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Everything posted by MonkFan8

  1. Williams is a 3 who can probably play some 4 if needed. Not likely to take Blatche's minutes any more than a player like Rashard would. I don't see Kanter playing anything other than C, though he can clearly play the 4 if needed as well. Everything I've heard is that he's still growing. I don't disagree that we could draft a PF later in the draft, but like I said that's not likely to cut into Blatche's minutes any more than Booker did.
  2. We're not going to draft anyone that could potentially eat into Blatche's minutes, so that point is essentially moot. People just need to face the facts that: A) No one wants Blatche around the league. There is very little, if any, demand for him. He's on a good contract C) Booker is absolutely not a feasible replacement for him, unless we get a center with some semblance of offensive ability D) Any trade we make is likely going to target McGee, because teams are still intrigued by his athleticism. Blatche will be here for the foreseeable future.
  3. Dejaun Blair....really? I don't see that comparison at all. Blair was like 50-60 pounds heavier and never projected as a SF before his draft. He's far more in the vain of a Wilson Chandler as a tweener SF/PF with questionable shooting ability. *Edit* That Kanter tweet has me excited. We CERTAINLY have the ammo to move up and take Utah's pick, even without trying to dump Blatche on them. Just depends on if EG thinks it's worth it.
  4. I actually really like the look of Leonard. I'd be more than happy to take him at 6. Reminds me of Wilson Chandler a bit but with a better shooting form.
  5. If we trade out and end up with another Foye and Miller scenario, I'll be extremely pissed. Granted that's not likely to happen since that trade was made because of a miss-guided belief that this team could win with Gil, Antawn and Caron. I'd rather reach on a lottery pick with some upside.
  6. I thought Jordan Williams was returning to MD? Did he change his mind when Garry retired? This draft may not have many sure-fire star players, but I have a feeling it's going to be a very deep draft.
  7. Monuments wouldn't really bother me. It's a heck of a lot better than Wizards, that's for sure.
  8. Lol.... TS% is a fairly common metric for evaluating NBA players. I'd argue it makes far less sense NOT to take into account the shots a player takes simply due to the fact that they were fouled in the act.
  9. Crawford was 9-28 (counting when he was fouled)...that shouldn't qualify as "really good" in anyone's book. He's still taking some really ill advised shots that look good when they go in, but really make you wonder when they don't. That said, him and Blatche are really the only 2 players on the team right now that I want shooting a jump shot, so it's no big deal to me. Combine that with the fact that he's looking this good after playing huge minutes for the first time in his pro career and there is a lot of reason to be optimistic.
  10. The Spurs lost 5 in a row for the first time since 1997 the other day and we're celebrating a 3 game winning streak. Ah well, baby steps I suppose. Like how this team is playing and i think the injuries have forced flip to trust his players and shorten his bench. All in all, if we retain our draft position this is a pretty positive finish to the year.
  11. Even without the pick that trade would be REALLY lopsided in our favor if it was just Evans and Crawford for Kirk. Evans has been a really great veteran presence and stepped up to the plate with all our injuries. The first is just serious icing on the cake.
  12. Blatche does wonders for this team's offense. He's not the most efficient big man due to his propensity and Flip's willingness to let him take 15+ foot jumpers. However, the fact that he can distribute the ball at the perimeter and facilitate the offense is HUGE. I know not everyone has agreed when I said this in the past, but I honestly believe our offense looks 10x more fluid when a healthy Blatche is playing. Let's see how he does against a team with a real front court, though. I really hope this team takes the offseason seriously and gets their heads in the game next year. They are just oozing with under utilized talent.
  13. Huh? Pretty sure Blatche had 2 years left on his contract before signing the extension this season. I still have no problem with the extension, as it's still well below market value if this team starts to play well, and it's fairly friendly if we were to trade him.
  14. Fact is Blatche is far and away our best option at the 4. That isn't likely to change even after this years draft. As I've said before, I can't defend his poor play earlier this season, but when he's motivated and healthy he's a very good player. I'd still like to see what he can do on a competitive team with big minutes. Hopefully Wall's impact has a positive effect on how the rest of the team spends their off season, cause you know Wall is going to go hard.
  15. Jordan Crawford = a healthy Gilbert Arenas It's uncanny. Their ability to contort their bodies when taking it to the basket, their lightning quick release. Once he gets his 3 point shot going, he's going to be a heck of a player.
  16. 7 man rotation...double OT AND they played last night. These guys are DEAD tired.
  17. They need to make McGee practice with ****ing lead weights on his shoes. Gotta stop biting for EVERY pump fake.
  18. Up 3...would like to take this one home to get another road victory, but I'm impressed either way. Yi is playing a solid game and Crawford has done a complete 180 from the first half. Wall's ankle seems okay and he's actually hitting the rolling guy on a PNR. Good sign.
  19. No doubt, I'll give him credit for stepping in when he's so young and hardly got any run in ATL. I do think the Terry comparison is pretty good in terms of their ability to fill it up off the bench, but Terry is a fairly high IQ player. Just gotta hope Crawford develops that.
  20. Chris Kaman is the type of center (Brad Miller, Big Z, etc.) I always wished this team had when we were competing with Gil, Antawn and Caron. They desperately needed a center that could hit a jump shot and facilitate the offense. It amuses me watching McGee have no idea where to begin when defending a player like Kaman.
  21. Not a big fan of Crawford. Certainly worth a shot trading for him, but he looks like Gilbert Arenas super-light. Bad shot selection, high volume player with sub-par defense. When he's hot he gives the appearance of a good player, but I don't see it. I guess that's a problem with the majority of players on this team, though.
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