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Yng Lady88

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Everything posted by Yng Lady88

  1. missed all the rule changes. im sure i'll be super confused at some point this game. BRob missed the hole up the gut and ran right into the defender
  2. It's preseason game 1 and the field is probably mud. Not expecting much, just hoping for no injuries
  3. Really diggin Logan Paulsen as our sideline correspondent. It's been pretty painful the past several years
  4. This part really stuck out to me. Those two seem to be thick as thieves on and off the field with CY having a big influence on Sweat. So it's interesting that Sweat noticed and mentioned how Allen and Payne have taken care of business on the field, been the leaders of their unit, and were rewarded financially for it. I'd say Sweat out of the two has continuously grown and stepped up his game. He seems to understand the time for "shoulda, coulda, woulda" and breaking sack records with Young is over, and that actually stepping up and showing up on the field is what will make his pockets fatter. I like this mindset. It's small and early, but he seems locked in/more locked in than CY. I personally supported extending Sweat over Chase anyway. The injury, recovery and very real "prove it" year for CY certainly puts me more firmly in that group. I guess we'll all see when the pads pop.
  5. This is the first of any "film" ive watched on him, but just from this quick watch, his run style and form reminds me of Guice. Not sure of the comparison in measurables for height/weight/speed, but that was the player that jumped in my mind after watching this.
  6. Am i missing something or did we trade out of the 47th pick?
  7. I agree with everything you said. The Eagles and Giants BOTH have had multiple down years where they've rebuilt and come back stronger and been top teams in the division while we stay as bottom dwellers. It's so frustrating to watch as we've been on this 20+ year road of "finally making it" while PHIL and NY have done that 3-4 times over in that span. And my mom's fam is from outside Philly so i always hear it from them when Philly is good/whoops us. My highlight of the season last year was when we beat Philly and broke their unbeaten record. Imagine that being our Super Bowl/highlight of the year...while they contend for real Super Bowls. At this point im of tired of Ron and his slow-pitch process. I get focusing on revamping culture, but why cant we do that AND focus on/prioritize winning. And im not gona lie, i find myself watching and following Baltimore more than this team because they've come up out the shadows and been so much better than us between Flacco and Lamar. All while we cycle through 97 qbs and continuous losing records/missing the playoffs.
  8. My god we need major starting caliber fat boys on the o-line and depth. Eagles terrorizing o-lines and QBs for the next 5-10 years
  9. LOL at that Addison interview. "Let's go get paid" and "we're going to score all night!" 😂🤣
  10. Need buddy in the weight room and on a meal plan because he's absolutely getting trucked by backs and bigger receivers. Especially if cons have been questionable tackling.
  11. Not sure if either of these opinions matter, but interesting insight
  12. Eagles just drafted another beast for their d-line. We have a young/raw QB behind a shaky o-line. And we draft a dude with the body of a high school freshman. I saw somewhere he's up to 180 from 166 but man wasnt seeing secondary at 16, especially not that one.
  13. Yea disappointing but not surprising. I dont see anything coming down the pipe for him. Would be completely shocked if it did.
  14. That's all i was thinking too lol. He seemed to have this fake smile and kept talking behind his hat (to his agent?) like "wtf just happened??" lol
  15. Gibbs didnt look too thrilled sitting on his couch lol
  16. Wow, that's so crazy. When it happened i knew he was ****ed for the league/was going to have some severe punishment. I dont think they even mentioned it at all on NFL Network in their coverage. This wasnt weed or being lazy in practice, people died. It seems like the story disappeared nationally as well.
  17. Totally forgot Carter was involved in the racing that killed a teammate and member of GA's staff. Are charges pending or is he walking scot free?
  18. Eagles war room looks crazy. 30 dudes all wearing the same dark suit lol
  19. And the rich get richer. Philly is absolutely stacked. They run the NFCE for the foreseeable future.
  20. Kinda funny and dope to see NFL Network comp Bijan to Ladainian Tomilson and they show a clip of LT runnign against the then Skins and Sean Taylor is in pursuit and pissed LT gets in for the score lol
  21. Imagine Philly has their pick of Bijan or Jalen. ****ing hell man lol
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