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Everything posted by RonArtest15

  1. I don't care who was out there, 6 wins in a row is 6 wins. These guys were playing hard up until the very last minute of the season. With this current team, what more could you ask? Also, who's to say that either Sloan or SVG would want to coach here anyways? Going by the tweets, Wittman IS the coach at the moment, but that could change. I'm not mad at all if he's brought back for another year. FWIW, I did hear SVG was taking the season off anyways. *Ok, so I see my Ray Allen idea was shot down LOL. Destino brought up a good point about Ray getting free off of screens etc, and how he'd struggle with that here in DC. After watching the Spurs, I think Ray would be amazing in SA.
  2. Yea...I hear you, and I think he should have clarified himself a bit. It's minutia, but trading our pick if we don't land the #1 isn't because of the team's hopes for Chris Singleton. SF is a position of need for this team. * Ray Allen has had a HORRIBLE playoffs. Battling injuries and such. Anyone still on board with giving him a 2 year deal? Even with his age, I think he's going to bounce back next year. He's a UFA and will have PLENTY of suitors. As a matter of fact, I think he'd look good on the Bulls.
  3. Obviously, but my gripe w. the Givony tweet is that he insinuated that we have a MKG-type on the roster in Singleton and that is why we'd be willing to move the pick if it lands anywhere outside of the #1 overall. Singleton is not that good. MKG/Barnes would be an IMMEDIATE upgrade over him. *EG has been burned by trading picks in the past. Outside of Harden, there isn't anyone who is rumored to be on the block that I'd give up a top-5 pick for. And Harden isn't even likely to be traded. Our best bet is to pray that we land him in FA a few years from now. So pretty much, we need to hang on to our pick.
  4. Singleton was a major disappointment, IMO. I don't think the team would put all their eggs in a basket with the hopes of landing the #1 while being content with Singleton at the 3. Makes no sense to me. MKG, Barnes, etc are ALL upgrades over #31.
  5. I think it's a low-risk/high-reward move. I'm not mad at the Wizards retaining Wittman. The guys responded real well to him...and he actually held players accountable for their actions. If he falters, he won't be back because of his current contract. Besides, SVG is reportedly taking a year off.
  6. I'm not overly concerned about MKG's shot mechanics. I'm more concerned if he can IMPROVE on his accuracy. That being said, his shot form wont matter as long as he can create space for himself. There are countless guys in the NBA who have awful looking jumpers. It's a non-issue to me.
  7. I'm confused by your last line. Even if MKG/Beal are the best players for us, you'd rather take the BPA? Who exactly would be the BPA for the Wizards to take if those two are still on the board?
  8. If any of you just watched the Knicks debacle tonight, Mike Woodson left his stamp on the game (and was part of the reason he got canned in ATL). No adjustments and little-to-no creativity on offense. Is this what we want?
  9. I agree with you all...it's really refreshing to see that Wall knows his shortcomings. He even admitted that he spent too much time playing in summer leagues and charity games. I think he's going to come back as a MUCH different player next year. Realistically, I'd like to see him have a FG% between 44-46% and a FT% over 80. If he can work on changing pace instead of going 100mph all the time, he'll cut down on his TOs and find that life can be MUCH easier if the defense doesn't know which gear he'll be in while with the ball. Say what you want about the 6 game win streak, but I'm encouraged going forward. I'd love to see this team win around 35 games and be in contention for the 8th seed next year. I think it's an attainable goal. oh yeah...I think you guys will find this amusing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VY7dxRhDIbU#!
  10. Out of curiosity, I'd love to see how Wall's #'s were following the Young/McGee trade.
  11. Yup...because that signing was Ernie's doing. Between McGee/Young/Blatche, AB's contract is harder to move because of how horrible of a player he is. The "out" we have is the amnesty clause. Grunfeld, IMO, will do all he can to move Blatche via trade. Even if we have to take on additional salary...it would be addition by subtraction. He's (hopefully) learned his lesson with McGee and Young. There is NO point in keeping Blatche on this roster going forward. He's a toxic personality and is no good for the morale of this team. The sooner he's gone, the better. We need to wash our hands completely of Blatche. He's arguably the most loathed athlete in recent memory here in DC.
  12. Ted isn't big on wasting money, but he also paid Michael Nylander to stay away from the Caps. I highly doubt Blatche is on the roster when the 2012-13 season starts.
  13. That's what I got from the quote as well. Can't flat out say we're going to amnesty the guy. Bottom line, Blatche will NOT be on the roster next year. Grunfeld will probably try his hardest to trade him before the draft (maybe take on a bad contract just to get him out). If that doesn't work, he's amnestied. What do you think about a Blatche for Odom swap? Do you think Dallas would go for it? Since the Odom thing blew up in their faces, they MAY be enamored w. Blatche's "versatility" and see him as a reclamation project and someone who can help off the bench. I'm not sure if the salaries match up (because I haven't checked), but they'd probably be desperate to rid themselves of Odom and ship him off to anywhere but So.Cal. LOL.
