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Posts posted by lovetoaster

  1. how does Lillard get that much space?


    the 3 is the only thing that kills you in that spot 


    No kidding. Absolutely wide open there. I assumed there were some great screens there, but I just watched the replay a few times...no, the Rockets just lost him. Just terrible defense. I don't mind though, I was pulling for Portland. :)

  2. He said tha on PTI yesterday when Tony asked him about the bulls a second time. He tried ignoring him the first time.


    Yep. He threw in a "The Wizards are the better team, but...." before that statement. He sure did not think the Wiz were the better team a few days ago...

    I think we were talking about nicknames for Wall and Beal. I am really digging "House of Gurads." We can start calling them H.O.G. or Hog. I wonder if Netflix would sue for Copyright infringement. 


    The only thing about House of Guards is that is sounds like a nickname for the arena. It just sounds a little odd as a nickname for a group of players. 

    • Like 1
  3. You guys look at DC like its a big basketball market ITS NOT! 


    DC is a basketball city and it can be a big basketball market with some winning and some consistency. In the Gil, Antawn and Caron days, the Verizon Center had great energy and the Wizards had great attendance numbers when the team was adequate. I think it is a better basketball market than you give it credit for. The attendance has been in the middle of the pack for the last few seasons, but the team has been terrible; that will happen anywhere, no matter what market. But that speaks to the strength of the market, the attendance numbers have been solid, despite having a bad product on the floor. But when the team is better, the attendance numbers have been very good, and higher than some other traditional "big basketball markets."


    Everybody likes a winner, but the Wiz have done pretty well with attendance even when they have been bad. I think DC is a good basketball market, with some potential to become an even better one in the future.  

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  4. Jones vs. Gus is free on demand. I scored it 48-47 Jones again. Gave him 2, 4 and 5.


    I need to go watch it again. I had it 48-47 Gus, but I did remember thinking during the fifth round that Jones could very well be taking the fight by winning that round. I thought Gus won, but I was not upset with the decision. 

  5. And I meant to watch GLORY last night on Spike...now I am not that upset that I missed it. I am assuming you guys saw or heard about Spong breaking his leg against Saki. Anderson Silva-esque. I have heard some backlash today against the one-night tournaments after that injury, and I suppose it makes sense if that was an injury that could have carried over from the first fight and got much worse in the second one.

  6. It received "fight of the night", apparently there were a few good grappling exchanges. On twitter, nobody complained about the result and most seemed pretty relieved that "Dancing" Guida stayed home for the most part.

    It was actually a really good fight. As you say, some great grappling and some impressive throws and slams by both guys. Guida even dropped Kawajiri with an overhead right in the first, although he went for his back instead of following it with punches, which was a mistake in hindsight. But that was the best Guida has looked in a while, IMO. AND Kawajiri was pretty good himself. It was an entertaining fight.

  7. Big Nog is fighting Roy Nelson on Fight Pass soon. Congratulations, UFC, DREAM cards were easier to watch. At least they were on early in the morning on weekends. I watched Mousasi win that Dream tournament after partying my ass off. Perfect timing.

    Go Nog.


    Yeah, I thought it was Saturday for weeks until I found out it was today a few days ago. I don't know if I will be able to watch it or not.


    And I did the exact same thing for that DREAM tournament. And several other DREAM and K-1 cards. :)

  8. Brock is still young by wrestling standards. My initial reaction was, "what the hell?"...but now I kind of get it. Now that the dust has settled, it's clear that they're investing a lot in to Brock for the future.


    I don't know how much you can invest in a guy that does not like to travel and be on the road that much. You can't really put a title on someone like that for any extended period of time, and the fans would get bored of ony seeing him mostly on the Titantron if he were involved in a major feud.


    I don't really watch werestling much anymore, but I did watch WM with some friends last night. Coincidentally, I heard an interview with Lesnar from three years ago yesterday afternoon on XM from when he was still in the UFC. He was talking about some reasons that he wanted to leave the WWE the first time around. He talked about how he did not like the travel and that he was "not built for the road." Unfortunately, that is a major part of professional wrestling. Like I said, that interview was from three years ago, but I don't think he has changed and if anything, he may have become more reclusive. 


    I think he will make apearances here and there and get involved in an angle and headline a pay per view occasionally. But I don't see him being around enough to really build anything around him long-term.

  9. I realize he was boring, but one loss after a 4 fight win streak gets him cut?



    UFC is less sport and more entertainment these days.


    I don't necessarily disagree, but it probably had a lot to do with money as well. It is similar to the Fitch cut. If they are not title contenders, it is difficult to pay them like title contenders. I would not be shocked to see him back, but it probably won't be for the same deal.

  10. My understanding was that the UFC policy was going to agree with the Nevada athletic commission so that no TRT would be allowed in UFC from here on out. Which is why I thought Vitor dropped out of his title match immediately. I'm not sure what the story with Henderson is.


    Henderson got the last exemption for that fight because it was so close to the fight when they came down with the decision and they had already granted it to him. But you are right, there will be no more TRT in the UFC, even if they have a fight with no established athletic commission or testing procedures. Then the UFC takes over, essentially carrying over the guidelines from Nevada. So no matter where a card is, there will be no more TRT. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, because we all know that cheaters will try to find other ways. But it's a step in the right direction.


    As fro Hendo, he has fought without it recently, so I don't think it is as huge of a deal for him as it would be for guys like Sonnen and Belfort. But I suppose time will tell.

  11. Grrr...I have a friend coming in town this weekend, and I am trying to figure out how I can watch it. I have been looking forward to this card for months. Either I "turn in early" and go home and watch it, or I steer him to a bar that will be showing it. Decisions, decisions.

  12. And why us everyone forgetting the guy who once said "I need it (TRT) to live."-American Gangster Chael Sonnen?

    That's probably why he moved the fight to Brazil, Thought this was coming & wanted to go to a place where an athletic commission would not deny him the drugs he needs to live.

    Chael and the others, if you need it to live, use it to live. Just don't use it to fight. Move on.

    And as for the fight being in Brazil, the UFC has already said that they will be following Nevada's lead and for fights in areas that do not have commissions, they will not allow any TRT exemptions. So Chael would be **** out of luck there too.

    The UFC seems to be 100 percent behind this move. It was going to happen soon and honestly, it needed to happen. Cheating aging is not natural and should not be legal for a fighter, especially ones that have been popped for steroids in the past. I am looking at you, Vitor.

  13. - Basketball.  My understanding is that league pass blacks out local games so that's not an option either.  I don't think MLB league pass blacks out locals and OTA has me covered for football


    Just FYI, MLB actually does do blackouts on all of their platforms, and their coverage area is much bigger than other sports because they want to get so much coverage for their TV deals. For example, I live in Charlotte and Braves, Nationals, Orioles and Reds games are blacked out. It's annoying...it's not like I am going to pack up the car and head to Cincinnati for a weeknight game. Oh well, I only really care about the O's, and since I finally got MASN two years ago, I am fine with it. 

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