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Everything posted by Wildbunny

  1. Interestingly my boss is urging me to go on sick-pay for the weeks to come as I cannot go to work due to schools being closed and wife working as a nurse... Someone as to take care of children. Next step from him will be to fire me in two weeks (as that's the longest this exceptionnal stuff can last, for now) because I won't be able to go to work either in two weeks. Those guys clearly have no vision.
  2. @Califan007 yeah that's exactly how I expect mine. Thought my boss expect it to be like week one all time long...
  3. Macron did show some balls on many levels mind you. Estrosi Estrosi's playing it like a lone wolf... Which is not gonna helpful. Curfew is good for asshole that don't get it with "stay home". Mind you in the seventies everyone was saying that asbestos was great in many cases and we build thousands of building with this. Everyone knew it was giving cancer and we still did go with this ****. You really want everyone to jump from Charybd to Scylla? In both case you lose.
  4. That's still a bit easy to jump to conclusion and I'm pretty sure some are working out to get fame, fortune and glory out of this mess. Fact is COVID-19 is benign for 80% of people that contract it, and it is supposed that even many more are healthy while carrying it, especially the youngers. Saying that a treatment helped 75% out of 12 because of medic X or Y is not much really as those 75% might really be part of the 80% where it is not seerious. (Not every elder dies out of it). Saying X or Y does cure this **** when we're not even testing it correctly, that's bull**** as well. Fact is no one knows crap about that for now. We've got hints, suppositions and that's it. If I get cold, I can call my doc, visit him and get a list of medic to take so I'll be cured in 6 Days. But I can also get cold, don't call the doctor and I'll be cured in 6 days as well. Medics lab do have a protocol for a reason. And running away from it, in this days is definately the best way to create an even bigger mess. You can say that Macron is an asshole and that Nice is great for running it, but I wouldn't trust Estrosi (Nice's Mayor) on this case as he's exactly the type of guy that will look for fame in this story. Those are facing serious trouble if that backfired, not everyone of them will rise to face the consequences, and most will coward behind puppets. Count Estrosi as the first to do it. If it succeeds, that's because of him, if it failed, it'll be not his choice and he warned about it but didn't had power to do it. (In fact nobody really has the power to decide to go for it besides ARS and Health' Minister). Finally, giving false hope to those that suffer and those that dies out of this is an even bigger crime in these days. I wish people would stay quiet, keep calm and try to work accordingly to fight this altogether instead of going with some kind of "me first" attitude that will ruin most of us.
  5. That's a fight we lost a long time ago, really... Hey!! Watch out, we're only testing people that we think have it. So our numbers are probably way, way, way below reality you know!
  6. Day 5. It's already boring to be forced to stay at home. I'd rather go to work. Which is still a no and I suspect will be a no go until the end of spring holidays. Which will happen in 6 weeks... Definately not easy to work from home, and also take care of children's homework that are 4/5 hours long... Day is too short. Wife went out for shopping this morning she's still not back, it seems to be a mess as everyone is checked for temperature before entering. Still she's able to go outside and work, as she's a nurse and have some kind of derogation. Compatriots aren't exactly exemplary during this time as Police has already given out close to 40K of fines for people braving out quarantine (which is kinda dumb... Shows how human being are stupid in general). I hoped to work a bit in the garden this afternoon but weather is grey, so I might rather stay at home. Maybe tomorrow if it's better.
  7. Day 1. We've been locked down for an hour and a half officially now. I'm supposedly working from home, but since I have lots of ork to do, I don't really know where to start. It seems kinda weird for now, but morale is still good. Hopefully I'll be able to go out on a few occasions, probably next tuesday when wife will be home as I have to also take care of kids for now. That gives me time to keep BHRBN up to date, and since moves are really limited, maybe it's the best time to quit smoking....
