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Yng Lady88

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Everything posted by Yng Lady88

  1. Very interesting that CRod is up first over Patterson and Williams. Hello, Dyami! They said hes been killin it in TC. That kind of catch keeps you around
  2. Very nice first couple runs by CRod!! A lot faster than i thought and lowers his pads to finish the run. love it
  3. Dax is a known product. Give me Kaz Allen or one of the other speedster 5th, 6th string WRs on the bubble back there
  4. Chick is really having trouble with calculations/numbers tonight. And also calling us our current team name LOL I know Howell is out, but im actually excited for Briskett to come in. I think we have a really competent back-up QB
  5. yea, Im good on Howell. The kid can ball and it shows on the field. As long as he gets the protection/scheming he needs to succeed, i think he's going to surprise a lot of people
  6. Howell can extend plays really well and has great vision down-field. Holy **** what a throw and catch for the TD! An absolute DOT by Sam!
  7. Howell gona be moving a lot this season, whether it's schemed or not. Howell has a rocket. That roll-out, cross-body throw and hot dark to Terry in the middle of the field was nice.
  8. Number of times the local broadcast has brought up BRob getting shot - 2 Number of safties we've given up - 1 Number of starting caliber offensive line we have - 0 Idk about yall, but I'm really enjoying myself.
  9. The o-line and depth we have now is essentially what we're going to build and ride with. Our only option is picking up a cut or two and there's no way teams are letting any studs go.
  10. For the past couple years, including this camp, Ron has said hes good with where the o-line is. He likes what they got and how they're playing When asked earlier in the week what he was looking forward to seeing in this game, he said the QB and d-line. He pays the o-line/putting any real investment in the o-line dust. It's so ****ing frustrating. This team goes nowhere w/o a competitive o-line. Idc if we have Howell or Brady back there. You gut our chances for success early leaning so heavy into defensive assets/picks.
  11. Finally, Forbes and Sweat showed and acted like they were tired of the bull****.
  12. Terribel tackle attempt by Jamin(?) on the last tackle attempt. CLE marching down field lol. i knew that once this defense/defense line faced real comp **** would look real different
  13. yeea this is what i feared with this defense. Absolutely dogs our offense in camp, but when its time to go up against a real o-line and legit QB, we look like the same ol defense early, but CLE is getting everything they want
  14. Sam has zip, composure and accuracy. Like what ive seen in the small sample. That drive was ripe for us to march downfield. Seems we always get a penalty to kill momentum
  15. Wylie getting early penalties and Gates missing blocks on screens. Hmm, early but it doesnt help
  16. Blockhand Bates, that was a lovely pass and protection. Flag brought it back but Sam looks composed and in control
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