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Posts posted by lovetoaster

  1. This picture is going on five years old:


    Seriously, how is mini-Al Davis here STILL a ****ing ref? How?


    It really is unbelievable. In what other sport does that happen? That does not even happen in baseball, and those guys barely move.


    The NBA lets bad refs stay in the league for way too long. It hurts the legitimacy of the league, but nobody within the league seems to mind. 

  2. Stoppage might have been premature, but Barao was putting it on his ass 


    Agreed. It was a little early, but Barao was swarming on him.


    Sucks for Faber, I wish he could get his hands on a belt, but I don't think he will get another chance as long as Barao is at the top.

  3. 30-27 on all scorecards


    MMA judges don't like to give that 10-8 round. Round 1 was clear as day, round 3 probably qualified as well.


    Yeah, I am surprised that at least one or two judges did not at least give the first round a 10-8. Because that was a pretty clear example of one to me.

  4. Speaking of TNA, they're extremely popular in the UK. They can pack em in over there, where over here they're lucky draw over 1,000 people. I don't understand why they can't catch fire in the US.


    I was thinking that same thing last night. They pack arenas of that size over there, but I can't think of many places that they could draw like that in the States. I guess it is just probably because they do not get "major" wrestling shows that come through the UK very often. 

  5. I watch TNA every now and then, and part of me still can't process the fact that Bubba Ray is like one of the top heels there. I just never thought he was anything special as a singles guy.


    I honestly thought he has been great until recently. He is in much better shape and has always been great on the mic. But I am not really on board with what they are doing with him now. TNA tends to confuse people sometimes. Maybe that's why I watch, just to try and figure out what the hell is going on.

  6. Was watching a little TNA last night. They kept hinting at this secret investor who was coming to take charge. I don't know their storylines. Dixie Carter stinks as a Heel. Fell asleep....when I woke up today I looked online. Its freaking MVP? Really? That was their big get? I thought it was going to be a real person like Billy Corgan with the rumors he wanted to buy the company. That would have been interesting and real.




    No kidding. I am one of the dozen or so people that actually watch TNA fairly regularly. And that was the definition of anticlimactic. Corgan would have been at least interesting. I can't imagine this being very good. LKB nailed essentially what I was thinking.


    I was expecting it to be a former wrestler or personality and I was thinking the whole show that "I am going to punch somebody if its Bischoff."

  7. Another sign of the times: he was champ for a year and a half and we call that "being in limbo."


    Haha, good point. But even then, did you think he was the face of the company for that year and a half? Or that they wanted him to be the face of the company?


    It just seems like even when he had the belt, there have been a lot of times when they were never quite sure what to do with Punk.

  8. I still think it's a work, but that sounds plausible.


    I assume that Punk go to Japan and make big money there for limited work if he wanted to as well.


    This is where pro wrestling is right now: Punk has been a mainstay in WWE for 8 years and we still treat him like a young up and comer.


    Well, to be fair, he has not really been used as a true top of the card guy as much as he should have been. Those eight years have been a roller coaster because it seems like they did not know what to do with him a lot of the time. Even after the worked shoot, he shot to the top, but he was back in limbo not too long afterward.


    And for the record, I think it is a work too.

  9. I erased that Wand fight from my memory. I refuse to believe it happened. Even though you just described it, I refuse to believe you. :)


    Also, from the "my other favorite fighter" file, Hendo is having a rematch against Shogun on March 23 on a FS1 card. The first one was an absolute war, but I don't know how thrilled I am to see them go at it again. Seems to me that there could be a lot of other interesting matchups for both guys.

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  10. Wish Shogun would move down in weight. He's got a lot of mileage at this point. Division is stacked, but what awesome matchups he'd be in. Body frame is right for 185, think he'd woop some serious ass, be a threat to the title again.


    No kidding, that would be awesome. He is always at a size disadvantage at 205, and, as you say, there are some amazing matchups for him at 185.

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