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Everything posted by mistertim

  1. Again, I don't see potentially costing your client millions of dollars and draft spots as "good publicity". But maybe you have a much different definition of "good" than I do.
  2. So you honestly think it's a good media strategy to potentially damage your clients draft position and potentially cost him millions of dollars just so you can get some extra attention on social media?
  3. Depends on how outsized a role she plays. If he's mostly shy and reserved and she...for lack of a better phrase..."wears the pants" and he does what she says and follows her lead then yeah, that could be problematic I'd think.
  4. So in your opinion it's basically every possibility except clear damage control. I have no clue why this is a hill you're choosing to die on. The agent said/did something dumb. It got lots of negative attention. Someone else is coming to his defense in an attempt to control the fallout. Seems relatively straightforward and happens all the time in media.
  5. "Crap, I was wrong and didn't do cursory research. Would a mea culpa be in order? Nah, I'll just pretend like the guys who did the 10 second cursory research are actually dopes for giving the people on Twitter more exposure instead!"
  6. If they're not in damage control mode why did another agent from the same firm quickly get on Twitter and say "FAKE NEWS!" to something that clearly happened? I think they know this looks pretty damn bad. Maybe they hoped it wouldn't have legs but it certainly appears to.
  7. Not liking the process is ok, but whining about it publicly (even through your agent) is a really bad look and complaining about not automatically being granted the 2nd overall pick (again, even if it's through your agent) screams entitlement. And of course you think it's a nothing burger, you basically joined this site to cheer for Jayden Daniels.
  8. Yeah, that's why I think they're probably in hardcore damage control mode right now. I mean...how do you say "fake news" when the tweets are literally right there?
  9. He also reported that he was told that the Daniels camp was upset by the Commanders process because they basically didn't already have him penciled in as their pick at #2. Do you think he completely made that up?
  10. I know some here disagree, but I have a hard time seeing this as Jayden's agent just going completely and utterly rogue with zero input from anyone else. If so, the dude should be fired, like, yesterday because he's making his client look really bad.
  11. I dunno, IF this stuff is true I'd have a hard time seeing GMAP and DQ wanting him on the team, considering how big they are on character and culture fit.
  12. Yeah Florio is basically the Weekly World News of sports reporting (I would never tarnish the National Enquirer by associating his name with it).
  13. And he also may be talking to media people and complaining about their camp being frustrated by the Commanders visit because they weren't already penciled in as #2 and expected it. At least someone in the Daniels camp seems to be. Whoever is leaking that...yeesh it's a pretty bad/entitled look.
  14. It's bizarre world because some people here don't agree with some anonymous scouts or other social media analysts? Why is that bizarre world? It happens often (as does those same scouts and social media analysts being hilariously wrong on QBs).
  15. So you think he can't control his agent or something? I seriously doubt Jayden is unaware of all this crap his agent seems to be pulling (and if he is, that's concerning in itself) It just seems fishy. If it were me and my agent was potentially ****ing up my draft stock by acting the fool, I'd sure as hell be on the phone with him and telling him to knock that **** off.
  16. The shiny ("electric") running QBs also tend to get lots of hype in the lead up to the draft. Sometimes the hype bears fruit on draft day (Anthony Richardson) and sometimes it turns out to be BS (Malik Willis), but it tends to happen pretty regularly.
  17. Jayden seems like a good kid, but how can all of this bull**** be purely on his agent without any input from him? Seems a bit far fetched to me. (I know this has already been beaten to death by some, but I wonder if maybe his mom is one of the people complaining behind the scenes?)
  18. I actually really enjoy J.T.'s film breakdown and analyses, but he kinda sucks at predictions. Here were some gems of his past lists 2020: 1. Tua 2. Jake Fromm 3. Jordan Love 4. Nate Stanley 5. Anthony Gordon 6. Jalen Hurts 7. Justin Herbert 2021: 1. Justin Fields 2. Trevor Lawrence 3. Trey Lance 4. Zach Wilson 5. Kellen Mond 6. Mac Jones
  19. Er, wait. So he's saying KK should take the guy he may have to spend years developing into a level 2 middle of the field passer because he can run vs. the guy who can also run and who has already shown the ability to make all of those throws in just two years starting of college? How does that make any sense?
  20. I definitely don't know more or have nearly the football experience of NFL GMs, coaches, etc. But let's also not put them on some untouchable pedestal. Pretty much all GMs and coaches have made some colossal draft busts before, especially at QB.
  21. IMO it's more about the leadership style and what Washington is looking for. It's pretty well established that Daniels is an introvert, kinda shy, and more of a "lead by example" guy and that Maye is much more extroverted and more of a vocal leader. From what we've seen so far from GMAP and DQ, then seem to tend to prefer the latter sort of leader. The whole "Maye needs to sit" thing is so overblown. Rookies with worse footwork and more inconsistent accuracy have started and been fine. As far as Allen, yes Maye does remind me of Allen a bit more than Herbert because Maye, like Allen, is super aggressive and will push the ball down the field at the drop of a hat. But Maye is also less flawed than Allen coming out. Allen had even worse footwork and accuracy issues (otherwise he would have easily been a top 3 pick if not 1st overall). So I'd say he's a bit more of a refined Allen, but without quite the ludicrous physical gifts of Allen. Still very gifted, but not not on his level (Allen probably has the single strongest arm in the NFL and is also at least 10 lbs heavier and a little taller than Maye).
  22. We don't know who he's talking to. The only thing we know is that pretty much all teams are keeping their traps shut for the most part. I'm not saying he's lying or talking to completely unreliable people, but usually the only people talking to reporters about QBs at this point in the process are either scouts for teams who aren't actually looking for a QB in the draft or who probably won't be in a place to pick one of the top ones. That or if it IS a scout or FO person for a team in a spot to land one of the top QBs, it's likely not a top level scout or decision maker.
  23. We also have no clue who these "coaches and scouts" are. They could be assistant to the assistant qualify assurance coach or a the assistant to an assistant scout. Also, remember that this is lying season, so there's probably plenty of BS flying for whatever reason. I also don't discount groupthink where x number of "scouts" say "oh, this guy is better" and then others just sort of get on board the same train. Not saying Daniels isn't a good prospect, but putting a ton of stock in anonymous quotes from supposed coaches and scouts isn't that great of an idea IMO right in the middle of draft season. There's also pretty much always a guy like Maye who scouts and coaches raved about for some time but now suddenly are nitpicking every single thing about him. It happened with Herbert too, for example. I think the best and most straightforward take I heard on Maye in a scouting report was "stop overthinking it". As in "the dude checks all the boxes for elite traits to be an top tier QB prospect. nitpicking the flaws to death is how we completely whiffed on Josh Allen and Justin Herbert"
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