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Captain Wiggles

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Everything posted by Captain Wiggles

  1. He said he's not allowed to talk all while standing in front of national "news" cameras. Something he has pretty much been doing on a daily basis. 🤣 Hey so called journalists.... Stop giving this jackass free airtime. We all know ya won't tho because all y'all really care about is attracting the eyeballs what pay yours and your bosses salaries. Disgusting.
  2. My goodness I've accumulated way too much bull****. Ima show up at some pawn shop soon looking like i robbed an old 90s circuit city. 🤣
  3. Dang what a waste of some good eats. I could have eaten that chimkin. 😢
  4. **** yinz said ya killed the goat because it stank and got your kids clothes dirty. Prolly did Cricket the same cuz of some similar ****.🤬
  5. All of the above tho the Boomers failed to address all this **** thirty plus years ago. They're the sposid adults in charge and have allowed the scam telemarketers to prosper. Trumps kinda exhibit A imo in how gullible they really are. Tho my generation, genX ain't done much better in that regard. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. My folks still have a landline phone. Theys 80ish. Thankfully the caller ID warns them about the numbers that are "potential scams" and they do ok with it. The computer is another issue tho entirely. They refuse to mark spam emails as such which is infuriating. Like my mom will read me some email about how her Netflix account is expiring. She uses all my streaming accounts and doesn't understand even tho I've explained its a scam multiple times. Old people. I'm sure one day I'll be in a similar situation with some new technological bull**** I don't understand. 🤣
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