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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. That changes nothing about the first two rounds not being great. =p (yes, third round is great)
  2. Yeah, third round is much better, but he gave up the first 2 rounds pretty much.
  3. I wouldn't call it great, though it's pretty good. The thing is Machida is just trying to avoid getting KOed, not really doing much offensively himself.
  4. Yeah, Falco is looking way better than Harris but he should have been DQed for that choke. He held it a couple seconds after the ref jumped in and tried to pull him off...and that was even after the horn. He was just trying to hurt him with it as much as he could before going to his corner. Edit: Nevermind, Falco is taking the third round off...he does realize Dana White actually watches these things right? He was cheap with the choke and took the final round off....Dana is really big on guys that finish fights.
  5. Obviously we need one of those computer simulations of Mayweather/Pacquiao like they had in 'Rocky Balboa' to settle this debate! Of course what would happen is whoever loses the simulation gets mad and finally makes the fight so we could then see the real result... =p
  6. Just to be clear in my above post, I'm not disrespecting Mayweather's legacy. He's undefeated for a reason and he's put on some amazing performances throughout his career. He's arguably the greatest defensive fighter of all time, at least top 2-3 in any weight class. He's also one of the best counter punchers of his generation and it would be a close/tough fight for either guy. I was simply saying that it's not a situation of him being considered far superior to Manny and doing him a favor by giving him this fight, they're standing on pretty much equal ground at this point.
  7. Supposedly how it went down was eventually during negotiations there was an agreement for testing up until 14 days before the fight then a test immediately following the fight. Manny's promoter said the only thing missing was Mayweather's signature on the contract. At this point Mayweather's camp came out and claimed no negotiations had taken place and the Pacquiao people were lying. The problem is that Ross Greenberg, the president of HBO Sports had worked as a mediator during the negotiations and confirmed they had taken place but no final agreement was made, basically confirming that both sides lied to a certain degree. It would seem that Manny's people lied about a final agreement and Mayweather's people lied about the entire negotiations saying something never took place that quite obviously did. After that apparently Mayweather said he wasn't even interested in fighting any time soon and at that point Pacquiao moved on and made a fight with someone else. Basically, it appears that Manny will give in to a degree and go with a much more stringent testing before and after the fight, but not the full and exact schedule that Mayweather wants. You can either look at this and say Manny is trying to hide something, or you can see that it's all part of business and when you're looking to make a deal you don't just let the other guy walk over you and bow to his every demand. I mean Mayweather has just as much to gain from this as Pacquiao does, and it's not like Mayweather is doing him any favors fighting him. If they both retire tomorrow Manny will be more well remembered in the history of boxing because of the quality and diversity of his competition and the way he handled those fights, he doesn't need Mayweather to secure a legacy.
  8. Floyd was simply trying to dictate the notion that he was the one in charge of that fight and it was the Floyd Mayweather show, it was all part of a negotiation tactic to try and put Manny in his place and accept a smaller cut. It's not like Floyd was doing this for years and years, of course he brought it up with Mosley after he tried that stunt with Manny to make it seem like he was on some noble mission to 'clean up the sport.' You're kidding yourself if you think Mayweather really gives a damn about this apart from what he was trying to accomplish with bullying Pacquiao with it. I'm not saying the current boxing testing is fine or anything, that's not the point, but just don't get suckered in to the Mayweather PR camp and think he's doing what he's doing because it's the right thing to do.
  9. Oppps, yeah I did, thanks for pointing that out...fixed.
  10. I think technically it was a TKO victory over Hatton, though I get your point... Yeah I mean, it will be close and I don't think it's out of line for people to be split on who they give the edge to. I just don't think Mayweather has ever fought someone with the speed/power/footwork combination of Manny. I just think he'll get hit a lot more than he's used to in that fight and I don't know how he'll react to that.
  11. Just curious, but why? I'm looking at this as Mayweather would be facing a faster/stronger offensive fighter. Mayweather doesn't have big punching power, he's the best defensive fighter in the world, but mostly he avoids getting hit and tries to outpoint his opponent. I mean Mayweather hasn't had a true KO in well over a decade, he generally depends on decisions and I can't imagine him being able to outpoint Manny. There is absolutely no chance Mayweather scores a KO on Manny, so let's assume it goes 12 rounds, how would the score look? Well they use four basic criteria. 1 - Clean Punching: Advantage Manny, though not by a huge margin. 2 - Effective Aggressiveness : Advantage Manny, this isn't even remotely close. 3 - Ring Generalship: Manny again, because of his aggressive style and speed he'll dictate the pace of the fight. 4 - Defense: Mayweather, you have to give him this, widely considered one of the best defensive fighters of all time. So, odds are Manny outpoints Mayweather, and there is more of a chance Manny KOs Mayweather than the reverse. I'm not saying it would be lopsided at all, it'll be a great fight, but I'd feel rather safe that the vegas odds are going to favor a Pacquiao victory, as well they should.
  12. How you dare question the greatness of Max Kellerman!?!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uA8hcv1MzA
  13. So yeah, only fight worth even talking about is Pacquiao/Mayweather at this point. Pretty much the same way boxing has been for the past year.
  14. Damn that eye is looking nasty.
  15. Pretty much, Margarito is a big punching bag to stand out there and get his face beat up to showcase Manny's speed.
  16. 5-0 Manny, too much speed and too much skill.
  17. Eh, it's 3-0 Manny, he's too fast. He may not be really hurting Margarito because of his size yet, but he's just all over the place tagging Margarito, speed kills.
  18. Damn, Margarito with a 17 pound weight advantage....knew it would be double digits but 17 is huge.
  19. Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing, what the hell? I was fine with the three different national anthems, but then a Nelly mini-concert? haha c'mon...
  20. The back and forth between the two camps during the under-cards were pretty funny. Margarito's camp critical of Manny's hand wraps and Manny's people saying Margarito was taking ephedrine and downing coffee...lol.
  21. Well, if you really want to hear the HBO guys, http://wweuniverso.net/ has some streams up...there are #s at the top...can't remember which one has the HBO crew but just check em all till you find it.
  22. Ok, 17 weight classes and 4 major bodies, some with multiple champions per weight class, to it's closer to 100 world champions.
  23. That's boxing for you, like 4 different organizations with titles and like a dozen weight classes, so there's literally 45+ world champions at any time, it's ridiculous. edit: actually there is like 70+ considering some weight classes in some organizations have multiple champions.
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