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Everything posted by 50yrSKINSfan

  1. Where did you get that I live in a swamp? I live in the pine barrens of Jersey. Woods and lakes, bay down the street, ocean 15 min away, hunting and fishing, boating, jet skis, 4 wheeling, dirt biking etc. My place in Florida is on a barrier island. Ocean in front river in back, no swamps just beauty. Cheers.
  2. Hi all. I own a place in NJ, born and raised here for 70 years. Guy across the street is a slob. His house and family look like s--t. Someone hit his house with a egg and the slob never bothered to clean it. It now is a black stain right in the middle of his 2nd floor wood siding. He never cuts the grass or weeds his beds. He parks junk cars and trucks and small trailers on his front yard. Of course he has a pony tail and a pit bull and he swears at his small children. His wife is fat and ugly. His wife had a car accident and now the junk sits in his driveway for over a month, of course facing out. Cops in our small town, and there are over 50 of them, average 150k a year for 4 days a week 10 hrs a day, and they can retire after 20 yrs with over 80% of their pay and bennies for life. They can save up their sick pay and take it as a lump sum when they retire at the current yearly rate, not at the rate when they saved the time over 20 years ago.They call it their boat fund and it is usually is over 150k payoff. Our taxes are sky high and our wonderful Dem Gov just informed us that because of the pandemic he has to stop out homestead rebates and our senior freeze payments, which were not that much anyway. The weather stinks most of the time, yes summer is nice but most days of the year are cold damp and gray. Beach badges cost $45 a season per person. I also have a place in sunny Florida. I have the Indian river in my back yard and the Atlantic Ocean in my front yard. The government owns approx 2 miles of land to the north so nothing can be built there. It is possible to walk on the awesome beach for miles, 9 months a year without seeing anyone else. Ocean water is always warm. Like the song the sun even shines through the rain. Beaches are free. You can catch fish all the time. We had a storm a while ago and some of my siding blew off. My neighbor across the street went and collected the siding and nailed it back on for me. His place looks like the botanical gardens with beautiful flowers and trees. Opposite of my NJ neighbor. Food costs the same but taxes and real estate are less. I have a free marina, tennis courts, clubhouse and heated pool in our community. This would cost a fortune in NJ. Vero Beach is to our north and the homes and land scrapping there make Loveladies NJ look like a slum. Only thing that keep us here is our kids and grandkids are here otherwise I would be out of here. Jags and Fins or tv. Far as I can see this is a no brainer, Florida blows away the north east.
  3. Sorry for not being more clear. I do not know if any of the guys I mentioned were hurt in college, I meant to say they were all hurt in the NFL and they all lost the rest of their seasons when they got hurt. Matter of fact, the Rodgers injury, when the defender picked him up and planted him on his shoulder fueled a rule change from the NFL. I would be happy if the Skins drafted CY, I just do not see a Reggie White kind of player there, worthy of the 2nd pick in the complete draft. I would be happy if the Skins drafted Tua. I would be most happiest if the Skins got a haul and got the lb from Clem and 2 other real good players.
  4. Lots of QBs had injuries in college and our own RG3 had knee surgery before we drafted him if I am not mistaken. Guy gets hurt you fix it. Tua is worth the risk. Brady, Big Ben, Rodgers have all been hurt, it is part of the game. Imagine the excitement of getting the best QB prospect for the Redskins!
  5. This is right on. It is very rare that a team has a chance to draft the best QB prospect in the draft and we have not had the best QB in the league since god knows so IMHO I think it is a no brainer to draft Tua. I am sure CY is a good prospect but his performance in his last 2 games left a lot to be desired, plus the guy takes a powder on the combine. What is he trying to hide. I do not see Reggie White, LT or Von Miller in him and he is on a team with a great D line that always has a lead so he can just tee off. On top of that we just drafted a pass rusher last year and are we going to draft pass rushers every year? If you are not going to take Tua then trade the pick. It is a great year for Tackles and receivers. Trade the pick for 3 # 1s. Get the LB from Clem with the 1st pick. Next get the best receiver on the board, next the best tackle and you will see a vast improvement in your team. Work on your O line so we can finally run the ball. Much better having 3 good players than one unless that one is the best QBin the draft. Not trying to trash Haskins but in my eyes I can see Tua being as good a Mahomes or the kid on the Ravens. I don't see Haskins as being in their league.