  8. Well truth is he never said the word "lockdown". Not even once. Thought he spoke of "war" 6 times. But still, we're supposed to stay home starting tuesday at noon. For at least 2 weeks. Which will probably turn into 4 to 6 weeks. And hopefully paying TV channel are now officially free so we do not get bored while working at home (which will be good for a week or two, after that it'll be boredom! Everything's cool
  9. Reading this, that's almost how I feel and would say that it's not dedicated to US. I mean, we did spend the day voting for mayors today, when we decided to lock down schools starting monday. Employees are send home doing home office, if they can. So that's weird also. But that's rising fast and word out here in France is that the Virus will go through half the population or something close to it as it seems most are healthy patient that don't develop it but can still spread, which is kinda scary in itself. This stuff have been loosely taken care off from the beginning, starting with China, then Italy. With lockdown being a few days ago (as early as wednesday, probably), I don't expect this to go back to normal before May at best, most likely June if China serves as a good example. And it seems some are using this to make money out of this as the german newspaper Die Welt published stuff of the US Gov. trying to lure a german company working on the vaccin to sell it to them only??? That's even more scary though not suprising at all...
  10. I would say that here in France we're 3 days away from it as it's becoming more and more viral. Numbers are still low, but rising and fear is taking over the country (and stupidity too). For once, you guys seemed to be one or two week late from us. Don't worry, it'll happen soon enough. Luckily for us, our guys at the helm seems to be more concerned and aware than the guy with the wig....
  11. Since schools will be closed on Mondays until further notice, I'll have to stay at home to watch over them when wife will be working. She's also a nurse so no way she's gonna stay home. Count on me singing I want to break free all day long... And spend time working on Smartsheets and make sure my girls are still doing their homework or something close to it...
  12. Interestingly, this stuff seems to keep away from kids and being only problematic for elder people... We do have some vote next sunday, some countries here have instigated some stupid procedure that will never been done, like desinfecting the voting booth after every one person going through. That's doable in small voting office, but I can hardly see bigger one complying to this... Numbers have reached 1126 infected in France and 19 dead. The infected inclued 4 members from the parliament. Hopefully, this virus isn't turning infected people into Zombies. Brad Pitt can stay quiet for now... Anyway, that pandemic will be a really interesting subject for scientists, medics and politics in the years to come.
  13. Drew Brees and Tom Brady are not on the other hand j/k
  14. I would say that right now, the simple fact that you have reports about Ron Rivera not being committed to Dwayne Haskins is kinda proff that he was given carte blanche with his team. From all reports, Haskins was a Snyder's pick. If Rivera's allowed to move away from him asap, that's quite an indication of what he's allowed to do with the team. (Don't believe he will move away from him now, but Haskins will have to perform quick or ride the bench).
  15. That was from Hap's days. Not mine Maybe mods could help on this subject, but the website is still giving out awards of some sorts (see leaderboard section). Never understood how it works though
  16. From the presser I would say there's 80% chance O'Connell is our next OC. Exception being if some kind of great opportunity presents itself this month. Or is not yet available because it's coaching a playoff team? I'm not putting this possibility to rest, but right now, I believe O'Connell has the lead. And I could like it, the young guy, could learn a lot with guys like Rivera and Del Rio.
  17. Optimism is definately on the rise around here. How do I know? Articles in BHRBN went from less than 10 reads last sunday to dozens and even hundredth Keep it going guys
  18. We signed Rivera for 5 years. Even if we retain O'Connell, there's little probability he'll be HC here. If he flames out, he'll be out in 2 years, that's obvious. If he succeeds, he'll be on someone else radar in 2 years and will probably be hired as a HC somewhere else in 2/3 years because we won't be able to prevent him from signing elsewhere, like McVay. Then you'll reach the situation you had with McVay: firing the HC to replace him with the OC. But you can only do that if Rivera is not successful at HC or he wants to retire for whatever reason. But at 57, I believe he wants to coach for another 10 seasons. If the gameplan was to get O'Connell as the futur HC in a few years, then hiring Rivera was a really bad choice.
  19. You want something funnier? In fact Del Rio was named DC in Carolina in 2002 when they drafted Julius Peppers at #2 In 2012 he was named the Broncos DC when they drafted Von Miller at #2 I would say we can call Pete Rozelle, Paul Tagliabue, Roger Goodell and tell him to start draft with pick #3, #1 and #2 are already in the history books.
  20. Sometimes it's better to go with balls instead of smarts.
  21. Dan maybe a bad businessman, but he's freaking good at selling hopes and dreams... Did the guy ever worked at Disney?
  22. I'll have to find a new avatar.... That one is getting old! That is done! Was quick finally
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