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Everything posted by Weganator

  1. Its math. Either its wrong, which is definitely possible, or it isn't. The difference between these two will be in editorializing the results. I am aware they don't like it, they have made that abundantly clear. I want them to verify the accuracy of what I might be getting back.
  2. http://taxplancalculator.com I didn't write this and I am looking to verify its accuracy. I got married this year which makes my savings a bit better than this thing can show.
  3. You only 'pay for it' if you are / were a net tax payer for an extended period of time. Otherwise its just a negotiation of what level of subsidy to give you.
  4. Which previous tax cut / reform has ended up being permanent? None of them, we are always changing the rules here. The 'permanence' of the tax cuts for corporations has everything to do with the fact that it would require a Dem takeover plus being able to pass their own reforms to remove. The expiration of the individual cuts has to do with future political leverage.
  5. I get where you are coming from and that makes sense. I think the bigger issue is this: do you have any intentions of offshoring or have you ever considered it? If not, then correct, this tax bill has nothing to do with you.
  6. Bear with my ignorance on this part, did a quick google and couldn't find the answer. What is the difference between the 'on medicare' group and 'are elderly with large medical bills'? I thought Medicare was this free Panacea for the elderly?
  7. Exactly. Think of it like this: 1) Identify your taxable income (approximate) 2) Compare Brackets below your tax bracket below to determine whether or not you net out a head or not. I'd have to check but I'm pretty sure almost everyone does.. I gotta do some digging on that 3) Compare the rates between your current tax bracket and your proposed new bracket. Since since any changes in deductions are going to cause more / less income to be gained (& taxed) at this rate 4) Combine all of your lost itemized deductions compared vs MAX(new standard deduction, new itemized #).. A loss of deductions will cause you to gain income, meaning that you would be taxed at your current rate vs that money, otherwise, you would get more money back. 2 & 4 will give you a better idea if you net out ahead or not.
  8. 70% of people claim the standard deduction. After they double it, that number should be higher, some say around 85%. If you took the standard deduction both times, you are better off. Depends on a bunch of factors, buy if you can't find 20k worth of deductions to taxes you are better off.
  9. It would take a multi week LeBron injury and a regression from Boston. That doesn't even include how the stars would have to align for us.
  10. Rasual Butler 2.0? I heard Wall was resting. Any Satoransky sightings? Can he play face up in the half court set w/o needing to use his body as a shield?
  11. I don't own a gun, but the argument I have seen for a silencer is not wanting to wear hearing protection in home defense. Basically choosing between deafening yourself when you shoot or while you are looking for the intruder by wearing hearing protection. I don't know if I really buy that as being sufficient, but thought I'd bring the other side of that since people were saying 'no reason'.
  12. If its any consolation, we didn't come up with the name ourselves. There was this beagle rescue down in TN that had found a litter of them behind a Taco Bell and he was the runt of the group.
  13. Taco is a beagle dachshund mix. Total goof, but he is the best.
  14. Also, not being able to deduct state taxes basically negates any tax breaks on a high income earner. This doesn't even account for no longer being able to deduct property taxes also. Real estate is currently a big tax shelter for the wealthy since you can deduct mortgage interest too. Top tax bracket for DC is 8.95% at over 350k. If you make 3M a year as income, just the top bracket income tax is almost a 2% income tax increase, making that 3% cut in the top bracket less drastic. .0895 * 2650000 = 237175 Federal taxes on that amount since that money would be in top federal bracket is .25 * 237175 = 59,293.75 Divided by 3M income 59293.75 / 3000000 = .01965 rounded So almost 2% of that 3% is taken up just in not being able to negate the top bracket state taxes. Edit: Property Taxes I have some places that combined their assessment is at just under 600k. The annual property tax on that is about 4k. If they owned a $6M home, that's another roughly 40k you can no longer deduct. Highest tax assessment for a home for sale on Zillow in DC was 2M with 17k in property taxes. 40000/3000000 = .0133 If you are a really wealthy person living in a blue state with high property values / taxes, this will quickly become not a tax cut.
  15. Basically. You can choose not to buy it, but doubling your money over 10 years is only like 7% a year. So compared to 7% earnings taxed at long term gains (roughly S&P 500 index), the risk of starting a business at those numbers isn't worth it. If you aren't making 12-20% a year as a business owner, the 15.3% self employment tax plus active effort of running the business discourages entrepreneurship is a waste of time compared to passive investments and rent seeking.
  16. https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/36302/ Missed this when it happened, more tragic racism in the South. Edit: just to be clear, I mean from both the administrators for not responding to the claims and the students for their actions.
  17. I remember him getting drafted and he said something to the effect of "Blake Griffin is the American Jan Vesely".. classic
  18. The reduction in the rise of undocumented labor is directly beneficial to the legal workers in that respective field. I won't try to speak to the macroeconomic effects of it, its not my area of expertise. I can tell you that these construction workers don't care what happens to the DOW, et al, most of them aren't invested in the market at all. But a direct increase to their wages, as long as it doesn't correspond with a major inflationary event, will make the lives of some of our poorest citizens better.
  19. There is 'still a laborer shortage' because the economy for the past 5+ years (tho probably more like 15-20, just aiming to not over estimate) has been banking upon this undocumented labor to drive down wages. The market is currently in the process of resolving this by raising wages as the need has become more apparent. This will drive in new workers who aren't going to be wasting their time competing with undocumented labor. Its an unfortunate timing window with the Hurricane in Houston, but the labor market will resolve this quickly and the workers will better off because of it.
  20. Because construction workers will travel to wherever as wages rise to fill the demand that is now created by the lack of undocumented day laborers (wapo article i was responding to).
  21. Aren't construction wages up around 30% due to 'laborer shortages'? edit (sauce): http://www.businessinsider.com/r-construction-worker-shortage-could-weigh-on-harvey-recovery-2017-9 hidden at the bottom... Happy Labor Day!
  22. Thanks for helping save my taxes on advertising, it's appreciated.
  23. The question comes down to what level of responsibility do subsequent generations have for the actions of their parents. I could honestly go either way on it. But you need to be ideologically consistent on it. If dreamers and children born in to poverty are not responsible for their parents actions then why do pernicious topics of white privilege and reparations get such traction on the left? Allowing them to play out this hypocrisy damages them in middle America. The only thing that gives them a chance is a strong focus on redistribution.
  24. I think its much simpler and more devious than this. The 6 month delay makes DACA end around April. Primaries for 2018 pick up in earnest around May. Knowing that DC always waits until the last minute on these kinds of deadlines, he is going to use this topic as a cudgel against against non-Trump Rs while doing everything he can to keep the Dems message split off of the economy, where the left is much more popular.
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