violence before or after election the GOP should be held legally responsible for it...

    That would certainly be an interesting use of the new SCOTUS ruling that people are responsible for the protests/riots they organize …

    • Like 3
  18. 1 hour ago, ixcuincle said:

    lot of people complaining about the pricing 


    I have checked for myself, the pricing is insane. 150 just for one person and that's before fees.



    I can tell you don’t go to festivals 


    that’s close to a typical price for a concert with one band 

    56 minutes ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

    That’s a lineup from 2005, if you like that kind of thing.  

    I can see it doing pretty well, tbh.

    I did like that kind of thing. 20 years ago. 

    they’ll do fine, dc is an event-driven area. 

    but to bring back *that* festival with *that* lineup? Essh….

  19. 54 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

    It will be interesting to see what sentencing he gets. First time felon, who had a plea deal in place already to avoid jail time and the GOP forced it to be scuttled via threats.  


    I doubt he gets much time. If any. And really, he should not. Same argument if it was DTJ..who absolutely is a coke head currently and owns guns. 

    Wasn’t that the play anyways? Put it in the hands of a judge that should look at federal sentencing guidelines, sentencing in similar cases, then consider contrition? Instead of letting the agency deal with the pressure being put on it?


    he should get something. 10-90 days or something. All jail, no prison. He’ll get out in 1/2 the time with good behavior. With a large chunk suspended. I imagine that’s what a normal person would get 

  20. 8 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    And President Biden has steadfastly maintained that he will not pardon his son

    That’s great but I’ll believe it when I see it 


    not a specific criticism of Biden - but just as I am not surprised he’s taking this stance at this time, I won’t be surprised if he pardons him last minute either. 

    and I would hold that view regardless of who’s president if an immediate family member is caught up in something like this. 

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