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Everything posted by abdcskins

  1. I feel like Martell Webster is one of the better acquisitions we've had in a while. 26 years old, 6th overall pick in the 2005 draft. Lots of talent. By no means a sure fire baller but he's contributed.
  2. Yeah big win for sure. Notre Dame had won their last 45 out of 47 games at home, which I thought was an impressive stat. Smith-Rivera stepped up, he can shoot, diaper dandy that one. And Porter was tremendous. Good movement, passing, and shooting. Defense was large, Ayegba cleaned up the boards he is gonna get more time. Everyone contributed. Nice to see Lubick get some post moves in there, he has this little hook that works.
  3. Hoyas playing Notre Dame right now on ESPN. Somewhat big game, need to rebound from that poor effort against South Florida. Get back into tournament contention. ---------- Post added January-21st-2013 at 07:55 PM ---------- Otto Porter starting off sizzling. Need him to step up with Whittington out. Would like to see Starks and Hopkins as well.
  4. I didn't see the game, but that's the most pathetic box score I've ever seen. I said we'd win 15 games this year....I'm going down to 12.
  5. If the Lakers lose to us they truly are trash. I had a feeling when they hired D'Antoni and dissed Phil Jackson that they'd be done for. That's just bad karma.
  6. It's quite simple really. Everything about the Wizards sucks. Front office, coaching, training staff, even the damn catering. This rubs off on the already ****ty players that we have. Therefore, we perennially suck. That's it. We draft bad players and sign worse ones. If they have talent somehow they will get injured or we'll trade them. Get rid of Chris Webber, keep Juwan Howard. Richard Hamilton, Ben Wallace, Rasheed Wallace. Nah those guys suck, get rid of them. But you know that dude Ike Austin is a baller, let's bring him in. Kwame Brown, Mark Price, Mike Miller and Randy Foye....the list goes on and on. We make dumb moves and get trash in return. Period. No need to overanalyze.
  7. Thanks. Hmm, shooting rockets to put up a satellite. Shouldn't they be shooting them up then? Like towards space? And what do they want this satellite to do? I don't know why they would want to start beef with anyone. Why they gotta be so belligerent? I don't really expect people to answer all those questions just thinking aloud.
  8. Ha nah brother. That would be my entire life savings plus some. Didn't bet at all. If I did it would've been like $220 at most I don't go crazy like that.
  9. I sort of want to put $55,000 on the Heat -10 tonight. Seems like a slam dunk. They should win by 15 at least.
  10. I deleted that game off my DVR immediately. Turnovers, fouls, missed shots. We had layups that we blew. Pulled it out with good defense. The thing that stood out for me is that Mikael Hopkins needs to learn how to finish close to the rim. He blew a few. Plus we are going to need to penetrate the lane cuz we don't exactly have the best jump shooters. Whittington is either on or he isn't. Starks, Porter, and Trawick the same. I'd say Smith-Rivera is our best from beyond the arc. Gotta slash and cut, in the classic Princeton offense.
  11. I just looked at Emeka Okafor's salary for this year. Pffffffffff, really? 50 Emeka Okafor C 30 6-10 255 Connecticut $13,490,000
  12. People questioned me when I said the Wizards would win 18 games. At this point, I think 14 wins is more like it. Matter of fact, if this team gets double digits in wins I'd be surprised. This team won't make the playoffs until 2015 at least. And that's being generous. Worst eye for talent ever. We draft like dog feces and make horrible trades and signings.
  13. Oh and Porter is my guy but he had two consecutive turnovers that hurt really bad. His decision making and passing was a little ehhh. He won't do that often though (hopefully). We were able to penetrate the zone pretty well for a brief period there in the second. Starks is a speedy dude and smart.
  14. Great effort. Didn't have the focus in OT. I almost wish we took more threes given that Indiana was playing zone. I'd also like to see Porter post up more, same with Hopkins. I absolutely love Jabril Trawick that kid is fast, strong, and plays with grit. On another note, I don't claim to be a scout, but Cody Zeller as a #1 pick does not seem adequate. He has great touch and moves around the basket but man he needs to bulk up. He's gonna get outmuscled big time in the NBA.
  15. I'm starting to think my 18 win prediction was being generous. 15 wins? What trash. Why exactly did people think we would be good this year again?
  16. Real nice game, recorded it just finished. Starks looks like he's ready to take over that PG role. He's been patient the first two years behind Wright and Clark....Starks was a big recruit along with Lubick in 2010 I think he's ready to shine. Hopkins needs to give us some muscle down low too if we want to make some real noise. Porter, Whittington, Trawick- those are all good players. Hoyas have potential...it's all about March though for them. They'll win their fair share of games during the regular season, but JT3 needs to get them focused in March. Big test tomorrow vs. Indiana. That is a resume builder extraordinaire.
  17. Late pass, but I love how we waived Shelvin Mack. We draft so well. Our offense should be have Cartier Martin shoot threes. Dude always seems to light it up.
  18. Beastly by Zlatan Ibrahimovic. He has to be turning into one of the best players from the past decade.
  19. Pathetic. I still say 18 wins max for this team. If anyone wants to bet the over then message me.
  20. Hahahaha well played. Unfortunately, my Orioles mantra does not apply to the Bullets. Not even a Jamaican voodoo leader could help them.
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