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Captain Wiggles

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Everything posted by Captain Wiggles

  1. Mmhmmmm https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2024/04/02/tesla-stock-prices-drop-deliveries-fall/73179356007/ And yes even well established car companies like GM n Ford sales were down. 1-3% but not 20%. Tho from what I've read those companies sales were doing well up until the auto workers strike towards the end of last year. It's the interest rates tho. 🤪
  2. Lol no the biggest thing hurting Tesla right now is that their CEO Is a schmuck and their most recent release had to be recalled cuz it's a ****ing death trap. 🤣
  3. Define "solid"? 🤣 Conservatives have spent the past two plus decades primarying out anyone who works towards bipartisan agreements or legislation. It's one of the main reasons the system is broken. Unfortunately people still keep voting Republican all the while ****ing that nothing ever gets done. It's absurd.
  4. How generous of you indeed mighty overlord. 🤪 How much taxpayer money has been given away to multi billion dollar corporations during that time? Simple solution.... raise taxes on billionaires and cut oil and farm subsidies.
  5. Lol not the one guy that said "**** you guys" as the reporter was talking. 🤣 Peaceful protest up until the cops showed up and started cracking skulls.
  6. Where are the adults in our news media Joe? 🤣
  7. Nah it'll 70 degrees n rainy next week n you'll be freezing. 🤣
  8. Idk about the hate chicken restaurant but the UN put out a list of companies a few months back. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/un-exposes-companies-involved-israeli-settlements-and-why-it-matters
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