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Posts posted by StillUnknown

  1. my picks for tonights Elite XC card:

    Ninja vs. Lawler: i'm actually more a fan of Ninja, but i see Lawler catching him with something brutal and KO'ng Ninja late 1st or early 2nd. if the fight should happen to get to the ground, i would expect Ninja to tap Lawler though.

    Lawler by KO late 1st or early 2nd

    Diaz vs. Aina: Not that familiar with Aina, but he's never been finished in a fight as all his losses have come by decision. that said, Diaz has a great ground game and i expect him to tap Aina middle of round 2.

    Diaz by sub 2nd round

    Shields vs. Charuto: Jake is huge for welterweight (he cuts from 190). i expect him to grind out a decision against Charuto as Charuto is technical enough to stay out of most dangers.

    Shields by UD.

    Villasenor vs. Fukuda: i look for Villasenor to bounce back from his loss to get a decision agains Fukuda.

    Villasenor by UD.

    Carano vs. Evinger: i've only seen Carano fight once, and have never heard of her opponent therefore i won't predict this fight.

  2. Anyone hear the Nick Diaz interview on The Beatdown? Holy ****, this kid's a ****ing pothead.


    Click the link that opens it up in iTunes and move it to the 56:40 mark and listen to this interview. He's obviously high as **** during the interview and keeps forgetting what he's talking about. Unbelievable.

    In case you didn't know, his last fight (a win over Gomi) by the way of a gogoplata, probably the craziest jiu jitsu move ever was ruled a NC because he tested positive for marijuana.

    This kid is going to **** up his career.

    damn shame, Diaz is one of my favorite fighters. Never in a boring fight, and has been at the wrong side of some close decisions. He has improving standup and an extremely aggressive style of jiu-jitsu. He constantly goes for submission from the bottom and always looking to end the fight. How he gogo'd Gomi while high is beyond me:laugh:

    kinda makes me wonder how bad he would've beat Gomi if he was sober.

  3. And let me just say this in closing. I'm calling it right now. The biggest upset in MMA history. I have Forrest Griffin knocking out Shogun Rua. No, you can't have what I'm smoking. ;)

    just out of curiousity, when has Forrest ever demonstrated KO power? he's a decent striker but i don't think of him as a KO artist of any sorts.

  4. Did you listen to Joe Rogan? All he talked about is "Hamill is going to ground and pound just like Tito", "Hamill is an Olypmic class wrestler and will control the ground game", "Hamill has heavy hands". Except for him wrestling in the Handicapped Olympics he's proven nothing. With that in his resume he should be able to take any fighter to the ground and either submit or pound the crap out of them. He is very over hyped, especially since Tito was swinging from his tip during TUF 3. Tito was talking him up like he was going to bull doze his way through the UFC. When he goes against the better fighters he'll get crushed. It takes more than holding someone on the ground to be successful in MMA.

    i don't pay Rogan attention when he gets like that, he does that with every fighter using the same adjective (i.e., that guy has "crazy" submissions; that guy throws punches from "weird" angles; that guy's power is "insane") he's like that for every fighter. Rogan knows MMA so it doesn't bother me, but he hypes every fighter for every match regardless.

  5. I gave Dan the second round. Although Rampage faired a little better towards the end of the round Dan still controlled it.

    I also agree with the sentiment that a takedown shouldn't be automatic points. This isn't a wrestling match, it's a fight. Once you take a fighter down you have to work towards something, submission, ground and pound something. Hamill never does anything once he gets a guy down. That's what I mean when I talk about him being overhyped. Joe kept talking about his heavy hands which he's never seems to hit anyone with. They talk about him having great ground and pound but who's ever seen it? I think he's the Darnarian McCants of MMA, he looks great in practice but never does anything with it in the ring.

    Hamill isn't overhyped as i don't hear anyone putting him up with the elites, but he is an improving fighter. while he didn't do much damage on bisping on the ground, Bisping didn't do any damage to hamill for three rounds. Most of the time Hamill simply chose to let bisping get up off the ground, he really didn't try to hold him there.