  6. U R right about us pos having a chance to grab a franchise QB again next year and right about Tua being a gamble but when you are a last place team what good is a elite pass rusher do if teams are running the ball down your throat. Far as anyone else, Clooney, Fowler, Smith to the Pack. All I can think of but elite pass rushers are available and elite QBs are not. I would feel better about CY ifwe did not draft a pass rusher last year and how much did that help. Pass rushers are great if you have a complete defense and you only need one or two players to make your D elite like the Pack did last year but week after week I saw our D getting pushed all over the field and I do not see CY stopping that. I would much rather have a Mahomes or Watson than a CY.
  7. Ya sure he helped but that team is stacked for gods sake. Common man.
  8. I for one am not sold on Haskins but I do think he is serviceable while we are in a rebuilding mode. IMO he is a work in progress but I see him more as a journeyman QB rather than a top flight QB. I see the odds of Tua being a franchise QB a lot better than Haskins. I watched every Giant game this year and their rook QB looked better than Haskins but he did have the advantage of working with the 1st team when Haskins did not. As far as the injury I think I heard this week that Tua passed on his exam and that he is expected to be back to his pre injury condition. In the past I was also under the impression that you should take a franchise QB if you have the first 2 or 3 picks in the draft and if you do not need the QB then you trade the pick to someone who needs the QB for multiple picks. A pass rusher is not even close to the value of a franchise QB. Another thing that bothers me is why if these pass rushers are so desirable then how come the 2 or 3 best vet pass rushers have been traded this past year? Did Mack put the Bears in the playoffs this year?
  9. Hi all. One way to make the league think you may take Tua instead of CY is to offer up Haskins in a trade. In a way I am thinking that Tua will help us just as much if not more than CY. Detroit will take CY with their 3rd so the Giants will have to trade up with Detroit to get him. Putting up Haskins will make Miami think that they may not get Tua at 5 if they think we may take him. I know everyone here is sold on Haskins but Tua rates better by most observers than Haskins.
  10. We have watched games from links we got from here where we did not have to register for something or get virus protection or disable stuff.
  11. Hi. Could someone please post a link for the Jags game so I am not stuck watching nats or boys? THANK YOU?
  12. Did not see the debacle that was our last game but how come the NFL channel plays Cowboys Falcons over and over? How come they play every Steelers game over and over and they have not replayed a Skins game in 3 weeks at least? WTF nfl network. We are in first pla ce and they play the last place Falcons and Boys over and over. Last week it was Birds and Boys. We get not coverage at all.
  13. Hi all. Can someone please post a link that works? Thank you.
  14. Do you guys think Jerry Jones opened the drapes on the windows just so the sun could shine in our QBs eyes, then closed them when his team had the ball? It is pos as I could remember when that fat turd Bill Parcells would open a gigantic corragated door, in Giants Stadium, so the wind would blow in our offenses face. Then leave it open so his team would have a wind advantage. Opening and closing doors to help his team and screw our team.
  15. Why was there no flag when the Cowboy safety hit Reed in the end zone on a overthrown ball that was past them both for 3 seconds? I thought it was hitting a defenseless receiver. agree 100% esp when we did not get a 1st down on that series and I thought PG was interfeared with 2 plays later.
  16. HI. Forgot to add to my post that Roberts int was a tipped ball but he did not look good as a pocket passer. He had one nice run but did anyone think he looked slower that he used to be? Good to see Al Morris run well, better than their new big draft choice. Keenan laid the lumber to AM and I was wondering if we will miss Keenan? Thanks.
  17. Hi all. I watched both the Eagles and the Giants games. I was impressed with Wentz and the Eagles until I realized they were playing the Browns. We all know your team will look like the super bowl champs when you play the worst team in the league. I think the Ealges will be no better than they were last year. I want to see if they move the ball on us like they did yesterday. I felt sorry for Robert, more overthrows and poor accuracy, but I could not help thinking, what did MS see in him when he was in college as opposed to a guy like Wentz. As far as the Giants, remember they were playing a very poor defensive team missing 3 guys on suspension. OBJ had 1 big catch against a scrub coming off a knee rebuild. Cruz is still a obnoxious jerk. He catches a 5 yd TD on a busted play and he acts like he just won the all time super bowl. Yes the Giant run d looked good but they stacked the box and said let a rook QB beat us. The Giants spent 200 mil for def players so they should be improved but to me they didn't look the 85 Bears as they were playing a depleted Cowboy team. Lets see if Drew Brees cuts them up like he did last year.
  18. I have heard Mike Francessa say many times that some teams are favorites of the league like the Giants, Pats and Steelers. Pos has something to do with the fact that Mara got the commish his job. If someone got me a 20 mil a year job I sure as hell would kiss his butt.
  19. Not impos to screw the skins. How many times has the league sent us on a road game on short rest like after a Monday nite game?
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