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Posts posted by StillUnknown

  1. Diego/Fitch is the only fight I'm interested in. The rest are worthless. Thanks for a great PPV Dana! And to think the last one was free, but this one is full price. :doh:

    Thiago Tavares/Tyson Griffin will be a great fight and is the one i most want to see tonight.

    i can't stand dana much either but he got put against a wall tryin to piece this card together. the original plans for this card had Liddell facing Silva. the main event is basically a showcase for Liddell now and i don't agree with that at all. but i think this card, while not providing the match-ups i most want to see, still has a good chance of delivering some good exciting fights.

  2. my predictions for tonights UFC 76 (remember i'm 100% correct 60% of the time:laugh: )

    Liddell vs. Jardine: if Liddell is focused he takes this easy. Jardine is a solid fighter but nowhere near the level of skill that Liddell has. Jardines best hope is to leg kick Liddell early and often and try to drag him into the 3rd round.

    Liddell by KO 1st round

    Shogun vs. Forrest Griffin: Griffin is a decent fighter. i don't like him too much, but he definitely has some skills in the ring. That being said, Shogun is better in every aspect of the game. Shogun is an elite fighter and Forrest is just outside the top 10. Jardine beat Forrest, i really have a hard time seeing Forrest pull the upset. Forrest's best chance to win is if Shogun has a Pride flashback and starts to stomp his dome in. Shogun will take 1 round to get used to the cage and finish Griffin in the 2nd.

    Shogun by ref stoppage due to strikes 2nd round

    Diego Sanchez vs. Fitch: even matchup here. If fitch takes the Koscheck route, he'll win easy. Fitch is a much better striker than Sanchez and a better wrestler. Fitch is also good enough on the ground to stay out of Sanchez's subs. That being said Fitch is not Koscheck, he actually cares about being exciting for the crowd. He will push the pace, even if he doesn't have to. Sanchez does best against guys who come right at him. Still i think Fitch has enough tools to beat Sanchez in the end.

    Fitch by UD.

    Tyson Griffin vs. Thiago Tavares: this has fight of the year potential. Of all the fights tonight, this is one i want to see most. Tyson Griffin is always in wars. Tavares showed a complete set of skills against Jason Black. I thought that Guida actually should've gotten the decision he fought Griffin, and Tavares is ground wizard. Tyson has better striking. I see this being an absolute war with Tavares catching Griffin in a sub in round 3.

    Tavares by sub 3rd round

    Machida vs. Nak: Machida will be a tough matchup for anyone at LHW because of how technical his striking is. He knows how to stay away from danger. this will ultimately be his downfall as he isn't the most exciting of fighters. I like Machida but if he wants to get a title shot in the future, he has to start finishing some of his opponents, or at least be exciting while dominating them. He's a great fighter, and he will decision Nak.

    Machdia by UD

  3. GREAT night of fights. The free ones are always better than the PPVs.

    Leben vs. Martin was awesome. Chris fought smarter because he found out right away how hard Martin hits. In the 3rd round, Terry had Leben ready to fall with 2 mean shots. All of a sudden, Chris just said "F it, I'm going out swinging." He FLATTENED Terry with a desperation left hook! Hilarious.

    Quarry vs. Sell was a very similar stand up brawl and eneded very much the same way. 3rd round, Sell was starting to land a LOT of hard shots. Nate dug in, swung away and dropped Pete like a bag of hammers. Quarry definitely proved the first KO was no bad stoppage. He even invited Pete to get up, just to make sure Sell would have no complaining to do afterword.

    quarry only proved he's a better fighter than Sell, their first fight was still a BS stoppage. Quarry most likely would've still won the first fight, but the stoppage was BS nevertheless.

  4. That's because your gay. :silly:



    Kyra Gracie>>>>>>>Carano

    on another note, why are they doing an entire season of welterweight on The Ultimate Fighter? Welterweight division is very deep as it is, it would've made much more sense to do a season of middleweights instead.:2cents:

  5. Still-

    I respectfully disagree with every one of your predictions except Diaz over Annuncio. :)

    (Keep in mind though that I was a big 0 for 3 on UFC 75. LOL!)

    yeah my prediction game been rough lately.

    thats the thing about predictions, they always sound good when you're making them:laugh:

  6. That Gina chic is so hot!

    nothin special in my opinion. she gets credit because she looks better when compared to her competition :laugh:

    my predictions for tonight Ultimate Fight Night Card:

    Din Thomas vs. Kenny Florian: i've gone back and forth with this fight since it was announced that Florian would replace Fisher. this fight is even all the way around. Din has the better hands and maybe kicks, but Florian's muy thai game is better. on the ground they are even as both are bjj black belts. i'm goin with Thomas by a split decision, but won't be surprised at all if Florian wins. (on a sidenote, Florian has quite possibly the worst nickname in sports with Ken-Flo:doh: )

    Din Thomas by SD.

    Chris Leben vs. Terry Martin: If this fight makes it out of the first round i'll be shocked. Leben's been struggling and needs the W if he wants to stay in the UFC. that being said, since dropping to MW, Martin has been on tear. Martin has faced and beaten better fighters than Leben and i expect Martin to KO Leben middle of round 1.

    Terry Martin by 1st Round KO

    Nate Diaz vs. Junior Assunaco: If diaz takes the fight seriously he should be able to win by submission sometime in round 2.

    Diaz by submission 2nd round.

    Pete Sell vs. Nate Quarry: Haven't seen Quarry since he was unjustifiably given a title shot against Franklin and was promptly embarrassed. since then he's been sidelined with a career threatening back injury. I think Quarry will be rusty and nervous in his return and will be stopped by Sell early 2nd.

    Pete Sell by ref stoppage due to strikes 2nd round

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