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Everything posted by RonArtest15

  1. Not watching the game, but is Crawford doing that to clown Boozer? That's Boozer's MO...yelling "And 1" after EVERY shot.
  2. Deron Williams: http://www.northjersey.com/sports/pro_sports/basketball/nets/147479175_Nets_notes__Deron_dishes_on_D_C_.html?page=all Three things: 1) People around the league know how bad Wall has it here in DC. 2) We need a top-3 pick in the draft. Wizards HAVE to land Davis, MKG, Robinson, or Beal 3) Williams' comments speak to why this team CAN'T draft Drummond. Not because he's not a smart player....but he's much further away from contributing than the other guys that I mentioned above.
  3. Oh, all-knowing Steve McQueen...please enlighten me as to what exactly I'm missing here? Thanks.
  4. I know, right? Vesely was one of the oldest players drafted in round 1 - 6th pick at that. He also has PRO experience. But yea...Wizards fans should have tempered their expectations for him. I'll give him this...he's played well in April. Hopefully he can keep the momentum going into the off-season...work on his jumper, and be a guy who can fill the stat-sheet going forward.
  5. Makes you wonder how Kawhi Leonard would have looked as the 6th overall pick instead of Vesely....
  6. For all of Drummond's potential, whoever takes him at #2 overall is taking a bigger gamble than if they were to take someone like MKG, Beal, or Robinson. Like I said earlier, there was a NBA scout that said the Drummond pick is going to make/break whichever GM that drafts him. He's a project. Something that this team DOESN'T need. We need a guy who's going to step in, start, and contribute right away. If we do get the #2, I'd prefer to draft MKG, but I'd be cool with either Thomas Robinson or Bradley Beal. IMO, all three of those guys are NBA ready in comparison to Drummond. Drummond is a guy that you're going to have to be patient with and not have too high of expecations for in his first year or two (assuming he pans out). That being said, what do you all think about this team trying to package something together to land a late first round pick? THere might be teams looking to get out of the first all together, and if we do land MKG, there's a glaring hole at the SG spot. One guy (if he declares) that I'd LOVE to have on this team as a late 1st rounder is Doron Lamb out of Kentucky. He's one of the best spot-up shooters in college hoops and his shooting could be a true asset to this team at the 2-spot. If not Lamb, then I'd be all for taking a risk and throwing a contract towards Eric GOrdon who's a RFA. I wonder if the Hornets would match? *Last thing...could Seraphin get minutes at the PF spot? Potential lineup: Nene Booker/Seraphin MKG Gordon Wall Not bad...and a team that SHOULD be able to win close to 35 games (which should be the goal) and contend for the 8th seed in the East.
  7. Nick Young was completely one-dimensional. Crawford can play both the 1 and 2. Does he have holes in his game? You bet...however, he's MUCH more valuable to this team going forward than Nick Young was when he was on the roster. If we're going to make comparisons, he reminds me of an extremely variant Jason Terry.
  8. Not nearly on the level of Drummond, and outside of Davis, you can make a case for those two being the most NBA-Ready out of those who have declared for the draft.
  9. I must have been in the minority, because i thought it was idiotic to give that type of contract to a man coming off of two major knee surgeries (with a third on the way). It's water under the bridge though....but if this team had started re-building back in 2008, I wonder what they'd look like today?
  10. And as much as Gilbert Arenas did for this franchise, he should have NEVER been given that 111 mil deal coming off of 2 surgeries and a 3rd on the horizon. Completely idiotic. Big 3 should have been blown up right then and there.
  11. Agree to disagree, but my main point is...he's not going to step in and make any sort of difference on this roster for a couple of seasons. Guys like MKG, Robinson, or Beal (who will all be there at #2), you can argue that they'd come in an contribute right away. I forgot where I read it, but one scout said that Drummond is going to either make or break whichever GM that chooses him. Classic high-risk/high-reward player. If he's sitting there in that 5-10 range, sure...I can see why someone would draft him there. However, I think it's not in the WIZARDS best interest to take him at #2.
  12. Wizards can't afford to take another "project" in Drummond (at the #2), when you have LEGIT NBA-ready players in MKG or Robinson sitting right there for the taking. Taking Drummond with Nene on the roster and with Seraphin's improvement, would be a colossal mistake.