  6. Because rampage is the man!

    Look at how Dan was blindly throwing a lot of punches, rampage countered nicely and had near flawless D.

    You can even give him a 10/8 round for the 5th. Because Rampage dropped him and would have finished Dan off if he had 20 more seconds at the most.

    Dropping someone is a point.

    dropping someone is not an automatic point imo, that rule should apply to boxing only. i agree with giving rampage the 5th round, but henderson was competitive throughout the round. a 10-8 round should only be scored when one fighter is thoroughly dominated throughout the entire round.

  7. The Bisping vs. Hamill fight was a classic case of don't leave it in the hands of the judges.

    i don't buy that though, yes you should always try and finish a fight, but when its a clear decisions the judges have a responsibility to get it right. Bisping knows he didn't win that fight. When judges screw somethin up that bad, it hurts the credibility of the sport, this same type of obvious bull**** decisions is what helped to keep boxing down for so long.

  8. Although i think Hamill won he still didn't dominate anything. As usual he threw his punches with absolutely no aim and when he got to the ground nothing. 0, zilch, nada. He needs to stay busy on the ground, drop some elbows, do something to inflict damage. Bisping stayed busy with his hands and his punches were thrown with a purpose, he just didn't throw them for the sake of throwing them. Again, Bisping shouldn't have won but Hamill needs to expand his game or he'll never succeed.

    The judges were terrible tonight. First the Hamill debacle and then two of them scoring the Rampage fight 49/46? Seriously, how did Dan not win the first two rounds? He stayed busy, controlled the fight in the clinch and took Rampage to the ground. Rampage won but it damn sure wasn't by that margin in my book 48/47. Great fight though, Dan should have let it all go in the 5th but it was still a great fight IMO.

    i scored the rampage/hendo fight 49-46 for Rampage

    i gave Hendo the 1st round. the 2nd round was close and i wouldn't argue with people who gave the round to Hendo but the 3rd, 4th, 5th, while close, i thought Rampage did enough in each to warrant giving him the round

  9. Rampages progression since training with Juanito Ibarra is amazing. he managed to control a world-class wrestler on the ground, and his striking is looking more and more crisp.

    he'll be tough for anybody to beat with his new team behind him. i hope Shogun beats forrest so we can see a rematch of Shogun/Rampage

  10. Dana White had better have Wandy fight Chuck for his first fight.

    Plus I think Alexander would be a very good style match-up against Shogun. Griffin, I'm not sure about. Maybe he should fight the loser of the fight? :whoknows:

    I just think that as dominant as Alexander has been in his last two fights, he deserves to fight someone that has made a name for himself.

    he would be a good style match up for Shogun, but Shogun has virtually been promised a title shot if he beats Forrest so thats a no go for Alexander.

    Alexander definitely deserves to face a name in the ring, i would put him up against Jason Lambert, who has been impressive since being KO'd by Rashad Evans.

  11. Anyone think Houston Alexander will get a shot at the winner of Shogun/Griffin?

    I say he's earned it.

    no he hasn't.

    first of all, if Shogun beats forrest (which is likely), he's next in line for a title shot.

    2nd of all, alexander isn't quite ready for that level of competition just yet. although i wouldn't mind seeing him fight Wandy in Dec.:2cents:

  12. Go anywhere on the net that is talking about this... EVERYONE knows that this is BS. I'm extremely dissapointed in the UFC. This is the kind of crap you expect in boxing and even then rarely do you see such a one sided fight get stolen. It takes balls to do what we just saw.

    people on Sherdog who are from the london area and Bisping fans are saying that Hamill got robbed so you know the decision is complete bull****.

  13. What makes it worse is Bispings **** talking after the fight, dude you got owned and handed a win by the judges shut the **** up

    my thoughts exactly. He told Hamill to "go back to wrestling", Hamill out struck that man for 3 rounds. Bisping will never come close to holding the title at 205 or 185 when he drops down.

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