  14. I really....reaaaaaally think that Stern won't reward the Bobcats for laying down like this. Remember when the C's "tank" backfired (when they wanted Duncan) and ended up drafting Billups/Mercer with their two top-6 picks? They had an AMAZING chance to get the #1 and tanked....didn't work. C'mon Stern...I'm not asking for the #1 overall, though it would be nice, but please give us at the least...the #2. Thanks.
  15. Harden is also 22 years old. Did you catch the game the other night when he dropped 40? I do agree that he's not a #1 scoring option, but as a #2....you bet. On top of it all, he does so many good things on the floor to fill the stat sheet, he's well worth a max deal in this new CBA. If we land any pick outside of the top-3, I'd be looking to deal. Especially if Harden is in play. He's a Manu clone and would be a ridiculous building-block for this team going forward. Of course (assuming OKC lets him walk) we could wait for his FA year. Imagine if the Wizards got the #1 overall and somehow signed Harden down the road? A trio of Davis, Harden, and Wall would be flat out AMAZING and make this team contenders immediately.
  16. MKG with ABOVE AVERAGE athleticism??? Dude is an ELITE athlete. I see nothing of his game or athleticism that resembles Tyreke Evans. Nothing. I said it before, but I think MKG will be a mixture of Gerald Wallace/Iggy in terms of what he'll bring on the next level (athletically, too). Everything else you said about him in that paragraph, I pretty much agree with. However, I'm no where nearly as high on Chris Singleton as you may be. Dude looks absolutely lost on the court. If I have a top 8, mine goes like this: Davis MKG Beal Robinson Barnes Drummond Sullinger T. Jones
  17. Didn't Nene (when he was in Denver) express his interest in playing the 4? If that's the case, I'd be fine with having Seraphin at the 5 and Nene at the 4 next season. If Nene starts at the 4, we absolutely HAVE to retain Booker (good asset off the bench) and keep singleton around for vet leadership. Remember, Blatche played his best basketball of his career under Singleton's watch. Also, as brittle as Nene is, having depth at the 4 would be ideal. As far as back up at the 5, what do you all think about a low risk/high reward signing of Greg Oden? Also, I think you have to keep Cartier Martin around for the time being....his shooting is an asset and it's something that this team really needs. ---------- Post added April-19th-2012 at 08:23 AM ---------- I know, right? I think it all started back w. Patrick Ewing draft back in the day...where the rumor was there was a frozen envelope that determined the #1 pick, which went to the Knicks. Like you said (and I agree), I don't want to see Anthony Davis waste away in Charlotte. That team is awful and has NO direction. The #1 overall pick isn't going to change things. On top of it all, and not surprisingly, people are questioning Michael Jordan's commitment to running that team. It's a mess. My gut feeling is that NO will get the #1 overall, and we'll get the #2, followed by Charlotte. *Edit* James Harden. That's all.
  18. LOL...I was JUST thinking the same thing this morning. We have the 2nd worst record in the league, but these guys for the most part are playing hard. I'm hoping that Stern at least gives us the #2 overall.
  19. If we take Drummond, who is someone who won't contribute much in 2012-13, we'll be lucky to win 25 games next year. And it would be yet ANOTHER frustrating year for this "rebuild." Patience will be running thin. I'd rather draft a rookie like Davis, MKG, or Beal who can step in and start right away.
  20. Grew up watching the O's...never jumped ship to the Nats and NEVER will.
  21. I'm watching the Pens/Flyers game.... but they are at intermission, so I'm now watching the Wizards. Gonna flip over to the O's game in a second tho. See a real winner. LOL. Feels strange saying that...but I'll enjoy it through the end of the week.
  22. I agree...if we don't land the #1, I think it's gotta be MKG or Beal. I'm not comfortable with Singleton starting and we desprately need a SG. Seraphin's emergence has been the one silver lining in a HORRIBLE season.
  23. I don't see how MKG wouldn't start over Singleton from the jump. Hypothetically, if we get the #1 overall (and take Davis)...what does the line-up look like? Seraphin off the bench and Nene stays at the 5? Same scenario if we draft T-Rob?
  24. James Harden is a carbon-copy of Manu Ginobili. He'd be an AMAZING complimentary piece and a solid #2 scoring option. We just need a number 1 scoring option on the roster LOL. I don't see why you wouldn't want him on the roster? You're not trading for James Harden with the hopes he's going to be the guy to CARRY this team. You're trading for him because he'd be an amazing piece to the puzzle and a guy who would help get this team over the hump and on the track to contending in the East.
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