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Everything posted by ExoDus84

  1. even if we lose to the chiefs, and although the season would be lost before it ever begun, I'd say we finish no worst than 5-11. Our defense alone should keep us in every game, and I think our offense should accidently make enough plays to get us to at least 5-11.
  2. http://www.atdhe.net/index.html Link seems to be up.
  3. If somebody has a link, just post it, rather than sending 300 PM's. Please.
  4. what program opens that link? firefox doesnt recognize it.
  5. I'm on the west coast as well. It'll be broadcast on NFL network if you have it. Otherwise, I know a few sites I'll be checking for a link, and if I find one, I'll post it for the ESers.
  6. Vick signs 2 year deal with eagles, per ESPN.com
  7. well why dont you post it and help out your fellow skins brethren?
  8. I like the all white jerseys. Compliments the dark colored helmets/shoes nicely. I think it looks more "modern". I also love the white bottoms and burgandy tops. Perhaps one day we'll be able to see all burgandy...from a few pictures I saw, really looked sharp
  9. I'm eating a sandwhich right now, and for some reason, I just thought.... **** the cowboys! that is all.
  10. LMAO that this thread is a sticky.
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