  13. He also traded the #5 overall for Mike Miller and Randy Foye. In addition to re-upping Blatche.
  14. Your'e not a real fan. :mad: JK. You have a point and next year, IMO, is a make-or-break year for the team. If they aren't trending upwards, it's going to be a HUGE problem. Wall will be in his 3rd year and we will be totally absolved of having the three stooges on the roster. MY expectations are something around 35 wins. They have to show that they are trending upwards. Stockpiling young players and draft picks is a good strategy in the NHL and it worked for Ted (hit the lottery w. Ovechkin). Your window of opportunity is VERY small in the NBA as players don't show the same loyalty to franchises as we see in other sports. At the end of the day this is a business and there are guys who won't be committed to being here past their rookie deals if there isn't some semblance of improvement. Not just a little bit of improvement, but A LOT of improvement. This all starts with the front office. People are quick to applaud Ernie for some of the deals and ridding the team of Young and McGee, but if he's cleaning up his own mess, how much credit does he deserve? In one regard, I'd like to think that he was handcuffed by Abe when looking back at some of his decisions involving the roster/contracts. On the other, I'd like to think that he was acting on his own. Whatever the case may be, I think it's in the team's best interest to get new vision in the FO, medical staff, and coaching staff. I like what Whittman has done in Flip's absence, but he's still a remnant of the previous regime. In a perfect world, there would be a new GM put in place BEFORE the draft lottery. Easier said than done. Another thing, SVG is going to have PLENTY of suitors for his services. I don't know what will make the Wizards enticing to him, but I'd love to get him here as our next coach. This is going to be a huge summer going forward for this team. Hopefully, they secure a top-3 pick and are active on the FA market.
  15. I wish we never let him go a few seasons back. Dude goes 110% all the time.
  16. The thing is, EG (or whoever the GM is at the time) HAS to hit a homerun with the draft pick. Outside of Beal, I don't see any of the guys you named being worthy of a top 4/5 selection OR making that big of a difference. This is arguably the most important offseason in the Wall era. Next year there has to be a significant improvement in wins. We've been mediocre for too long and that trend has to stop. I'll honestly be disappointed with anything less than 35 wins next year. For the sake of the franchise, I hope they secure a top3 pick.
  17. Agreed (again), which is why I don't understand the Mike D'Antoni rumors. I hope that there is a COMPLETE overhaul in the FO. EG has to go. Like Jason Reid said a few weeks ago....folks are praising EG for getting rid of guys like Nick Young and McGee, but he's basically cleaning up his own mess which in turn set the team back. If possible, I'd love to get Kevin Pritchard from the Pacers. Even though he'd be a re-tread, if Scott Skiles became available, would he be a good choice?
  18. Agreed, which is why I think it's important that if we don't land Davis, (and if we get the #2) MKG should be the pick.
  19. Washington just needs to draft someone with a high motor...PERIOD. This is why I really hope that we land 1 of these 4 players (Davis, MKG, Beal, or Robinson). This team should have NOTHING to do with Jared Sullinger. Too many questions about his conditioning, motor, and ability to have his game translate to the next level. I saw Chad Ford had him currently #11 on his big board, but said that he could potentially slip further due to how scouts view his upside. At best, a Paul Milsap type of pro...or you could be getting a Glen Davis clone. *In regards to the MKG/Barnes debate...yes, Barnes is the superior shooter...but MKG does just about EVERYTHING else better. More specifically, defense. Outside of Thomas Robinson, he's one of the most relentless players (on both ends of the court) in college basketball. If his shot isn't falling, he's not going to be a player who you don't notice doing anything else. He'll FIND a way to contribute. Dude really goes 110% everytime he's on the floor. He's exactly the type of SF we need. He reminds me of both Gerald Wallace and Iggy.
  20. Take it FWIW, but I was watching the Blazers/Wolves game last night, and one of the commentators (Blazers feed....but I'm not sure who said it) was adamant that Batum will not get 10 mil a year on his next contract. He's a VERY interesting prospect, and if the Wizards want to bolster their 3 spot and are targeting Batum, they might have to overpay a bit just so the Blazers won't match. I've pretty much resigned to the fact that we won't get the #1 overall pick in the draft. I'll give us the next best thing, which is the #2. Assuming that Thomas Robinson is our guy (and we don't take MKG here), how would a starting line-up of: Nene Robinson Batum ? Wall fare? My other idea (let's say we get the #3) Nene Ilyasova (offer him contract with the hopes he doesn't return to Turkey) MKG ? Wall Option 3 (if we get the #4 pick): Nene Ilyasova ? Beal Wall
  21. The team is close to figuring out how to win...BIG difference in not having the 3 stooges on the court.
  22. I hope Vesely can have a Gordon Hayward type of turnaround in his soph year.... Also, Chris Singleton has REALLY disappointed me.
  23. What situation are you talking about? He took the ball from the opposing 3pt line. A center taking the ball at the top of the key at his own end...sure, I'll give you that. But what McGee did last night, worked, but it's also the reason why he drew the ire of his coaches, teammates, media, and fans here in DC. What he did is 100000% out of the norm for a 5. Let's not pretend like this was a routine play. It wasn't. Like I said. He was successful last night, but if Calderon establishes position outside of the restricted area, we're laughing at him again and he's one of the stories on PTI.
  24. Let's consider who we're talking about. LOL. What Javale did last night is his M.O. We've seen this before from him...only this time he had success.
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