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Posts posted by lovetoaster

  1. The thing I hate most about the fight game: legends almost never go out on good terms.


    Well said. I have never been the biggest B.J. Penn fan through the years, but I have been warming to him recently. It was a weird feeling for me in the leadup to the fight, because I was rooting for Penn, and that has not happened very often. I don't know what the betting numbers were, but he was the underdog, and should have been a pretty substantial underdog. That's weird to say about a legend. 


    But that was tough to watch last night. It was pretty evident very early that Edgar was just too quick, too active for B.J., just like the first two fights. And just like the Rory MacDonald fight, and just like the Nick Diaz fight for the most part. I was hoping that he was going to find some magic somewhere, but it just was not there and it has not been there for a while. It sucks to see a legend go, but it's time.  

  2. Sounds like the following are going summer camping with them so far.


    Daniel Miller from Georgia Tech

    Daniel Orton from Kentucky who's been in the league a few years

    Deonte Burton as others have said already

    Jerell Eddie from VA Tech


    I like Daniel Miller. He is a big guy that has some potential, IMO. I have seen him play a lot over the years and he dominated at times. However, it also seemed like he was too passive sometimes as well. It seems like he was asked to play a handful of different roles at GT, which will happen when coaching staffs change a few times. That may have hurt his consistency a little. He is 6'11, 275 and averaged about 11 points and eight boards a game at GT last year. He can shoot a little and can bang inside, and got better each year. If someone can light a fire under him, he can be a player.


  3. Could be better, he has deeper pockets backing him now.


    I may be in the minority, but I actually liked the tournament aspect of Bellator, but Rebney started fudging around results to make the matchups he wanted anyway. Tournaments don't mean much if you constantly find ways to circumvent the results.


    Yeah, that was the problem, the people that they wanted to win in the tournaments were losing, so they started screwing around with everything. 

  4. Well, that did not take long. Sounds like the tournament format is out.



    Strikeforce founder and former CEO Scott Coker is taking over the helm of Bellator MMA, effective immediately.


    Spike TV officials today made the announcement while also suggesting Bellator may do away with its tournament-based format.


    The appointment comes hours after the cable channel, which is home to the fellow Viacom-owned fight promotion, announced the departures of longtime executives Bjorn Rebney and Tim Danaher.

    According to the announcement, Coker will oversee the day-to-day management of Bellator MMA, which Rebney founded in 2009.


    “We are excited to have Scott Coker lead us in a new direction as we evolve the league format from a tournament-based organization to a more traditional model with big fights,” stated Spike TV President Kevin Kay, whom Coker will report to.


    I wonder what this could mean for MMA as a whole. With Strikeforce, Coker was content being #2 and putting on good shows. But I wonder if Bellator will try and compete directly with the UFC with Viacom's backing. That has not worked very well for other organizations. 

  5. Well, Bjorn is gone from Bellator. I think since Viacom got involved, they have been getting away from the vision Rebney had for the organization. I don't watch it much, but it seems like the tournament format and growing lesser-known fighters into their own stars has gone by the wayside for the Rampages of the world. I am sure Bjorn loved announcing the upcoming Karo Parisyan-Phil Baroni fight a few days ago.



    Spike TV today announced that Bellator MMA’s top two executives have parted ways with the company.

    Bjorn Rebney, Bellator’s founder, chairman and CEO, as well as company president and COO Tim Danaher, have the left company, effective immediately.


    A reason for their departures wasn’t given, though a statement from Rebney mentioned a difference “in our views on the right strategic direction.”


    Although recent reports, including one from veteran MMA journalist Josh Gross, have suggested former Strikeforce president and ex-UFC executive Scott Coker could take over Rebney’s position, today’s announcement stated no replacements have been named at this time.



  6. What saddens me about the cuts is that this basically means that these guys are done as professional wrestlers. A few of them like R-Truth may be able to find something in Japan. Maybe one goes to TNA at some point - if they ever hire anyone ever again.


    But for the rest of them, the dream is ROH and a part-time job or maybe a paycheck from Jeff Jarrett's NeverNever Promotion someday.


    There is simply no place to go and make a living for a wrestler now. It's Weekends in the Indies 4 Life.


    Yep, I was thinking the same thing. There is no other option for most of these guys. TNA was doing OK for a while, but they seem to be on life support, and not exactly in a good position to bring in new talent. ROH is a quality product, but I can't imagine that the paychecks are that great.  

  7. Well, Brad is dead. So you could probably take him.


    Bob was and is special. He's 74 now and could whip any man here, I'd bet.


    Haha...I was worried about Bob being dead when I said that, I did not even realize that Brad was dead. 


    I remembered seeing Bob on TNA not too long ago. Little did I know that he wrestled with his son, B.G. James (AKA the Road Dogg Jesse James) for the tag team belts. Ahhh TNA, you never cease to amaze me. 


    On the January 18, 2008 Impact!, B.G. chose Armstrong as his tag team partner for his Feast or Fired Tag Title shot. The two lost the championship match.

  8. I think WWE would be wise to use some MMA type maneuvers in ring more often. I'm not saying make them real... But study MMA. Apply more MMA type holds as finishers. You can do them without actually applying them.


    Well, they have tried that a little with Del Rio, Punk and the Undertaker. The problem is, there is a carryover audience, and if some of that stuff is not done well, and not really applied, it looks a little ridiculous. Del Rio does it pretty well with his arm bar, but some of the stuff Undertaker looked pretty bad at times, IMO. 

  9. I'm confident in Nicks ability to survive. I think Silva wins it, but I can't see Nick being outclassed. Silva is 40. He might not be the Silva we remember.


    Well, to be fair, Diaz may not the same as we remember either. That Paul Daley fight you mention was three years ago. And it was Paul Daley.


    Three years ago, Silva was front kicking Vitor's head into the 11th row of the Mandalay Bay Events Center. We all know about the injury, but it's not like Nick has been active while Anderson has been rehabbing.  

  10. Rollins instantly is the most hated man in the company. Guys would kill for that kind of heat


    Yeah, I watched Payback with a friend and during the Shield-Evolution match, I mentioned that it kinda sucks that Rollins is overshadowed in the Shield by Ambrose and Reigns, because he is a really good wrestler. Well, he is no longer overshadowed.

  11. Someone could figure this out: How many NBA players have ever scored 20 points while shooting over 80 percent in a Game 7?


    How many coaches have done it? :)


    In all seriousness, you can probably email that to Stats, Inc. and they can figure it out pretty quickly. I sent them something last year after the Wiz shot exactly 50 percent from the field, 50 percent from three-point range and 50 percent from the free throw line in a game. They got back to me pretty quickly and could not find that happening in another game since the three-point line was implemented.

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