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Captain Wiggles

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Everything posted by Captain Wiggles

  1. Wonder if hbo will produce more than one spin off like they've said. Mayhaps another network could pickup one as well. Should be interesting.
  2. Oh? I haven't watched anything he's done since he quit his comedy central show.
  3. The NK n WW basically defeated the greatest army ever assembled in Westeros in little over an hour. Dothraki, Unsullied, Wildlings, Northerners, Ironborn, Dragons, Targaryans, Lannisters, Starks, a Greyjoy, the 3ER, the Red Woman, Mormonts, even a Tarley. They clearly were a great threat. The NK never accounted for a girl who'd been trained by the Faceless Men. Tough luck.
  4. Damn that GRRM for going to a regional school. 👨‍🎓
  5. Well that and what he did to the Honkey Tonk Man at SummerSlam 88'. He was fun. Even if only lasted like 3 years.
  6. I think thats what the prequel is for. GRRM want the series in pre production to be called The Long Night. Prolly for that reason n many more.
  7. They were the driving force behind uniting most of the world. Pretty much every faction n kingdom united to fight the WW n NK except Cersi n KL.
  8. Prequel that's already in the works will have plenty of WW. As well as more Westerosi lore. WW, NK, First of Men, the children, ect.
  9. Melisandra herself said prophecies arent always so clear. Missandei revealed last season “That noun has no gender in High Valyrian. The proper translation for that prophecy would be, ‘the prince or princess who was promised will bring the dawn.’” The stories/prophecies did mean something. Even tho they were misinterpreted and misunderstood.
  10. Lazy and or incompetent is vastly different then criminal tho. I guess we do consistently elect all three types.
  11. If what Mueller said privately is true then the system is completely broken. There is apparently no congressional or judicial check on the office of the President. Any POTUS can do whatever they want without consequence. Even shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.
  12. The headline is misleading. Do you really want to dispute that? "NYC To Ban Hot Dogs and Processed Meats To Improve Climate" Of course you do.
  13. Misleading headline is intentionally misleading. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-nyc-ban-hot-dogs/
  14. Clearly humans survived the long night the last go round. No reason to think every human in Westeros and Essos would be killed.
  15. Why not? The long night lasted a generation and people clearly survived. A series in that setting, whether prequel or sequel, sounds awesome to me.
  16. The next four episodes each have a runtime of 80 minutes. They had a few episodes that were maybe 10 mins over the normal length but your right not to this extent. Or space docking....
  17. That's why the 10 episode per season has been frustrating as well. So much to fit in a short timeframe.
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