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Everything posted by SkinsFanRob

  1. Burkie with another game winner for the avalanche. Lookin like a good fit for them.
  2. I know it’s a small sample size but samsonov looks good. I’m ok with giving him more playing time.
  3. They have us right where they want us. we are due a call or two in the third right?
  4. Every time we play these chumps it’s like a punch in the stomach with forsberg scoring like crazy
  5. So I’m a casual baseball fan. I’m more a football slash hockey guy. But I have to admit reading this thread last night and watching it go from same story different year to pure joy was pretty damn cool. Happy for you die hards.
  6. we have been a bit busy to start the season. The flyers on the other hand have only played one game to our 4. yes. I realize they played over seas.
  7. Power play is hurting. Lucky to get a point tonight.
  8. Happy to have the lead ur really wan a goal from the captain. Needs to start scoring if he’s gonna pass Gretzky lol. the beast has been great so far this season. He’s the only reason we were in the game against the canes. His saves early in that game we’re huge.
  9. 5 points in the first 3 games. I will take it.
  10. One thing I’m slightly confused about is we were made to believe Jon was resurrected by the lord of light for a reason. What was it? Barrick dondarian was resurrected numerous times but died after saving arya and his purpose was fulfilled. So so we are supposed to believe Jon’s purpose was to kill Dany and ride off into the sunset with the free folk?
  11. Anyone else think Jon petting ghost was just recently added 😂
  12. How did Tyrion go from being a prisoner to having a say in how the realm was ruled. Bran. Really?! BRAN?
  13. I’m trying to figure how Tyrion even lived to make it at kings landing. Wouldn’t they have realized Jamie was gone by then
  14. It just feels like there is a lot to wrap up in two episodes. I have a hard time believing that’s the last we see of Sam and tormund. Like after everything they just hug it out and hit the dusty trail?
  15. Anyone else kinda irritated Cerci just got to sit this one out lol.
  16. Is khaleesi down to one dragon now? Couldn’t tell if the one Jon was riding died or not.
  17. I thought Arya was done for! Night king died pretty easily to be honest though lol. Thought more major characters were gonna bite it. Pretty bummed about Jorah though
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